
1350 件ヒット (0.061秒):

  •   問題の難しさの科学  
      静谷 啓樹  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA104  


    The first step not to lose ourselves in today's advanced information society is to understand

    the science underling the technology. In this introductory class, we will learn basics of

    Computational Complexity Theory which is a part of the mathematical and fundamental theory of information.

    Specifically we will understand that each problem belongs to some class of

    difficulty and that difficulty can be ordered by some reducibility.

  •   コンピュテーショナル・シンキング  
      静谷 啓樹  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  


    問題を解決する知的スキルのこと、となる。 CTの核心部分は「二つのA」と表現される。二つとは、抽象化(abstraction)と自動化(automation)を指す。この授業ではCTを理解し、経験してみることを目指して、輪講形式で学ぶ。この場合の輪講形式とは、受講学生が教科書の担当部分を全員に講義することを意味する。

    In a nutshell, the computational thinking, CT for short is the mental skill to think and solve a problem in the style of computer science. The core part of CT is expressed as two A's, namely abstraction and automation.

    In this introductory class, we will understand CT and get some CT experience in seminar style. Each student is expected to give a presentation to other students on the assigned part of the textbook.

  •   現代暗号の理論  
      静谷 啓樹  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC104  

    情報技術が社会に広く深く織り込まれた現在、その基盤となる科学を理解した上で技術と向き合うことこそが、技術に流されない自分を確立する第一歩になる. この授業では、情報社会の安全を支える現代暗号理論について、その入門的事項を輪講形式で学ぶ. この場合の輪講形式とは、受講学生が教科書の担当部分を全員に講義することを意味する.

    The first step not to lose ourselves in today's advanced information society is to understand the science underling the technology.In this introductory class, we will learn in seminar style, basics of the modern cryptology which supports the security of information society. Seminar style in this context means that each student is expected to give a presentation to other students on the assigned part of the textbook.

  •   アルゴリズムとデータ構造 / Algorithms and Data Structures  
      住井 英二郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページ



    授業にはGoogle Classroomを利用







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Will use Google Classroom

    1. Purpose

    To learn basic knowledge for analysis and design of algorithms.

    2. Summary

    Give general computation models, and explain the theory of complexity as a basis of algorithm analysis.

    Show basic data structures (such as lists, search trees, and stacks) in detail, and describe basic techniques for algorithm design such as the divide-and-conquer method through specific examples such as sorting and searching.

    3. Goals

    To understand basic algorithms and data structures, and learn basics of algorithm design techniques.

    Deepen the understanding via exercises (including programming) in class.

  •   計算力学 / Computational Mechanics  
      伊藤 高敏  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    Classroom code: egg3kwh

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Accordingly to revolutionary increase in computer performance, the computational mechanics is becoming a powerful way to examine phenomena in place of conventional theoretical and experimental approaches. This course will introduce basic idea of the computational mechanics with emphasis on finite element methods


    1. Role of computational mechanics

    2. Finite Difference Method, FDM

    3. Finite Element Method, FEM

    4. Application of FEM to elastic problem

    5. Other approaches, Discrete Element Method etc.

    Classroom code: egg3kwh

  •   情報科学基礎Ⅱ / Fundamentals of Information Science II  
      滝沢 寛之  

    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標等


    [Class code: ijn2esu]

    Aims: Students will acquire basic knowledge about algorithms and data structures.

    Descriptions: Evaluation methods and programming techniques for making good programs are discussed.

    Goal: On completing the course, students will have the ability to design and making good programs.

    [Class code: ijn2esu]

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      全 眞嬉  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができる


    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データ

    を利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して


    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions,

    taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in

    today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data

    science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered

    understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies,

    and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      青木 英恵  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 情報教育実習室 M105  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions,taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living intoday's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies, and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      大野 晋、後藤 伴延  
      前期 金曜日 1講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies, and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      三石 大  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 情報教育実習室 M105  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions,

    taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies,

    and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.
