
英文学特論Ⅱ / English Literature (Advanced Lecture)II

後期 金曜日 3講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 大河内 昌. セメスター: 2学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LGH-LIT611J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



Introduction to Literary Theory (2)

Course Title (授業題目)

Introduction to Literary Theory (2)


批評理論の入門書であるHans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics の後半部分とJonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics を読解します。理論の裏づけのない文学読解はたんなる印象批評になってしまいます。この授業では20世紀初頭の新批評から新歴史主義やポストコロニアル批評までの主要な批評理論を跡づけます。授業では毎回担当者を決めて、発表してもらい、その発表を起点に全員でディスカッションをします。

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

A seminar on literary theory. We will read closely the latter half of Hans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics and Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics to understand fundamental principles of literay theory. Analysis of literary works without theory destines to become an impressionist reading. This seminar will trace the trend of contemporary criticism from structuralism to new-historicism, and post-colonialism. Each class will start with report by students on the contents of the text, and we will make discussions based on the presentation.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

(1)To acquire the knowledge of critical theory
(2)To be able to think logically and critically
(3)To develop the skill of reading theoretical texts


(1) Introduction
(2) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 150-167.
(3) Literary Theory: the Basic1; pp. 168-180.
(4) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 180-194.
(5) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 195-210.
(6) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 213-222.
(7) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 222-232.
(8) Jonathan Culler, "Literary Cpmpetence," pp.113-121.
(9) Jonathan Culler, "Literary Cpmpetence," pp.122-130.
(10) Jonathan Culler, "Convention and Naturalization," pp.131-140.
(11) Jonathan Culler, "Convention and Naturalization," pp.141-150.
(12) Jonathan Culler, "Convention and Naturalization," pp.151-160.
(13) Jonathan Culler "Beyond Interpretation," pp.3-10.
(14) Jonathan Culler "Beyond Interpretation," pp.11-17.

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

(1) Introduction
(2) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 150-167.
(3) Literary Theory: the Basic1; pp. 168-180.
(4) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 180-194.
(5) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 195-210.
(6) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 213-222.
(7) Literary Theory: the Basics, pp. 222-232.
(8) Jonathan Culler, "Literary Cpmpetence," pp.113-121.
(9) Jonathan Culler, "Literary Cpmpetence," pp.122-130.
(10) Jonathan Culler, "Convention and Naturalization," pp.131-140.
(11) Jonathan Culler, "Convention and Naturalization," pp.141-150.
(12) Jonathan Culler, "Convention and Naturalization," pp.151-160.
(13) Jonathan Culler "Beyond Interpretation," pp.3-10.
(14) Jonathan Culler "Beyond Interpretation," pp.11-17.



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Presentation & class participation 50%; term paper 50%


Hans Bertens, Literary Theory: the Basics, 3rd edition (Routledge, 2014)
プリント配布(Jonathan Culler)




office hour: Tuesday 15:00-16:30 and by appointment.

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