
844 件ヒット (0.035秒):

  •   英文学特論Ⅰ / English Literature (Advanced Lecture)I  
      大河内 昌  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  

    批評理論の入門書であるHans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics の前半部分を読解します。理論の裏づけのない文学読解はたんなる印象批評になってしまいます。この授業では20世紀初頭の新批評から新歴史主義やポストコロニアル批評までの主要な批評理論を跡づけます。授業では毎回担当者を決めて、発表してもらい、その発表を起点に全員でディスカッションをします。

    A seminar on literary theory. We will read closely the first half of Hans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics to understand fundamental principles of literay theory. Analysis of literary works without theory destines to become an impressionist reading. This seminar will trace major trends of contemporary criticism from structuralism to new-historicism, and post-colonialism. Each class will start with report by students on the contents of the text, and we will make discussions based on the presentation.

  •   英文学特論Ⅱ / English Literature (Advanced Lecture)II  
      大河内 昌  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  

    批評理論の入門書であるHans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics の後半部分とJonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics を読解します。理論の裏づけのない文学読解はたんなる印象批評になってしまいます。この授業では20世紀初頭の新批評から新歴史主義やポストコロニアル批評までの主要な批評理論を跡づけます。授業では毎回担当者を決めて、発表してもらい、その発表を起点に全員でディスカッションをします。

    A seminar on literary theory. We will read closely the latter half of Hans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics and Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics to understand fundamental principles of literay theory. Analysis of literary works without theory destines to become an impressionist reading. This seminar will trace the trend of contemporary criticism from structuralism to new-historicism, and post-colonialism. Each class will start with report by students on the contents of the text, and we will make discussions based on the presentation.

  •   英文学各論 / English Literature  
      大河内 昌  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    A close reading of the latter half of Paul Auster's “Invisible” and "Man in the Dark." In "Man in the Dark," a old man's life is described through multiple layers of stories. The plot structure is complicated, to be sure, but the reading experience of this novel will be very rewarding. In each class, three students make report on the contents of the text and we make discussion based on the report.

  •   英文学各論 / English Literature  
      大河内 昌  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    A close reading of the fisrt half of Paul Auster's “Moon Palce.” Auster is famous for his style of story-tellingg. In this novel, Auster describes, through a story of a young man's life and adventure, what America is. The plot structure is Complicated, to be sure, but the reading experience of this novel will be very rewarding. In each class, three students make report on the contents of the text and we make discussion based on the report.

  •   英文学講読 / English Literature (Reading)  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  

    Kazuo Ishiguro is the acclaimed Japanese-born and British-based author who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017. The Remains of the Day (1989) is one of his most famous novels (and later adapted into a popular movie), which describes the life and love of a butler serving an English aristocrat in the 1930s, and how he reacts to the coming of the Second World War. In this course we will study Ishiguro’s novel as both an example of contemporary English fiction about social class, and as a way to think about the memory of the World War in British Postwar culture. Students will read a part of the novel each week and in the class we will discuss relevant topics. Students should learn about the style of modern fiction, techniques for reading, and improve subject knowledge about twentieth-century culture.

    カズオ・イシグロは、2017年にノーベル文学賞を受賞した、日本生まれで英国在住の高名な作家である。日の名残り』(1989年)は彼の最も有名な小説の一つで(後に映画化され人気を博した)、1930年代の英国貴族に仕える執事の人生と愛、そして第二次世界大戦の到来に対する彼の反応を描いている。 このコースでは、社会階級を扱った現代イギリス小説の一例として、また戦後イギリス文化における世界大戦の記憶について考える方法として、イシグロの小説を学ぶ。受講生は毎週小説の一部を読み、クラスでは関連するトピックについて議論する。現代小説のスタイルや読解のテクニックを学び、20世紀文化に関する知識を深める。

  •   英文学基礎講読Ⅰ / English Literature (Introductory Reading)I  
      大河内 昌  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    Close reading of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland & Alice through the Lookin-Glass. These works are written in easy English that even children can understand, but there are various kinds of mysterious and laughing materials. We read closely the texts in order to appreciate the unique taste of these works. In each class, three students make report on the contents of the text and we make discussion based on the report.

