
3826 件ヒット (0.033秒):

  •   商法演習Ⅷ  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 法学部演習室2番  



    Regulators depend on the regulated for much of the information they need to do their jobs properly, and this dependence encourages regulators to accommodate the regulated. Taxpayers and citizens, on the other hand, generally have little incentive to monitor regulations and are generally unaware of them. Regulators therefore tend to perform their duties with the regulated rather than the public in mind, which further encourages regulators to align themselves with the interests of the regulated. In addition, the incentives of regulators and the desire to secure future career opportunities make it difficult for regulators to avoid aligning themselves with the interests of the regulated. Therefore, maintaining an appropriate relationship between the regulator and the regulated is considered a very important issue.

    Keeping in mind the possible problems of capitalism, this seminar will consider the proper procedures for corporate governance reform in Japan in recent times.

  •   金融論演習(I)b  
      KOJI ASANO  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第4演習室  

    This seminar focuses on international macroeconomics. We will study various topics, including: current account determination; the real exchange rate; international capital market integration; capital controls; monetary policy and exchange rates; and balance of payments crises.

  •   恒星物理学特殊講義Ⅰ / Stellar Astrophysics  
      田中 雅臣  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  







    This lecture broadly covers theoretical and observational aspects of

    stellar astrophysics, with special emphasis on explosive transients

    in the Universe, such as supernovae and neutron star mergers.

    Theoretical part includes overview of stellar evolution,

    physics of supernovae and neutron star mergers,

    and observable signals from such events.

    Observational part includes standard observables of stars

    and relations to the stellar properties,

    how to extract physics from observational data of transients,

    and methods of time-domain astronomy.

  •   恒星物理学特論Ⅰ / Stellar Astrophysics  
      田中 雅臣  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  







    This lecture broadly covers theoretical and observational aspects of

    stellar astrophysics, with special emphasis on explosive transients

    in the Universe, such as supernovae and neutron star mergers.

    Theoretical part includes overview of stellar evolution,

    physics of supernovae and neutron star mergers,

    and observable signals from such events.

    Observational part includes standard observables of stars

    and relations to the stellar properties,

    how to extract physics from observational data of transients,

    and methods of time-domain astronomy.

  •   Introduction to Latin American  
      ZAVARCE VELASQUE, 岡部 恭宜  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  

    This course is designed to introduce students to the political history and current dynamics unfolding in Latin American and Caribbean countries to understand the diverse elements that shape and influence the political systems of these states and their development models.

    The focus throughout the course will be providing students with the necessary content to understand developments in contemporary Latin American politics through the study of the different political approaches implemented by the governments of the region to promote national and regional development and challenge or insert themselves into the Global Governance architecture.

  •   恒星物理学Ⅱ / Stellar evolution  
      田中 雅臣  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    Stars are fundamental ingredients in the Universe. Thus, to understand various objects and phenomena in the Universe, one must know the basic properties of stars. In this lecture, students lean the basic of stellar properties and stellar evolution by applying dynamics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, relativity, and so on.

  •   Seminar in Economics a  
      KOJI ASANO  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第4演習室  

    This seminar focuses on financial decision-making and asset pricing.

  •   【トピックス経済学】環境経済/環境経済学Ⅰ  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 経済学部第3講義室  




    The purpose of this course is to acquire basic knowledge of economic theory to analyze environmental issues.

    Environmental economics is one of the applied fields of microeconomics. Therefore, knowledge of microeconomics is assumed in the lectures. 講義ノート1-5.PDF is attached for review of microeconomics. Those who have forgotten or have never studied microeconomics should read them before the course.

    Also attached are the lecture notes for the first and second lectures (講義ノート6 and 講義ノート7). Please study those in advance and come to class.

  •   応用数理特殊講義GⅢ / Random matrix theory and high-dimensional statistics  
      赤間 陽二  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  

    ランダム行列理論は成分がランダムな行列を研究し、Wigner, Marchenko, PasturやDysonなどの核物理学者によって基本的な研究がされ、数学・物理・工学に広く応用されている。確率論の大数の法則・中心極限定理は、ランダム行列理論ではどのような形を取るであろうか。我々は、物理学者が研究してきた行列の代表的な様式に対して、行列のサイズの極限における、行列の固有値分布、最大(最小)固有値の場所、最大固有値の変動、これら各々の確率分布を理解することを最初の目的とする。ところでランダム行列は、多変数統計学における標本共分散行列・標本相関行列としても現れる。この観点で近年Bai, Fan, Jiangなどがランダム行列理論を大規模高次元データの統計学に応用している。データの典型的な生成メカニズムに対して、データ行列の行数(データの次元)と列数(サンプルのサイズ)の典型的な関係を保った極限において、標本共分散行列・標本相関行列の固有値分布、最大(最小)固有値の場所、最大固有値の変動、これら各々の確率分布を理解することを次の目的とする。大規模データの統計学において、標本相関行列次元を用いてデータの次元を削減する。大規模データの近年の膾炙に伴い、削減する次元の目安が活発に提案されている。その目安の振る舞いをランダム行列理論で解明し、時系列解析への関連を展望する。

    Random matrix theory studies matrices whose elements are random, and was initiated and studied by nuclear physicists Wigner, Dyson, Marchenko, and Pastur. Since then, deep research has been studied across mathematics, physics, and engineering. Does random matrix theory have any counterparts to the Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem of the probability theory? For matrices physicists have extensively studied, in the limit of matrix sizes, we will understand the distributions of eigenvalues, the locations of the maximum (minimum) eigenvalues, the fluctuation distributions of the maximum eigenvalues. Random matrices also appear as sample covariance matrices and sample correlation matrices in multivariate statistics. Recently, Bai, Fan, and Jiang have applied the theory of random matrices to the statistics of large-scale high-dimensional data. For typical generation mechanisms (Factor model,...) of data, we will understand the distributions of eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices and sample correlation matrices, the locations of the maximum (minimum) eigenvalues, the fluctuation distributions of the maximum eigenvalues, in the limit of the number of rows (the dimension of the data) and the number of columns (the size of the sample). In the statistics of large-scale data, we often reduce the dimension of data. The criteria on the reduced dimensions are now actively proposed and studied, because of recent big data. We elucidate the behavior of typical dimension reduction criteria and to explore their relevance to time series analysis.

  •   金融行政Ⅰ  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  


    The purpose of this lecture is to deepen understanding of direct finance, in which companies and countries issue corporate bonds, stocks, and public bonds to raise necessary funds directly from lenders through securities markets,and to acquire knowledge of the roles of the Financial Services Agency and others that regulate and supervise such markets and market participants.

    In particular, we would like to examine the challenges and prospects for households' financial asset management, which is less profitable than in the U.S. and Europe.
