
4785 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   Seminar in Economics a  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第24演習室  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to become familiar with previous studies relevant to your research topics, 2) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 3) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 4) to gain presentation skills. This class is designed for the first year students.

  •   Seminar in Economics b  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第3演習室  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to become familiar with previous studies relevant to your research topics, 2) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 3) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 4) to gain presentation skills. This class is designed for the first year students.

  •   国際経済演習(I)a  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第24演習室  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to become familiar with previous studies on students' research topics, 2) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 3) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 4) to gain presentation skills. We conduct the class mainly to check research progress.

  •   国際経済演習(I)b  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第3演習室  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to become familiar with previous studies relevant to students' research topics, 2) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 3) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 4) to gain presentation skills. This class is designed for the first year students.

  •   国際経済演習(Ⅱ)a  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 2) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 3) to complete the draft of a Project Report or Thesis. Students continue research on a topic decided in Seminar in Econ a and b. This class is designed for the second year students.

  •   国際経済演習(Ⅱ)b  
      後期集中 その他 その他  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 2) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 3) to complete the draft of a Project Report or Thesis. Students continue research on a topic decided in Seminar in Econ a and b. This class is designed for the second-year students.

  •   Project Guidance in Econ a  
      後期集中 その他 その他  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 2) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 3) to complete the draft of a Project Report or Thesis. Students continue research on a topic decided in Seminar in Econ a and b. This class is designed for the second year students.

  •   Project Guidance in Econ a  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 2) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 3) to complete the draft of a Project Report or Thesis. Students continue research on a topic decided in Seminar in Econ a and b. This class is designed for the second year students.

  •   Project Guidance in Econ b  
      後期集中 その他 その他  

    The objectives of this class are 1) to learn relevant statistical theories and improve computer programming skills, 2) to acquire hands-on experience writing lengthy reports, and 3) to complete the draft of a Project Report or Thesis. Students continue research on a topic decided in Seminar in Econ a and b and Project Guidance in Econ a. This class is designed for the second-year student.

  •   Seminar in Economics a  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  

    This seminar is a learning opportunity for students to acquire the skills necessary to obtain a master's degree. Students will further their knowledge of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics at the graduate level, understand the latest academic papers, and be prepared to write their own papers.In particular, we study techniques of behavioral and experimental economics.
