
512 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   プラズマエネルギー工学 / Plasma Energy and Engineering  
      髙橋 和貴  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ













    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    In order to understand the electromagnetic fluid phenomena observed in various parameter regions in space plasmas, fusion plasmas, and electric propulsion devices, the lecture aims to deepen the understanding of plasma phenomena as an electromagnetic fluid and to obtain a comprehensive understanding of plasma energy from basics to applications, such as the principle of electromagnetic fluid acceleration and application to space propulsion technology, and confinement of fusion plasma.

    From the basic equations of fluids, we will introduce magnetohydrodynamics with electromagnetic effects, and give lectures on the collective behavior of plasma and magnetohydrodynamic phenomena observed in various parameter regions such as electromagnetic fluid waves and shock waves.

    The main purpose of this class is to acquire the following abilities.

    ・ Understanding the basic parameters that govern the collective phenomena in plasmas

    ・ Basic equation of plasma as electromagnetic fluid

    ・ Understanding of characteristics of electromagnetic fluid

    ・ Understanding of electric propulsion and fusion application

  •   プラズマ物理・核融合学 / Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy  
      飛田 健次, 大石 鉄太郎, 髙橋 宏幸  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ






    ・講義に関連する情報、講義資料、レポート課題及び小テスト問題は、すべてGoogle Classroomに掲示する。受講を希望する学生は必ずGoogle classroomに登録すること。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The aim of this course is to develop a comprehensive understanding of fusion energy. In the initial part of the course, fundamental concepts of plasma physics will be introduced, emphasizing plasma behaviors such as charged particle motions, collisional effects, and fluid dynamics. Moreover, the basics of fusion plasma will be elucidated, building upon principles of plasma physics. This section will encompass topics like magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium, stability of fusion plasma, and plasma transport. In the latter half of the course, various applications toward fusion energy will be explored, including plasma heating, diagnostics, materials science, and fusion reactor systems.

    • All essential information, lecture notes, report assignments and small tests will be posted on Google Classroom.

    • Lectures will be conducted in person.

  •   機能性流体工学 / Functional Fluids Engineering  
      佐藤 岳彦, 茂田 正哉, 高奈 秀匡  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    This lecture gives a lecture on plasma flow and electromagnetical response fluids in functional fluids.

    Plasma flow is capable of generating heat, light, pressure, chemical species, charged particles and electric field and can stimulate cells/tissues. This course includes phenomena of transport, plasma generation and biological responses for plasma medicine and those measurement methods. Finally, we discuss about present and future of human healthcare and how we control diseases such as pandemic infection through plasma medicine, and we also discuss about relationships between living things and plasma.

       The fundamental physics of thermal plasma which is high-temperature fluid over 10,000 K with unique properties is discussed as well. The widely ranging knowledges of thermal plasma applications such as arc welding, plasma spraying, and nanoparticle mass-production are given. Those contents support to gain the abilities of understanding and designing various engineering processes with fluid, heat and mass transfers.

       Furthermore, this lecture offers fundamental knowledge on electro-magnetic filed responsive fluids such as magnetic fluid, magneto-rheological (MR) / electro-rheological (ER) fluid, or ionic liquid to understand the mechanism of exhibiting their functionalities under electro-magnetic field from the physico-chemical point of view. The cutting-edge industrial applications of these electro-magentic field responsive fluids will be provided especially in the field of environmental, energy and aerospace engineering.

  •   宇宙空間プラズマ物理学特論Ⅱ / Advanced Space Plasma Physics II  
      三澤 浩昭, 市來 雅啓, 熊本 篤志, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    Due to significant expansion of the geophysics in the last century, the space plasma physics became to be one of the major scientific interest of our planet. This lecture on the space plasma physics introduces basic physical processes of the space plasma surrounding the Earth, planets, satellites and also the sun, and various measurement and evaluation methods for plasma waves, particles and electro-magnetic fields by using spacecraft and remote sensing from the ground. In addition, this lecture also introduces some techniques for exploration inside planets and satellites using electromagnetic waves and fields.

  •   電磁気学Ⅱ / Electromagnetics II  
      陳 強  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。






    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Google Classroom code can be found on


    1. Course Aims

    Electromagnetism is a branch of physics which involves the study of the electric and magnetic field, and electromagnetic waves, is also one of the most important courses in the electrical and electronic engineering. This course covers the fundamental theory and analysis methods of electromagnetic phenomena, including the basic characteristics of electromagnetic waves, as well as the radiation, propagation and scattering problems of electromagnetic waves.

    2. Course Objectives

    Students should be able to understand the characteristics of electromagnetic waves by deriving and solving wave equation from Maxwell equations. They should also understand the analysis method to the problems of radiation, propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves. They should have an ability to explain the electromagnetic phenomena from a physical point of view.

  •   電磁圏物理学 / Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics  
      加藤 雄人  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  


    This lecture introduces the structure and variation of geospace (ionosphere, plasmasphere, radiation belt, and magnetosphere) and phenomena occurring in geospace, with discussions on basic physics and its relationship with solar activity.

  •   天体物理学Ⅲ / Astrophysical fluid dynamics  
      田中 秀和  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    Fluid dynamics is involved in a very wide range of astrophysical phenomena. Fluid dynamics in astrophysics has several characteristics that hardly appear in flows on the earth: (1)Fluid is accelerated by non-constant external fields (e.g., gravitational and magnetic fields). (2)Flows are often super-sonic and highly compressive. (3)Strongly non-linear flows such as shock waves are often seen. This lecture deals with fundamentals of astrophysical fluid dynamics.

  •   基盤流体力学 / Fluid Dynamics  
      茂田 正哉  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The purposes are for students to develop the intuition to understand the nature of flow and predict the complex fluid motions, which appear in various industries such as aerodynamic applications and material processes, and also to acquire the basic knowledge to design the control methods. Through studying Fluid Dynamics with not only the mathematical descriptions of theorems and governing equations but also visualized images and observation videos in experiments and computer graphic animations of simulations based on theories, students improve their abilities to discuss the natural behavior of fluid and develop their insights into physics of fluid for achieving those purposes. By learning not only about normal fluids but also about plasma fluids (very high-temperature ionized gases), such as lightning, students will broaden the insight into the nature and deepen the understanding of the contributions that new fluid mechanics can make to society by acquiring knowledge of their applied technologies. Simultaneously, this course aims to polish communication skills and to build the foundations for students to play important roles on the global stage through their experiences of listening to the lectures and having discussions to solve the problems in English.

  •   電気力学 / Electrodynamics  
      市川 温子  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  



    Starting from Maxwell's equations, we will discuss electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation phenomena, and special relativity.

    It is premised on the knowledge of electromagnetics I and II, but it also serves as a review of electromagnetics and relativity, and the lectures will be given with sufficient overlap with the lectures of electromagnetics learned so far.

  •   宇宙空間プラズマ物理学特論Ⅰ / Advanced Space Plasma Physics I  
      加藤 雄人  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  


    This lecture covers the basic scheme of plasma physics including the motion of charged particles, micro-physics of plasma and its theoretical background, and electrostatic/electromagnetic plasma waves.
