
854 件ヒット (0.026秒):

  •   グローバル・チャレンジ・コースⅠ / Global Challenge Course I  
      吉見 享祐  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    また、Google Classroomを使用して受講状況を確認したり、講義資料等を配布したりします。

    Google Classroomから授業に関する案内も届きますので、随時確認をしてください。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This course is taught face-to-face.

    Google Classroom will be used to check course status, distribute lecture materials, etc.

    Students will also receive information about the class from Google Classroom, so please check it as needed.

    1. Objectives

    To acquire information necessary for exchange students and to develop an international mindset.

    2. Outline

    To deepen students' understanding of GPA, TOEFL scores, credit transfer, scholarships, etc., necessary for studying abroad, and to promote preliminary study to realize a fruitful exchange program. In addition, to foster an international mindset, students will visit partner universities in neighboring countries and give presentations in English about Tohoku University, the School of Engineering, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, etc.

    3. Achievement goals, etc.

    To master learning and educational goals, including D, E, G, H, I capabilities for this department.

    To develop an international education and sense of natural science through study abroad programs at prestigious universities.

  •   材料科学総合学特別講義(GCCⅡ) / Special Lectures (GCC II)  
      吉見 享祐  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    また、Google Classroomを使用して受講状況を確認したり、講義資料等の配布や共有をします。

    Google Classroomから授業に関する案内も届きますので、随時確認をしてください。

    東北大学の充実した交換留学制度を上手に活用するためには、周到な準備が必要である。それは留学先の選択や、留学期間中の履修にかかわることだけでなく、留学先での受け入れ審査に必要な東北大学の成績やTOEFL等の英語試験のスコアー、さらに奨学金の獲得等々、多岐にわたっている。本講義では、グローバル・チャレンジ・コース I (GCC I)に続き、東北大学の交換留学制度を活用して、材料科学・工学分野で実りある留学経験をするために必要なことを学び、その対策を実践的に行なっていく。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This course is taught face-to-face.

    Google Classroom will be used to check course status, distribute lecture materials, etc.

    Students will also receive information about the class from Google Classroom, so please check it as needed.

    To take full advantage of Tohoku University's extensive exchange program, careful preparation is necessary. This includes not only the selection of a study abroad destination and coursework during the study abroad period but also Tohoku University's score, TOEFL, and other English test scores required for acceptance screening at the study abroad destination, obtaining scholarship funds, etc. In this lecture, following the Global Challenge Course I (GCC I), students will learn what they need to do to have a fruitful study abroad experience in the field of materials science and engineering by taking advantage of Tohoku University's exchange program.

  •   磁性材料学 / Magnetic Materials  
      齊藤 雄太, 手束 展規  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。










    この科目はGoogle Classroomを使用して講義資料と講義情報を発信します。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Magnetic materials have been developed using magnetic properties of various materials. This course is dedicated to understand the basis of magnetism and magnetic materials. Students also learn about their applications.

    2. Overview

    Magnetic materials with various functions have been developed by utilizing their magnetic properties. In this lecture, we will explain the basics of magnetism and material science for understanding various magnetic properties of materials. After that, we will also introduce the characteristics and applications of various magnetic materials.

    3. Goal

    ・ To acquire abilities related to A, B, C, D, and K, which are the learning and educational goals of this department.

    ・ To understand and to explain about the origin of magnetism and magnetic properties.

    ・ To learn about various magnetic materials, and to explain their characteristics and applications.

    This course uses Google Classroom to deliver lecture materials and information.

  •   留学  
      ROOTS MAIA  
      通年 月曜日 5講時  



     The aim of this class is to help the students of the Department of Law to prepare for and take full advantage of their study abroad experience. Participants will also be expected to present what they learned during their 1-2 semesters of study abroad to other students upon return. We will also look at how to connect your study abroad experience to your future career.

  •   多文化PBL  
      三島 敦子  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA106  


    This subject is being held jointly with the Japanese Language Program for International

    Students. The language of instruction will be Japanese. International and Japanese students

    will cooperatively investigate what conditions are like for Japanese people who study and work

    in the international students' home countries/regions, then give presentations and hold group

    discussions on their findings. By analyzing the differences between their own and other

    cultures, both the Japanese and international students will come into contact with diverse ways

    of thinking, learn more about their own cultures, and foster tolerance for different ideas. Japanese students are required to speak in Japanese that is easy for international students to understand.

