
1180 件ヒット (0.063秒):

  •   展開学問論  
      山内 保典  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  



    この授業は、高年次教養教育科目に位置づけられ、時間割や教室の枠を越えた「枠外授業」として設計されています。主として、オンラインでの非同期ワーク(オンデマンド動画の視聴+オンラインホワイトボード等を使用したワーク)を行い、その成果について数回のオンライン・リアルタイムで議論します。学習支援システムとは、Google Classroomを使用します。ただし必要に応じて、時間と場所について調整し、対面で授業を実施する可能性もあります。

    In this class, we will engage in three types of 'Miseru' work, progressing together with students from different fields. Through this process, you will deeply reflect on your own learning and career, weaving the story of 'you' that is neither anyone else nor artificial intelligence, but uniquely yours, encompassing both your past and future.

    The purpose of this class is to provide opportunities for self-understanding and career formation, making your university experience more meaningful. It aims to help you develop self-understanding and self-expression skills by facing the question, 'What do you learn in university, and how will this learning be useful in your next career?' along with others. These skills will be valuable for your future career and academic research.

    Primarily, it involves asynchronous online work (such as watching on-demand videos and working with online whiteboards), followed by several online real-time discussions about the outcomes. Google Classroom will be used as the learning support system. However, there is also a possibility of conducting face-to-face classes as needed, with adjustments made for time and location."

  •   展開学問論  
      山内 保典  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  



    この授業は、高年次教養教育科目に位置づけられ、時間割や教室の枠を越えた「枠外授業」として設計されています。主として、オンラインでの非同期ワーク(オンデマンド動画の視聴+オンラインホワイトボード等を使用したワーク)を行い、その成果について数回のオンライン・リアルタイムで議論します。学習支援システムとは、Google Classroomを使用します。ただし必要に応じて、時間と場所について調整し、対面で授業を実施する可能性もあります。

    In this class, we will discuss unavoidable issues in considering the future society, as well as issues of personal interest (excluding private issues), together with peers who have various areas of expertise. Specifically, based on information from newspapers, magazines, and online media, you will identify problems to tackle, conduct practical information gathering and analysis, including interviews with faculty members on campus, and approach the issues through dialogues with students who have diverse specializations.

    The purpose of the class is for each individual to acquire an attitude of considering current social issues as their own, both as citizens and experts, and to gain the basic aptitude for addressing these issues, through the experiences mentioned above.

    Primarily, it involves asynchronous online work (such as watching on-demand videos and working with online whiteboards), followed by several online real-time discussions about the outcomes. Google Classroom will be used as the learning support system. However, there is also a possibility of conducting face-to-face classes as needed, with adjustments made for time and location.

  •   キャリア実習準備講座  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      前期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA301  



    After graduating from University, you will spend much of your life "working. What is the purpose of working? This class aim for a smooth transition from "learning" to "working" by helping students to face "working," which they had previously considered vaguely, deepen their self-understanding and vocational understanding, and prepare for work experience such as career training.

    Various work and opportunities for dialogue with working person are provided so that students who want to enrich their student life, are unsure of their interests, or feel unsure of their career path after graduation can broaden their horizons. Note that the career training covered by this course is a program that falls under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Recruitment and the Future of University Education. Keizai Doyukai internships and class-specific programs will also be introduced in class. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   キャリア実習A  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  



    The purpose of this course is to deepen students' self-understanding and understanding of jobs through actual "working" experience from the first grades, and to consolidate what you have learned through post-work experience, thereby clarifying your future careers and making your student life more fulfilling.

     The main career practical training and internship programs approved for this course are under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Employment and the Future of University Education," Keizai Doyukai internships, original class programs, and other programs exceeding 40 hours in length. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   キャリア実習B  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  



    The purpose of this course is to deepen students' self-understanding and vocational understanding through actual "working" experience from the first grades, and to consolidate what you have learned through post-work experience, thereby clarifying your future careers and making your student life more fulfilling.

     The main career training programs approved for this course are programs that fall under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Employment and the Future of University Education," Keizai Doyukai internships, original class programs, and other programs exceeding 80 hours in length. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   基礎中国語Ⅰ  
      桂 雯  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC305 / 前期 金曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC305  



    The purpose of this course is to learn Chinese pronunciation, greetings, and simple daily conversation.

    This course will be conducted through blended learning (hereinafter referred to as BL), which combines on-demand and face-to-face classes. Through this method, students will learn pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar efficiently, and acquire communicative competence in greetings and first meeting conversation.

  •   基礎中国語Ⅰ  
      尹 得霞  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC305 / 前期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC305  



    The purpose of this course is to learn Chinese pronunciation, greetings, and simple daily conversation.

    This course will be conducted through blended learning (hereinafter referred to as BL), which combines on-demand and face-to-face classes. Through this method, students will learn pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar efficiently, and acquire communicative competence in greetings and first meeting conversation.

  •   基礎中国語Ⅰ  
      張 小栄  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC301 / 前期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC301  



    The purpose of this course is to learn Chinese pronunciation, greetings, and simple daily conversation.

    This course will be conducted through blended learning (hereinafter referred to as BL), which combines on-demand and face-to-face classes. Through this method, students will learn pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar efficiently, and acquire communicative competence in greetings and first meeting conversation.

  •   基礎中国語Ⅰ  
      張 小栄  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC301 / 前期 金曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC301  



    The purpose of this course is to learn Chinese pronunciation, greetings, and simple daily conversation.

    This course will be conducted through blended learning (hereinafter referred to as BL), which combines on-demand and face-to-face classes. Through this method, students will learn pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar efficiently, and acquire communicative competence in greetings and first meeting conversation.

  •   基礎中国語Ⅰ  
      張 小栄  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC105 / 前期 木曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  



    The purpose of this course is to learn Chinese pronunciation, greetings, and simple daily conversation.

    This course will be conducted through blended learning (hereinafter referred to as BL), which combines on-demand and face-to-face classes. Through this method, students will learn pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar efficiently, and acquire communicative competence in greetings and first meeting conversation.
