
1883 件ヒット (0.014秒):

  •   実践科学英語  
      前期 金曜日 5講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第8講義室  

    The object is to teach students patterns and templates that will help them develop effective skills in presenting technical material in the form of written reports and presentations. Through this course, students will gain a solid grasp of the fundamentals of scientific English, which will improve their ability to summarize their own ideas and theories, as well as those of others. A large portion of the course is dedicated to mastering the techniques of writing grant proposals.

  •   実践科学英語  
      前期 金曜日 5講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第8講義室  

    The object is to teach students patterns and templates that will help them develop effective skills in presenting technical material in the form of written reports and presentations. Through this course, students will gain a solid grasp of the fundamentals of scientific English, which will improve their ability to summarize their own ideas and theories, as well as those of others. A large portion of the course is dedicated to mastering the techniques of writing grant proposals.

  •   専門科学英語基礎  
      後期前半 木曜日 3講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第5講義室  

    The object is to teach students patterns and templates that will help them develop effective skills in presenting technical material in the form of written reports and presentations. Through this course, students will gain a solid grasp of the fundamentals of scientific English, which will improve their ability to discuss and write about science-related topics reported in the news, scientific journals and magazines, and to ultimately gain confidence in disseminating their own research findings.

  •   神経言語学Ⅱ  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 531講義室  

    This course overviews how language is represented in the brain and discusses its implication for language education. Topics to be covered in this course include speech perception, reading, lexical processing, syntax, semantics, discourse and bilingual language processing. Major neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, EEG/ERP, MEG and NIRS will be also introduced.

  •   英語Ⅲ  
      三浦 隆行  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA202  

    Students will learn integrated academic presentation skills. The course has two objectives:

    Objective 1: For Presenters: Preparing, creating, and giving an academic presentation

    Objective 2: For Listeners: Identifying and asking about key information from an academic presentations

  •   英語Ⅲ  
      三浦 隆行  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 CALL教室 M201  

    Students will learn integrated academic presentation skills. The course has two objectives:

    Objective 1: For Presenters: Preparing, creating, and giving an academic presentation

    Objective 2: For Listeners: Identifying and asking about key information from an academic presentations

  •   英語研究論文作成法Ⅱ / Advanced English for Academic writing II  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  

    Advanced Academic Writing II is a continuation of Advanced Academic Writing I (AAWI) from the spring semester; therefore successful completion of AAWI is prerequisite for taking this course. Using the fundamental skills of academic writing acquired during the spring semester, students will focus on producing a fully documented research paper in English (8-12 substantial paragraphs in length). Students will thus systematically study the research process and learn how to present research into a cohesive, logically organized paper, with a special focus on proper format and citation of source material. This process will also include writing an abstract (summary) and an oral presentation of research findings.

    Advanced Academic Writing II is a continuation of Advanced Academic Writing I (AAWI) from the spring semester; therefore successful completion of AAWI is prerequisite for taking this course. Using the fundamental skills of academic writing acquired during the spring semester, students will focus on producing a fully documented research paper in English (8-12 substantial paragraphs in length). Students will thus systematically study the research process and learn how to present research into a cohesive, logically organized paper, with a special focus on proper format and citation of source material. This process will also include writing an abstract (summary) and an oral presentation of research findings.

  •   英語Ⅲ  
      三浦 隆行  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA404  

    Students will learn integrated academic presentation skills. The course has two objectives:

    Objective 1: For Presenters: Preparing, creating, and giving an academic presentation

    Objective 2: For Listeners: Identifying and asking about key information from an academic presentations

  •   英語Ⅲ  
      三浦 隆行  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA202  

    Students will learn integrated academic presentation skills. The course has two objectives:

    Objective 1: For Presenters: Preparing, creating, and giving an academic presentation

    Objective 2: For Listeners: Identifying and asking about key information from an academic presentations

  •   Study Design for Researches on Medical Sciences (医学研究方法論)  
      押谷 仁  
      April 11 - July 11, 2024  
      Every Thursday 16:20-17:50 (Apr 11, May 16, 23, 30, Jun 6, 13, 20, 27, Jul 4), 17:30-19:00 (Apr 18, 25, May 9), 16:20-17:50 & 18:00-19:30 (Jul 11)  

    This is a course designed for beginners in human medical research and those seeking to strengthen their academic writing skills in the field. Throughout this course, students will study the basic concepts of research in medical science, systematic reviews, and how to formulate research questions. By becoming familiar with study design in epidemiology, statistical methods, and academic writing, students will be able to present a study proposal at the end of the course. This course focuses on quantitative research involving human subjects. However, it is open to students conducting basic science or qualitative studies. Additionally, we welcome Japanese students who wish to engage in scientific discourse with international students.