  •   英文学概論 / English Literature (General Lecture)  
      大河内 昌  
      後期 火曜日 1講時  


    This lecture traces the history of English novel from the 18th- to 19th century, focusing on the works of Jane Austen. In Britain, modern realist novels developed relatively earlier than other European countries, and we find its fully developed form in Jane Austen. This course will read major works of Jane Austen and some of her predecessors, also paying attention to the method of analysis of literary works.

  •   英文学演習Ⅰ / English Literature (Seminar)I  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  

    William Shakespeare,_As You Like It_を参加者全員で精読する。英語を正確に読むことはもちろん、作品の内包するイメージ・シンボル、構造なども読解することが要求される。授業では毎回担当者を決めて該当箇所の日本語訳とコメントをしてもらう。その後参加者でディスカッションを行い、テクストの理解を深める。最終的に作品論を書いてもらう。

    Students will be required to do the 'close reading' of William Shakespeare, _As You Like It_. 'Close Reading' in this class means not only understanding Shakespeare's English correctly but also reading, for example, images, symbols, structures of the text. In each class, some of the students will be asked to translate and provide comments on the assigned part. Additionally, all students will be encouraged to actively participate in the discussion to enhance their understanding of the text. At the end of the term, students will be requred to write an essay on _As You Like It_.

  •   英文学概論 / English Literature (General Lecture)  
      大河内 昌  
      前期 火曜日 1講時  


    This lecture covers English poetry from the Renaissance to the 20th century, focusing on famous poems in these periods. Because poetry is usually written based on literary tradition and conventions, this lecture pays attention to the knowledge of literary genres and conventions. Generally speaking, poems don't seem to talk to you if you don't approach to poems for yourself, but if you ask questions to poems, they will surely give you rewarding answers.

  •   英語文化論各論 / English Culture (Special Lecture)  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

    文学研究においても注目を集めている「情動 (Affect)」という視点から英国モダニズム文学を再考します。その議論において、言語芸術である文学と視覚芸術である絵画との差異と同一性が浮上してきます。このような観点から、新たな人文学の可能性を探究します。受講生が、文学研究に関して、これまでにない斬新な視野から議論をできるように訓練をします。この講義が準拠する情動理論は米国の理論家であるFredric Jamesonのリアリズム論ですが、この議論は文学テクストにおける「絵画的瞬間」に関して新たな解釈を可能にするものです。これを出発点にして、英国モダニズム期の美術批評家であるRoger Fryのいわゆる「ポスト印象主義(Post-Impressionism)」理論を再解釈しながら、同時代の作家たちであるVirginia Woolf、Katherine Mansfield、Joseph Conradなどのテクストを扱います。また、Sigmund Freudの精神分析にもこの文脈で言及します。情動をめぐるこれらの論点の背後には英国の心霊学研究(psychical research)あるいは金本位制などの歴史的文脈があり、それについても考察します。それと同時に、唯物論(materialism)に関するモダニズム的な意義についてもこの文脈で議論することになるでしょう。このように、本講義は、モダニズム芸術に関して、このような論点から新たな視点を獲得することを目的とします。

    This course is designed to reexamine British modernist literature through the lens of 'affect,' a prominent theme in recent literary studies. This perspective aims to highlight the intriguing distinctions and similarities between literature as a verbal art and painting as a visual art. Students will be guided to explore modernist literature from this innovative viewpoint, encouraging discussions and analyses. The foundation of the course discussions will be Fredric Jameson's argument on realism, an American Marxist theorist. This framework allows for fresh and insightful interpretations of what can be termed 'painterly moments' within literary texts. Building upon this foundation, the course will reassess the concept of 'post-impressionism' proposed by British art critic Roger Fry. Simultaneously, students will delve into modernist works by Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, and Joseph Conrad. The exploration will also incorporate Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. The course will shed light on British psychical research and the gold standard as historical contexts for the modernist intricacies of 'affect.' Simultaneously, it will contemplate the modernist significance of materialism within these historical contexts. Ultimately, the course aims to provide a novel historical perspective for reevaluating modernist art and literature.
