
1282 件ヒット (0.027秒):

  •   水環境創造のフロンティア / Frontiers of Water and Environmental Studies  
      坂巻 隆史, 今村 文彦, 越村 俊一  






    Google Classroom クラスコード:sxtd55i

    [TB53061] 水環境創造のフロンティア

    In this course, students will understand research topics related to water, environment and disaster, as well as the background and necessity of those areas.

    The course will offer both fundamental and leading-edge knowledge through a wide range of related topics on the water environment area for the students to deepen their understanding.

    Google Classroom code: sxtd55i

  •   水環境論 / Hydro-Environmental Studies  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  




  •   防災システム論 / Disaster Reduction System  
      越村 俊一, 今村 文彦  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The class introduces an overview of the natural disasters that have occurred in Japan, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods as well as environmental disasters. In addition, modern cities and disasters, crisis management, disaster surveys, and the history of disaster countermeasures in Japan and others are discussed. Countermeasures, their histories, and issues in Japan are comprehensively compiled and the system and information to reduce losses for each hazard are discussed. Comparative study on disasters, statistics, and community map for disaster prevention are introduced.

  •   水循環システム論 / Hydrology  
      小森 大輔, 風間 聡  




    Water is the most abundant substance on earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization.

     Hydrology is the science, which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the biological environment, including their responses to human society. Practical applications of hydrology are found in such tasks as the design and operation of hydraulic structures, water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, irrigation, drainage, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, erosion and sediment control, salinity control, pollution abatement, recreational use of water, and fish and wildlife protection.

     This lecture focuses to study hydrology based on physical (Hydrological processes, Hydrological model) and statics approaches (Frequency analyses, Temporal and spatial analyses) for analyzing the problems by changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth's waters, and to provide guidance for the planning and management of the watershed environment in view of economics and politics. Further, this lecture also focuses to study the interaction between water and human society (Socio-Hydrology), we will have discussions about human security in the watershed environment and water-related disasters.

  •   水循環システム論 Hydrology  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 Fall Semester  
      木曜日 4講時 、基本的に対面で授業を行う。 Thursday, 4 lecture hours 、The classes are basically conducted face to face /  




    Water is the most abundant substance on earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization.

     Hydrology is the science, which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the biological environment, including their responses to human society. Practical applications of hydrology are found in such tasks as the design and operation of hydraulic structures, water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, irrigation, drainage, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, erosion and sediment control, salinity control, pollution abatement, recreational use of water, and fish and wildlife protection.

     This lecture focuses to study hydrology based on physical (Hydrological processes, Hydrological model) and statics approaches (Frequency analyses, Temporal and spatial analyses) for analyzing the problems by changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth's waters, and to provide guidance for the planning and management of the watershed environment in view of economics and politics. Further, this lecture also focuses to study the interaction between water and human society (Socio-Hydrology), we will have discussions about human security in the watershed environment and water-related disasters.

  •   水循環システム論 Hydrology  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 Fall Semester  
      木曜日 4講時 、基本的に対面で授業を行う。 Thursday, 4 lecture hours 、The classes are basically conducted face to face /  




    Water is the most abundant substance on earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization.

     Hydrology is the science, which deals with the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution on the planet, their physical and chemical properties and their interactions with the biological environment, including their responses to human society. Practical applications of hydrology are found in such tasks as the design and operation of hydraulic structures, water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, irrigation, drainage, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, erosion and sediment control, salinity control, pollution abatement, recreational use of water, and fish and wildlife protection.

     This lecture focuses to study hydrology based on physical (Hydrological processes, Hydrological model) and statics approaches (Frequency analyses, Temporal and spatial analyses) for analyzing the problems by changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth's waters, and to provide guidance for the planning and management of the watershed environment in view of economics and politics. Further, this lecture also focuses to study the interaction between water and human society (Socio-Hydrology), we will have discussions about human security in the watershed environment and water-related disasters.

  •   防災・復興空間論 / Special Lectures for Civil Engineering and Architecture  
      村尾 修  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。











    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Classroom Code:bqvxh67

    This course covers lots of urban/architectural space related to disaster management to help students understand spatial planning and post-disaster recovery planning to mitigate urban disasters.

    It consists of three parts. The first part "Cities and Disaster" focuses on the definition of a city and relationships between cities and disasters. The second part "Urban and Architectural Design for Disaster Management" introduces lots of examples to understand disaster mitigation mechanism responding to several hazards. The final part "Looking Ahead into the Future of Cities" deals with future urban societies and the global warming to conclude the course.

    The course is designed to help students gain the perspective of urban and architectural design for disaster mitigation which will be necessary for architectural profession.

  •   沿岸海洋環境工学 / Coastal and Ocean Engineering  
      SUPPASRI ANAWAT, 今村 文彦, 越村 俊一  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    2.概要:基礎編として,海岸・海洋における波の力学, 応用編として,海岸侵食や海岸・海洋防災と海洋エネルギーの利用について講述する.また,計5つ課題を課す.

    3.達成目標等: 教室での学習にとどまらず, 実験・現地踏査・演習を通して,問題設定・解決能力の向上を目標とする.

    クラスルーム https://classroom.google.com/u/1/c/NjQwNTQyOTgyOTZa

    クラス コード v6ecb3h

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective: To learn the fundamentals of wave dynamics and disaster prevention, utilization, and environment on the coast and ocean.

    2. Outline: As a basic part, the dynamics of waves in the coast and the ocean, and as an applied part, coastal erosion, coastal and ocean disaster prevention, and utilization of ocean energy will be described. In addition, five tasks are assigned.

    3. Achievement target: The goal is to improve problem-setting and solving skills through experiments, site surveys, and exercises, as well as classroom learning.

  •   都市水環境論 / Water and urban environments  
      久保田 健吾  
      前期 木曜日 5講時  


  •   復興・IT農学実習  
      北柴 大泰, 小倉 振一郎, 本間 香貴, 加藤 健太郎, 加藤 一幾, 陶山 佳久, 西田 瑞彦, 米澤 千夏, 深澤 遊, 深澤 充, 多田 千佳, 田島 亮介, 福田 康弘, 大谷 隆二  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  



    1) 農学研究科附属川渡フィールドセンターを中心として、フィールドにおける生産システムの理解、および先端農学技術の応用(現場に適した形での導入)について体験を通して学ぶ。また、グループディスカッションにより農業・農村の復興プランを作成し、提案・議論を行う。

    2) 被災地エクステンション:被災地を訪れ、震災の被害内容状況、今後の復興に向けての必要知識を、体験を通して学ぶ。

    3) ITを活用できる農業、農業に直結するIT技術を学習することで、東日本大震災による農林水産業や農漁村の被害からの農林水産業や農漁村の復興や、将来の災害に対する備えや予防につながる科学および技術を学ぶ。

    This course aims to improve the ability to lead agriculture in Tohoku region and regeneration of Japanese agriculture. Students can deepen understanding for the damage of agriculture, forestry and fisheries by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and learn about advanced researches and technologies leading to prevention against disasters in the future.

    1) Students understand agruciltural production systems and application of advanced agricultural technologies through field experiences, mainly in Kawatabi Field Science Center.

    Students also have discussion and make a plan of reconstruction of agriculture and rural village by group work.

    2) Extension at disaster areas: Field practice in Katsurao village, Fukushima prefecture. Students visit to the disaster affected area and learn about the damage and knowledge essential to reconstruct such areas, through field experience and practice.

    3) Students learn about sciences and technologies related to the a preparation for preparation for disaster, agriculture, forestry and

    fisheries reconstructions after the Great East Japan . The course topics will be involved to the preparation for future disasters.
