
279 件ヒット (0.031秒):

  •   陸水の運動学 / Dynamics of Inland Water  
      風間 聡  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。






    Google Classroom クラスコード:bhobwij

    [TB56111] 陸水の運動学

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The objective of this course is to understand issues related with water from basic dynamics to politics and economics. First, fundamental hydrological processes such as evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff and storage are lectured. Also river engineering is lectured for flood and drought prevention. Knowledges of probability hydrology and time series analysis are provided. The ultimate target is for students to consider water issues in multi-aspect.

    This course is carried on site. More detailed information is here http://kaigan.civil.tohoku.ac.jp/staffs/kazama/sokles.html.

    Google Classroom Code:bhobwij

    [TB56111] Dynamics of Inland Water

  •   水循環システム論 / Hydrology  
      小森 大輔, 風間 聡  




    Water is the most abundant substance on earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization.

     Hydrology is the science, which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the biological environment, including their responses to human society. Practical applications of hydrology are found in such tasks as the design and operation of hydraulic structures, water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, irrigation, drainage, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, erosion and sediment control, salinity control, pollution abatement, recreational use of water, and fish and wildlife protection.

     This lecture focuses to study hydrology based on physical (Hydrological processes, Hydrological model) and statics approaches (Frequency analyses, Temporal and spatial analyses) for analyzing the problems by changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth's waters, and to provide guidance for the planning and management of the watershed environment in view of economics and politics. Further, this lecture also focuses to study the interaction between water and human society (Socio-Hydrology), we will have discussions about human security in the watershed environment and water-related disasters.

  •   水循環システム論 Hydrology  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 Fall Semester  
      木曜日 4講時 、基本的に対面で授業を行う。 Thursday, 4 lecture hours 、The classes are basically conducted face to face /  




    Water is the most abundant substance on earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization.

     Hydrology is the science, which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the biological environment, including their responses to human society. Practical applications of hydrology are found in such tasks as the design and operation of hydraulic structures, water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, irrigation, drainage, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, erosion and sediment control, salinity control, pollution abatement, recreational use of water, and fish and wildlife protection.

     This lecture focuses to study hydrology based on physical (Hydrological processes, Hydrological model) and statics approaches (Frequency analyses, Temporal and spatial analyses) for analyzing the problems by changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth's waters, and to provide guidance for the planning and management of the watershed environment in view of economics and politics. Further, this lecture also focuses to study the interaction between water and human society (Socio-Hydrology), we will have discussions about human security in the watershed environment and water-related disasters.

  •   水循環システム論 Hydrology  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 Fall Semester  
      木曜日 4講時 、基本的に対面で授業を行う。 Thursday, 4 lecture hours 、The classes are basically conducted face to face /  




    Water is the most abundant substance on earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization.

     Hydrology is the science, which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the biological environment, including their responses to human society. Practical applications of hydrology are found in such tasks as the design and operation of hydraulic structures, water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, irrigation, drainage, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, erosion and sediment control, salinity control, pollution abatement, recreational use of water, and fish and wildlife protection.

     This lecture focuses to study hydrology based on physical (Hydrological processes, Hydrological model) and statics approaches (Frequency analyses, Temporal and spatial analyses) for analyzing the problems by changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth's waters, and to provide guidance for the planning and management of the watershed environment in view of economics and politics. Further, this lecture also focuses to study the interaction between water and human society (Socio-Hydrology), we will have discussions about human security in the watershed environment and water-related disasters.

  •   水環境論 / Hydro-Environmental Studies  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  




  •   水理学A及び同演習 / Hydraulics A and its Exercises  
      有働 恵子  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    2.概要:特に,質量,運動量,エネルギーの保存則について,代数式を用いて解説する.また,開水路流・管路流の初等解法を述べる.授業は2クラス編成で行い,1回の授業は90分の講義と90 分の演習からなる.


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective: As an introductory subject for hydraulics and fluid mechanics, fundamental concepts and principles for fluid motion will be learned.

    2. Outline: Following "Mechanics of Flow", topics on pipe flows, open channel flows, and hydrostatic pressure are studied.

    3. Performance target: (1) To understand equations of continuity, energy and momentum. (2) To be able to calculate hydrostatic pressure acting on an immersed body.

  •   生物進化学 / Watershed and landscape Ecology  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    Natural ecosystem consists of various landscape elements including forests, streams, and the ocean. The watershed ecosystems are strongly linked with each other through the flow of water. In this lecture, we will introduce the ecosystem processes (including biogeochemistry, geomorphology, species interactions etc)in each landscape elements, and how they are connected with each other.

  •   水環境デザイン演習Ⅰ / Exercises in Water and Environmental Studies I  
      覃 宇, 野村 宗弘, 平賀 優介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The aim of this course is to help students learn exercises in Civil and Environmental engineering.

    Three subjects are provided which are water quality evaluation, water treatment and hydrological analysis.

    Fundamental ability to get required results and to present them clearly can be acquired.

  •   水質工学 / Water Quality Engineering  
      佐野 大輔, 西村 修  

    Google Classroomのクラスコード:2qof6ra





    授業形式やオンライン授業の接続先URLはGoogle Classroomで通知する。

    1. Objective: understand the roles of water engineering for conservation of water environment.

    2. Outline: the conservation of water environments such as river, lake, and sea is of importance for sustainable development of human society as well as ecosystems. In this class, the basic components for water quality indicaters, risk analysis, water purification system will be lectured.

    3. Goal: understand and aquire the knowledge for water engineering essential for water environment conservation.

    Details are announced at Google Classroom.

    Google Classroom class code:2qof6ra

  •   データ科学と機械学習の数理 / Fundamental Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Sciences  
      大関 真之  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    目的: 現代的なデータ科学と機械学習において現れる基本的な数理構造を解き明かし理解すること。

    概要: 大規模なデータを学習しさまざまなタスクを実現する今日の人工知能技術のベースとなるのは、非常に単純な勾配法であり最適化問題を以下にして解くかである。その源泉は物理学で登場したような運動方程式によるものであり、それらといかに密接に関連しているのかを学ぶことにより、将来再び起こるブレークスルーを俯瞰できるようにする。

    達成目標等: 現代の機械学習等に現れる数理最適化および学習技術について、流行り廃りから脱却し、その本質部分を単純にして理解できるようにすること。

    オンライン授業で実施され詳細や連絡は下記Google Classroomを通じて行われる。

    [TB26411] (大関真之教授): Google Classroomを利用

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Object and Summary: To unravel and understand the fundamental mathematical structures that emerge in modern data science and machine learning.

    The basis of today's artificial intelligence technologies for learning large data sets and performing a variety of tasks is how to solve optimization problems using very simple gradient methods. The source is the equations of motion as they appear in physics, and by learning how they are closely related to these equations, we will be able to look at breakthroughs that will occur again in the future.

    Goal.: To be able to understand mathematical optimization and learning techniques as they appear in modern machine learning and other areas, breaking free from fads and simplifying the essential parts of these techniques.

    The course will be conducted online and details and communication will be via Google Classroom.

    [TB26411] (Masayuki Ohzeki): using Google Classroom
