
308 件ヒット (0.043秒):

  •   東洋古代中世史特論Ⅰ / Ancient and Medieval History in Asia(Advanced Lecture)I  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    In pre-modern East Asia, the Chinese Dynasty established distinctive orders such as the tributary system and the feudal system with neighboring countries, and ruled over ethnic groups in their territories. In the first half of this course, we will review studies on the order of Chinese dynasties in the pre-modern period. In the second half, we will focus on Qin-Han period, specifically examine the relationships that the Chinese dynasties formed with the neighboring countries and peoples.

  •   東洋史各論 / Oriental History  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    In pre-modern East Asia, the Chinese Dynasty established distinctive orders such as the tributary system and the feudal system with neighboring countries, and ruled over ethnic groups in their territories. In the first half of this course, we will review studies on the order of Chinese dynasties in the pre-modern period. In the second half, we will focus on Qin-Han period, specifically examine the relationships that the Chinese dynasties formed with the neighboring countries and peoples.

  •   東洋古代中世史特論Ⅲ / Ancient and Medieval History in Asia(Advanced Lecture)III  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    This course covers the aristocratic system in the Wei,Jin, and Southern Dynasties (220-589)to help students understand the characteristics of the Wei,Jin, and Southern Dynasties time in Chinese history.

  •   東洋史各論 / Oriental History  
      川合 安  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    This course covers the aristocratic system in the Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang (439-907)to help students understand the characteristics of the Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang time in Chinese history.

  •   東洋史各論 / Oriental History  
      川合 安  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    This course covers the aristocratic system in the Wei,Jin, and Southern Dynasties (220-589)to help students understand the characteristics of the Wei,Jin, and Southern Dynasties time in Chinese history.

  •   東洋・日本美術史特論Ⅱ / History of Oriental and Japanese Fine Arts(Advanced Lecture)II  
      杉本 欣久  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  



    This course provides an overview of Edo art work,based on historical and cultural background and explanations influence from China and Korean Peninsula and originality of Japan from the perspective of Japan in East Asia.

  •   中国文学概論 / Chinese Literature (General Lecture)  
      矢田 尚子  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  






    【Course Objectives】

    1.In this course, students read poetry from Pre-Qin to Song dynasty to acquire knowledge of Chinese classical literature.

    2.At the same time, students grasp the fundamentals of classical Chinese literature such as the construction of classical Chinese writings, differences between archaic style poetry (Gu ti shi) and new style poetry (Jin ti shi), and their rules.

    【Course Synopsis】

    This course focus on poetry from Pre-Qin to Song dynasty era. The lecturer explains important issues according to era or genre, students actually read the representative poetry and understand the contents.

  •   東洋史演習 / Oriental History (Seminar)  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


    The aim of this course is help students improve the skills to read the Chinese classics, to acquire the basic knowledge about history from the Spring and Autumn period to Qin-Han period, and become proficient in handling the traditional literatures of Chinese. In this course, we will read Chunqiu春秋 (Spring and Autumn annals) and Zuo zhuan左氏伝 (Zuo’s tradition). Students will read the text and notes carefully, compare them with other related literatures and excavated materials, and prepare a translation and notes.

  •   東洋史演習 / Oriental History (Seminar)  
      前期 月曜日 5講時  


    The aim of this course is help students improve the skills to read the Chinese classics, to acquire the basic knowledge about history from the Spring and Autumn period to Qin-Han period, and become proficient in handling the traditional literatures of Chinese. In this course, we will read the history part of Qin in Zi zhi tong jian(資治通鑑, Comprehensive mirror for aid in government). Students will read the text and notes carefully, contrast to original historical and philosophical classics, such as Shi ji史記 and Zhanguo ce戦国策, and compare them with the bamboo and wooden slips, will conduct the investigation and make a translation and notes.

  •   東洋古代中世史特論Ⅱ / Ancient and Medieval History in Asia(Advanced Lecture)II  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    The unification of China by the First Emperor (Qin Shi Huangdi) occupies a special place in the history of East Asia. Though the unification period of Qin Dynasty was actually only a small part of its long history, and much of its institutional and ideological situation had not been clear in the past due to a lack of historical date. However, in recent years, new historical documents and materials have been unearthed one after another, many studies have been published, which make it possible to clear many facts. In this course, we will provide the history of Qin state from its founding to its unification and destruction, and discuss some important issues, with the aim to clarify the status of current research.