  •   海外短期研修(発展A)  
      髙松 美能、小嶋 緑  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  




    This course, in conjunction with the programs offered by our partner universities, aims at providing effective learning by offering pre and post-training sessions. Students prepare for the particular program by collecting information, set a goal, and work at it based on the plan. Students have an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned through the overall program.

  •   国際教育演習  
      米澤 彰純  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course is designed to provide insight and analysis into the global context of universities in Japan and around the world. Universities and higher education play an essential role in contemporary knowledge-based societies. At the same time, the characteristics of contemporary universities are inextricably linked to their historical contexts, to issues of access and equity, and to mobility in terms of brain gain/drain and brain circulation. This course will cover the following topics: (1) historical origins and current trends in higher education, (2) access, diversity, equity, inclusion, and funding in higher education, (3) the knowledge economy and higher education, and (4) international dimensions of higher education. Across these themes, participants are expected to examine the role and value of universities in Japan and the world from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. Doctoral-level studies on the nature of universities as academic and professional education and research with deep insight coupled with clear analysis are expected.

    このコースは、日本および世界の大学のグローバルな状況についての洞察と分析を提供することを目的としています。現代の知識基盤社会において、大学と高等教育は不可欠な役割を果たしています。同時に、現代の大学の特徴は、その歴史的背景、アクセスや公平性の問題、頭脳の獲得・流出や頭脳の循環といったモビリティと表裏一体の関係にあります。このコースでは、以下のトピックを取り上げます: (1)高等教育の歴史的起源と現在の傾向、(2)高等教育におけるアクセス、多様性、公正、包摂、財政、(3)知識経済と高等教育、(4)高等教育の国際的次元。これらのテーマを通して、参加者は学際的・横断的なアプローチから、日本および世界における大学の役割と価値を考察することが求められます。学術・専門教育・研究としての大学の在り方について、深い洞察と明確な分析を伴った博士レベルの研究が求められます。

  •   海外短期研修(発展A)  
      髙松 美能、小嶋 緑  
      後期集中 その他 連講 その他  




    This course, in conjunction with the programs offered by our partner universities, aims at providing effective learning by offering pre and post-training sessions. Students prepare for the particular program by collecting information, set a goal, and work at it based on the plan. Students have an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned through the overall program.

  •   海外短期研修(発展B)  
      髙松 美能、小嶋 緑  
      後期集中 その他 連講 その他  




    This course, in conjunction with the programs offered by our partner universities, aims at providing effective learning by offering pre and post-training sessions. Students prepare for the particular program by collecting information, set a goal, and work at it based on the plan. Students have an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned through the overall program.

  •   NGP特別海外研修  
      松井 広  
      通年集中 その他 その他  

    東北大学では、文部科学省のスーパーグローバル大学創成プロジェクトの採択を受け、国際的な大学院教育環境を整備するために、多数の国際共同大学院プログラムを展開している。そのうち、「生命科学(脳科学)」(略称:Neuro Global Program)では、生命科学(脳科学)分野の研究で成果をあげている世界トップクラスの教員と共に、海外のトップレベルの研究者等と一緒に生命科学(脳科学)分野の研究で実績のある教育研究機関と共同で行う大学院教育プログラムである。本科目は、NGPコースの中核であり、NGP履修生は、主に、提携先の大学・研究機関において、6ヶ月程度の滞在をして、研究を遂行する。したがって、NGP履修生は、本科目を通して、東北大学と提携先の教員の両方に指導を受けることとなる。

    本科目は、Qualifying Exam 0(QE0)に合格してNGP履修生として採択され、かつ、博士前期課程修了時に行われるQE1にも合格した者のみが履修できる。また、本科目を修了することがNGP修了の必須条件である。

    The Division for International Joint Graduate Programs, Tohoku University Institute for Promoting Graduate Degree Programs that began in 2015, is improving joint degree programs with international collaborative universities/institutes. The Neuro Global International Joint Graduate Program (NGP) officially began in April of 2018 in the fields of life science and neuroscience. Students will be selected from graduate students belonging to Graduate School of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Medicine, and provided various opportunities. The center of the program is this "NGP Special Overseas Training". NGP students are expected to spend a total of approximately 6 months abroad at associated universities or research institutes. Thus, NGP students will be jointly supervised both by the Tohoku University faculty members and by the associated faculty members abroad.

    Those who have passed the QE0 and joined the NGP and those who have passed the QE1 at the end of the Master course as well are qualified to take this course. NGP students are required to finish this course to be certified as NGP graduates.
