
6784 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   労働経済学演習(I)a  
      BAI YU  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第9演習室  

    The course's primary objective is to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of Labor Economics, encompassing theoretical principles and empirical methods.

    Students are primarily selected based on their academic background and goals. If you are interested, please kindly send me your brief resume and transcript via email, and I will promptly respond and proceed with further communication.

    Email address: bai.yu.c2@tohoku.ac.jp

  •   労働経済学演習(I)b  
      BAI YU  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第9演習室  

    The course's primary objective is to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of Labor Economics, encompassing theoretical principles and empirical methods, and cultivate the ability to write a promising research proposal.

    Students are primarily selected based on their academic background and goals. If you are interested, please kindly send me your brief resume and transcript via email, and I will promptly respond and proceed with further communication.

    Email address: bai.yu.c2@tohoku.ac.jp

  •   Seminar in Economics b  
      後期 火曜日 6講時 経済学部第4演習室  

    This seminar is a learning opportunity for students to acquire the skills necessary to obtain a master's degree. Students will further their knowledge of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics at the graduate level, understand the latest academic papers, and be prepared to write their own papers.In particular, we study techniques of behavioral and experimental economics.

  •   開発経済学演習(I)a  
      LI YANJUN  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第2演習室  

    This seminar's theme is to explore theories and empirics in development economics, with a focus on various topics including poverty, inequality, population, urbanization, human capital, agriculture and environment, and institutions in developing countries.

  •   開発経済学演習(I)b  
      LI YANJUN  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第2演習室  

    This seminar's theme is to explore theories and empirics in development economics, with a focus on various topics including poverty, inequality, population, urbanization, human capital, agriculture and environment, and institutions in developing countries.

  •   経済学演習(Ⅰ)A  
      BAI YU  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 経済学部第9演習室 / 後期 火曜日 5講時 経済学部第9演習室  


    Seminar is the subject that aims to improve students' proactive intellectual exploration skills on specialized topics through small-scale and interactive communication between professors and students.

  •   Seminar in Economics a  
      BAI YU  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第9演習室  

    Seminar is a subject designed to enhance students' proactive intellectual exploration skills in specialized topics, facilitated by small-scale and interactive communication between professors and students.

  •   経済学演習(Ⅰ)B  
      BAI YU  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 経済学部第9演習室 / 前期 火曜日 5講時 経済学部第9演習室  


    Seminar is the subject that aims to improve students' proactive intellectual exploration skills on specialized topics through small-scale and interactive communication between professors and students.

  •   経済学演習(Ⅰ)B  
      BAI YU  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 経済学部第9演習室 / 後期 火曜日 5講時 経済学部第9演習室  


    Seminar is the subject that aims to improve students' proactive intellectual exploration skills on specialized topics through small-scale and interactive communication between professors and students.

  •   Seminar in Economics b  
      BAI YU  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第9演習室  

    Seminar is a subject designed to enhance students' proactive intellectual exploration skills in specialized topics, facilitated by small-scale and interactive communication between professors and students
