
301 件ヒット (0.034秒):

  •   インド仏教史演習 / History of Indian Buddhism (Seminar)  
      桜井 宗信  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  



    The Abhidharmakośa by Vasubandhu is very famous as an outline of the thought of the Sarvāstivādin in brief and critical manner, and it is necessary not only for grasping the Sarvāstivādin's way of thinking but also for understanding the thought of Mahāyānic Buddhism such as the Yogācāravāda.

    In this course continuing from the last term, we will be reading Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese texts of the Abhidhramakośa( Dhātunirdeśa), which serves students to understand Vasubandhu's thought and to get a basic skill on studying Indian Buddhist Literatures, i.e. the comparative study of Skt.-Tibetan-Chinese texts.

  •   インド仏教史研究演習Ⅱ / History of Indian Buddhism(Advanced Seminar)II  
      桜井 宗信  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  



    The Abhidharmakośa by Vasubandhu is very famous as an outline of the thought of the Sarvāstivādin in brief and critical manner, and it is necessary not only for grasping the Sarvāstivādin's way of thinking but also for understanding the thought of Mahāyānic Buddhism such as the Yogācāravāda.

    In this course continuing from the last term, we will be reading Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese texts of the Abhidhramakośa( Dhātunirdeśa), which serves students to understand Vasubandhu's thought and to get a basic skill on studying Indian Buddhist Literatures, i.e. the comparative study of Skt.-Tibetan-Chinese texts.

  •   インド仏教史演習 / History of Indian Buddhism (Seminar)  
      桜井 宗信  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  



    The Abhidharmakośa by Vasubandhu is very famous as an outline of the thought of the Sarvāstivādin in brief and critical manner, and it is necessary not only for grasping the Sarvāstivādin's way of thinking but also for understanding the thought of Mahāyānic Buddhism such as the Yogācāravāda.

    In this course continuing from the last term, we will be reading Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese texts of the Abhidhramakośa( Dhātunirdeśa), which serves students to understand Vasubandhu's thought and to get a basic skill on studying Indian Buddhist Literatures, i.e. the comparative study of Skt.-Tibetan-Chinese texts.

  •   インド仏教史研究演習Ⅰ / History of Indian Buddhism(Advanced Seminar)I  
      桜井 宗信  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  



    The Abhidharmakośa by Vasubandhu is very famous as an outline of the thought of the Sarvāstivādin in brief and critical manner, and it is necessary not only for grasping the Sarvāstivādin's way of thinking but also for understanding the thought of Mahāyānic Buddhism such as the Yogācāravāda.

    In this course continuing from the last term, we will be reading Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese texts of the Abhidhramakośa( Dhātunirdeśa), which serves students to understand Vasubandhu's thought and to get a basic skill on studying Indian Buddhist Literatures, i.e. the comparative study of Skt.-Tibetan-Chinese texts.

  •   インド仏教史特論Ⅱ / History of Indian Buddhism(Advanced Lecture)II  
      桜井 宗信  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  

    チベット仏教界を代表する宗派の一つ Sa skya 派の管長を務めたbSod nams rtse mo(1142–1182)の代表作の1つ『タントラ概論』(rGyud sde spyi rnam)の講読を通じて,インドからチベットへと伝えられた密教に関する基本的な知識や理論を学ぶとともに,「蔵外文献」を読みこなす上で必要となる古典チベット語読解能力の向上を図る。

    By intensive reading of the rGyud sde spyi rnam, which is one of the masterpiece of bSod nams rtse mo (the second of the Five Venerable Masters of Sa skya pa), this course helps students learn about basic knowledge and theory of the Tantric Buddhism transmitted from India to Tibet, and deepen the ability of digesting native Tibetan Buddhist literatures in classical written Tibetan.

