

前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC305 / 前期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC305. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 尹 得霞 所属:教育学研究科. 対象学部/Object: 工(6~14組)⑤. 開講期/Term: 1セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目言語科目-中国語. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZLF-CHN101J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Elementary Chinese I

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

The purpose of this course is to learn Chinese pronunciation, greetings, and simple daily conversation.
This course will be conducted through blended learning (hereinafter referred to as BL), which combines on-demand and face-to-face classes. Through this method, students will learn pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar efficiently, and acquire communicative competence in greetings and first meeting conversation.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

1. Acquire Chinese pronunciation, introductory-level vocabulary and grammar.
2. Be able to participate in simple daily conversations such as greetings and self-introduction.
3. Foster interest in Chinese society and culture.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

There are two classes per week/ The first class is an on-demand class and the second class of the week is a face-to-face class.

In the on-demand class, students will first study through class videos and then practice through a smartphone application, learning and practicing pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and conversation to effectively input and consolidate their knowledge.

In the face-to-face class, students practice pronunciation and the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as presenting assignments on practical applications of the Chinese language, while also taking a test and receiving feedback to help students have a richer output.



第1週 ガイダンス、声調
第2週 単母音と複母音
第3週 子音
第4週 鼻母音
第5週 音節、数字と挨拶、中間試験、第1課:お名前は?(話題:自分と他者)(前半)
第6週 第1課:お名前は?(話題:自分と他者)(後半)
第7週 第2課:あなたの家はどこですか?(話題:家と家族)(前半)
第8週 同上(後半)
第9週 第3課:お元気ですか?(話題:日常の挨拶)
第10週 第4課:何時に授業ですか?(話題:大学生活)(前半)
第11週 同上(後半)
第12週 第5課:あなたの趣味は何ですか?(話題:趣味娯楽)(前半)
第13週 同上(後半)
第14週 第6課:あなたは何をしているの?(話題:行事)(前半)
第15週 同上(後半)
第16週 期末試験

[Lesson Content and Progression Schedule]
Week 1 Guidance, Introduction to tone
Week 2 Single and double vowels
Week 3 Consonants
Week 4 Nasal vowels
Week 5: Syllables, numbers and greetings, Mid-term exam, Lesson 1: What is your name? (Topic: Self and Otherss) (first half)
Week 6 Lesson 1: What is your name? (Topic: Self and Otherss) (second half)
Week 7 Lesson 2: Where is your home? (Topic: Home and Family) (first half)
Week 8 Same as above (second half)
Week 9 Lesson 3: How are you? (Topic: Daily Greetings)
Week 10 Lesson 4: What time is your class? (Topic: University Life) (first half)
Week 11 Same as above (second half)
Week 12 Lesson 5: What are your hobbies? (Topic: Hobbies and Pastimes) (first half)
Week 13 Same as above (second half)
Week 14 Lesson 6: What do you do? (Topic: Events) (first half)
Week 15: Same as above (second half)
Week 16 Final exam

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

課題(手書き宿題、アプリによる練習)30%、小テスト30%、試験 (中間試験、期末試験)40%。
※1. 試験を受けるには、OD授業と対面授業のいずれも3分の2以上の出席を要する。
※2. オンデマンド授業動画の視聴を、オンデマンド授業1回分の出席と見なす。
※3. オンデマンド授業の課題提出期限は、次回対面授業の開始時間までとする。対面授業の課題提出期限は、次回オンデマンド授業の開始時間までとする。

The teacher in charge of the face-to-face class will evaluate the grades by synthesizing the results of taking the on-demand class and the face-to-face class. Specifically,
Assignments (handwritten homework, app practice) 30%, quizzes 30%, exam (Mid-term exam,Final exam) 40%.
*1. Attendance of at least 2/3 of both on-demand class and face-to-face class is required to take the exam.
*2. Viewing the on-demand class videos will be considered as attendance for one on-demand class.
  Viewing after class time is considered tardy, and four instances of this is considered as one absence.
*3. The deadline for submitting assignments for the on-demand class is the start time of the next face-to-face class.The deadline for submitting assignments for the face-to-face class is the start time of the next on-demand class.
  Submissions will be accepted after the deadline, but 30% of points will be deducted in this case.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • KOTOTOMO プラス (増課) ことばを友に, 趙 秀敏ほか, 2023 (朝日出版社) ISBN/ISSN: 9784255453750 資料種別:教科書




授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

On-demand classes
 Review of textbooks, repetitive practice with smartphone apps, memorized recitation of vocabulary and conversation

Face-to-face classes
  Translation in Chinese, topic composition

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

On-demand classes: Yes
Face-to-face classes: Yes

その他/In Addition

On-demand classes will be taught by BL management faculty. The attendance location is free.For on-demand classes, a classroom is available at the relevant time. In addition, teaching assistants (TAs) will be in the allocated classrooms during class time, so please feel free to ask the TAs if you encounter any problems with the on-demand classes, such as "I can't watch the video," "I can't use the application," "I don't know how to submit the assignment," etc. If you have any trouble outside of the classroom, please contact the BL Administration Department by e-mail.

Face-to-face classes: (e.g.) Please study and practice the on-demand class thoroughly before the next face-to-face class. In addition, please be proactive in class and engage in conversation through pair and group work.

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