
4105 件ヒット (0.029秒):

  •   多文化理解PBL特別演習  
      高橋 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  


    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. You are highly expected to participate as a facilitator in group discussions, and lead to make the group presentations.

  •   国際教養PBL  
      髙松 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA204  

    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. Your active participation in the classroom is expected.


  •   多文化理解PBL特別演習  
      高橋 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  


    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. You are highly expected to participate as a facilitator in group discussions, and lead to make the group presentations.

  •   国際事情  
      髙松 美能  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA204  

    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. Your active participation in the classroom is expected.



  •   多文化PBL  
      髙松 美能  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    The aim of this course is firstly, to discuss the issues related to the Great East Japan Earthquake and natural disaster, and through it, to raise communication skills, actively participate in the class, and gain international awareness. You will learn about the facts and knowledge but also the skills to analyze the problems and find the solutions through experiencing a collaborative project with students from different backgrounds under the same goal. We will communicate in Japanese, but you are allowed to use English if necessary, in order to overcome the language barrier.

  •   多文化教育論特論  
      髙松 美能  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 その他  


  •   国際教養特定課題  
      末松 千秋  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC201  

    This course introduces students to the typical decision-making in Japan, especially in Japanese companies. The classes will cover not only the ways of Japanese decision-making but also those of the Western world. In contrast with these mechanisms, things peculiar to Japan will be highlighted. Japanese companies are famous for the consensus decision-making. What are advantages and disadvantages of the consensus decision-making? What have Japanese companies changed to the management board in order to alleviate the disadvantages? Is there any good way to reach a consensus easier? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the things Japanese are most concerned about to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to provide the knowledge of Japanese style discussions and to provide the basic skills of the facilitator who helps make the process of reaching a consensus decision easier.


  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      中野 遼子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 その他  

    In this class students will develop an understanding of intercultural communication studies and through group work and workshops recognize the complications and difficulties that arise in communication. Theatrical workshops by Rengyo sensei (professional writer, director, actor) and other guest speakers , and tasks of creating performances and discussions with classmates will be given in the class, and students will gain experiences in intercultural communication and resolving problems. During the fall semester students will focus on problems regarding language communication which arise in intercultural situations.

         Students who participate in this class as graduate students are expected to acquire the ability to design intercultural communication as a facilitator by observing communication in the classroom at a meta-level and facilitating interactions among participants in group work and workshops.



  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      中野 遼子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 その他  

    In this class students will develop an understanding of intercultural communication studies and through group work and workshops recognize the complications and difficulties that arise in communication. Theatrical workshops by Rengyo sensei (professional writer, director, actor) and other guest speakers , and tasks of creating performances and discussions with classmates will be given in the class, and students will gain experiences in intercultural communication and resolving problems. During the fall semester students will focus on problems regarding language communication which arise in intercultural situations.

         Students who participate in this class as graduate students are expected to acquire the ability to design intercultural communication as a facilitator by observing communication in the classroom at a meta-level and facilitating interactions among participants in group work and workshops.



  •   グローバル学習  
      山本 喜久江  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC205  



    This class provides an introductory theory and concept on interpersonal communication and intercultural communication. Through a participatory-based learning, you will have many opportunities to communicate with other students on topics, based on the textbook. You will learn basic tips and preferred attitude for a better communication. At the end, you will make a group presentation, where you apply your learning as you prepare with your teammates, and will get to acquire a sense of accomplishment and team-spirit.

