
538 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   基礎生物学実験(海洋)  
      横井 勇人  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


     The purpose of the course is to let students understand body plan and function of aquatic organisms studying on morphology, genetics, cell biology, physiology and statistic analysis.

  •   学生実験Ⅰ(海洋)  
      横井 勇人  
      前期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


      The purpose of the course is to let participants understand the taxonomy, constitution of body, function of aquatic organisms, the way to use analytical instruments and analysis of experimental data.

  •   基礎化学実験(海洋)  
      横井 勇人  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


     The purpose of the course is for students to understand the body components of organisms and the procedures to extract and analyze chemical components in the environment.

  •   基礎生物学実験(植物)  
      金山 喜則  
      前期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


    Students learn about basic knowledge of agricultural experiments such as plant physiology experiment, plant morphology experiment, crop ecology, molecular genetics experiments, insect experiments, DNA experiment I, plant pathology experiment, and plant elemental analysis.

  •   水圏無脊椎動物学  
      長澤 一衛  
      後期後半 水曜日 3講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第1講義室 / 後期後半 水曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第1講義室  


    /Much of the biology we have studied consists of knowledge of vertebrates such as mammals and fish. However, these vertebrates represent only 4% of all animal species, and our knowledge of them is too limited to be considered a general understanding of animals. On the other hand, we have too few opportunities to learn about the biology of invertebrates, which represent the remaining 96%. In particular, although many marine invertebrates are known as commercial species as seafood, their biological information are not well understood. In this lecture, we will focus on the aquatic invertebrates that inhabit the sea, where life was born, and learn about their diverse lifestyles and the characteristics of each animal phylum in order to understand the aquatic invertebrates systematically.

  •   基礎生物学実験(教職:経塚クラス) / Basic Plant Molecular Genetics  
      経塚 淳子  
      通年集中 その他 その他  



    This class aims to understand the pattern of plant growth and obtain a basic knowledge of the genetic control of plant development.

    In this class, students will observe plant morphology. In addition, students will compare traits of wild-type and mutant plants using various microscopes and fluorescent markers. Through the comparison of genes between the wild-type and mutant plants, the genetic control of traits will be discussed.

  •   学生実験Ⅱ(海洋)  
      横井 勇人  
      後期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  



      The purpose of the course is to let participants understand postmortem changes in fish muscle, method for the identification of bacteria, basic methods to clarify the characteristics of fisheries resource organisms and statistical analysis of experimental data.

  •   沿岸生物学  
      池田 実  
      前期後半 月曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室 / 前期後半 月曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室  


    The aquatic environment is home to an extremely diverse range of organisms. While some species have been developed for cultivation and fishery, many species exist in the vast natural open system as substantial or potential genetic resources. In order to develop, sustainably use, and conserve such aquatic biological resources, it is essential to understand the intrinsic diversity of species and the mechanisms that maintain them. In this lecture, we will discuss genetic issues that are important for the development, sustainable use, and conservation of aquatic biological resources with these issues in mind. In particular, we will introduce population genetic and evolutionary perspectives, which are essential for understanding the issues, and cultivate the ability to think more multilaterally about the sustainable use and conservation of aquatic biological resources.

  •   学生実験Ⅰ(動物)  
      盧 尚建, 佐藤 幹, 種村 健太郎, 北澤 春樹, 野地 智法, 佐藤 正寛, 喜久里 基, 原 健士朗, 戸部 隆太, 西山 啓太, 芳賀 聡, 上本 吉伸, 古川 睦実, 大坪 和香子  
      前期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


    Each laboratory of the applied animal science is in charge of the class, including field practice in field science center. Students will develop basic experimental techniques on animal reproduction, nutrition, breeding and genetics, physiology, morphology, microbiology, and products chemistry, which are needed to conduct research based on animals.

  •   植物発生生理学  
      伊藤 幸博  
      前期後半 月曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC302 / 前期後半 月曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC302  

    植物の発生、生長に関わる基本的な生理機構を解説する。作物などの植物生産への応用も解説する。植物の発生、生長を植物生理学、 分子細胞生物学および分子遺伝学の視点から理解、考察し、論理的な思考力と応用力を身につける。近年、分子メカニズムが明らかに された植物の様々な生理反応を主に取り上げる。

    Mechanisms of basic physiological responses of plant and their application to plant production will be explained. The aims of this class are to understand plant growth and development from a view point of plant physiology, molecular cell biology and molecular genetics, and to acquire skills of theoretical thinking and application. Physiological responses whose molecular mechanisms are revealed recently will be adopted mainly.