  •   インド仏教史各論 / History of Indian Buddhism  
      桜井 宗信  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  

    チベット仏教界を代表する宗派の一つ Sa skya 派の管長を務めたbSod nams rtse mo(1142–1182)の代表作の1つ『タントラ概論』(rGyud sde spyi rnam)の講読を通じて,インドからチベットへと伝えられた密教に関する基本的な知識や理論を学ぶとともに,「蔵外文献」を読みこなす上で必要となる古典チベット語読解能力の向上を図る。

    By intensive reading of the rGyud sde spyi rnam, which is one of the masterpiece of bSod nams rtse mo (the second of the Five Venerable Masters of Sa skya pa), this course helps students learn about basic knowledge and theory of the Tantric Buddhism transmitted from India to Tibet, and deepen the ability of digesting native Tibetan Buddhist literatures in classical written Tibetan.

  •   インド仏教史特論Ⅰ / History of Indian Buddhism(Advanced Lecture)I  
      桜井 宗信  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  

    チベット仏教界を代表する宗派の一つ Sa skya 派の管長を務めたbSod nams rtse mo(1142–1182)の代表作の1つ『タントラ概論』(rGyud sde spyi rnam)の講読を通じて,インドからチベットへと伝えられた密教に関する基本的な知識や理論を学ぶとともに,「蔵外文献」を読みこなす上で必要となる古典チベット語読解能力の向上を図る。

    By intensive reading of the rGyud sde spyi rnam, which is one of the masterpiece of bSod nams rtse mo (the second of the Five Venerable Masters of Sa skya pa), this course helps students learn about basic knowledge and theory of the Tantric Buddhism transmitted from India to Tibet, and deepen the ability of digesting native Tibetan Buddhist literatures in classical written Tibetan.

  •   インド仏教史各論 / Indological Studies (General Lecture)  
      桜井 宗信  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  

    チベット仏教界を代表する宗派の一つ Sa skya 派の管長を務めたbSod nams rtse mo(1142–1182)の代表作の1つ『タントラ概論』(rGyud sde spyi rnam)の講読を通じて,インドからチベットへと伝えられた密教に関する基本的な知識や理論を学ぶとともに,「蔵外文献」を読みこなす上で必要となる古典チベット語読解能力の向上を図る。

    By intensive reading of the rGyud sde spyi rnam, which is one of the masterpiece of bSod nams rtse mo (the second of the Five Venerable Masters of Sa skya pa), this course helps students learn about basic knowledge and theory of the Tantric Buddhism transmitted from India to Tibet, and deepen the ability of digesting native Tibetan Buddhist literatures in classical written Tibetan.

  •   インド仏教史概論 / History of Indian Buddhism (General Lecture)  
      桜井 宗信  
      前期 月曜日 1講時  


    The purpose of this course is to help students understand the outline of the Indian Buddhist history from the life and thougt of Śākyamuni to the middle Mādhyamika.

  •   人文社会序論 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      西村 直子  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    本授業では,A. L. Basham, History and Doctrines of THE ĀJĪVIKAS. A Vanished Indian Religion(アージーヴィカ教の歴史と教理. インドの消滅した宗教)(London 1951)原文の講読を通じて,仏教興起時代(紀元前5世紀頃)に至るインドの宗教と社会の成り立ちを紹介する。受講者は予習としてBashamの英語原文を和訳し,その内容について講師が解説する。サンスクリット語,パーリ語,並びにこれらの言語で伝承される原典についても随時紹介し,インドの言語文化に直接触れることのできる機会を提供する。今年度は前年度に終えた部分のコピーを配布し,本論部分から読み始める。

    This course introduces overview of the history of religion and society in early Buddhist India (c. 5C. B.C.) based on A. L. Basham, History and Doctrines of THE ĀJĪVIKAS: A Vanished Indian Religion (London 1951). Students will translate some parts of this book into Japanese as preparation for the class. They also listen to lectures on the history of Indian Buddhism. This class will offer students an opportunity to get familiar with some passages of the Veda or Buddhist Canon traditioned in Sanskrit and Pāli, the languages of ancient India.
