
2050 件ヒット (0.035秒):

  •   データベース / Database  
      三石 大  

    2024年度のGoogle Classroomのクラスコードは kdcvec6 です。

    □ 授業の実施方法

    この授業では、教材配布やレポート提出用の学習支援システムとしてISTU/DCシステムを利用します。Google Classroom は利用しませんので注意して下さい。


    □ 目的


    □ 概要


    □ 達成方法





    * Class format

    This course use ISTU/DC system (not Google Classroom) as a learning management system to deliver materials and to receive home assignments.

    Each lesson will be held in a classroom and deliver videos of recorded lectures on ISTU/DC.If you cannot attend to classroom with some reasons, see the videos. Though, lecture videos are not guaranteed.

    For more details, see announce on the ISTU/DC system.

    * Objectives

    The purpose of this course is to acquire knowledge and skills to design, develop and operate database systems.

    * Summary

    In order to build highly digitalized society over the Internet, it is necessary to put various data into databases and provide them to be used when needed. So, students learn what is the database as an infrastructure for modern society, study theory and practice of database management system including database query language, and acquire knowledge to design, implement and operate information systems using database.

    * How to approach to goals

    - Understand overviews of database, principles of data models, and sorts of databases.

    - Understand fundamental theory of relational data model, relational algebra, and SQL as a database query language based on the relational algebra, and be able to operate database management system.

    - Understand theory of dependency among data, normal form of relation, and how to make model of data in real world, and be able to design appropriate database which avoid anomaly.

    - Understand theory of simultaneous transaction and its risks, and control transactions appropriately.

  •   計算機学 / Fundamentals of Computer  
      木下 賢吾  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    Google Classroomを利用します。


     コンピュータが0-1 の世界であるということが何を意味しているかについての理解を深め,コンピュータの設計者あるいは利用者として持っているべき基礎的知識の修得を目的とする。





    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Students deeply understand what meant by the fact that a computer deals with the world of 0 and 1. Fundamental knowledge of computer is earned as a computer designer and user.

    2. Overview

    Students learn logic functions as a foundation of logic design, logic equations and their simplification, and Boolean algebra. In addition, based on knowledge concerning a model computer and execution mechanisms of computer software, students deeply learn foundations of algorithm design such as data structure and computational complexity.

    3. Objectives

    Students learn about:

    Synthesis of logic equations based on the specification of information processing to be realized.

    Simplification of logic equations and construction of logic circuits.

    Diverse properties of logic functions.

    Execution mechanisms of computer software.

    Information and materials are uploaded to Google Classroom system.

  •   システム制御工学Ⅱ / System Control Engineering II  
      吉田 和哉, 田村 雄介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    In this lecture, we will give a lecture that develops the contents of "System Control Engineering I". Lectures will be given on control system analysis and control system design methods for the purpose of designing motion control systems for increasingly sophisticated and complex mechanical systems. In this lecture, we will give a lecture on the basics of control system design represented by state feedback control and output feedback control in the state space, state observer and Kalman filter, and control responsiveness analysis for linear systems. Lectures will be given in English. It shall include exercises using MATLAB or alternative software.

  •   制御工学Ⅱ / Control Engineering II  
      岡島 淳之介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Following classical control theory (Control Engineering I), learn about modern control theory.

    2. Overview

    In this lecture, we will study an approach called the state space method, which is a method to control multivariable linear dynamic systems. The main subject of modern control theory is how to analyze the characteristics of a system represented by the state equation and how to design a control system to achieve desired characteristics. After learning the representation method of a multivariable dynamic system with a state equation, we introduce basic concepts of multivariable systems, such as stability, controllability, and observability. We also learn specific control strategies based on concepts such as pole assignment by state feedback, state estimation by an observer, and optimal control by an optimal regulator.

    3. Goal

    To be able to express a given dynamic system by a state equation and determine its controllability and observability. To be able to design control systems with desired characteristics by using a method such as state feedback, pole assignment, observer, and optimal regulator.

  •   制御工学Ⅱ / Control Engineering II  
      桒原 聡文  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Following classical control theory (Control Engineering I), learn about modern control theory.

    2. Overview

    In this lecture, we will study an approach called the state space method, which is a method to control multivariable linear dynamic systems. The main subject of modern control theory is how to analyze the characteristics of a system represented by the state equation and how to design a control system to achieve desired characteristics. After learning the representation method of a multivariable dynamic system with a state equation, we introduce basic concepts of multivariable systems, such as stability, controllability, and observability. We also learn specific control strategies based on concepts such as pole assignment by state feedback, state estimation by an observer, and optimal control by an optimal regulator.

    3. Goal

    To be able to express a given dynamic system by a state equation and determine its controllability and observability. To be able to design control systems with desired characteristics by using a method such as state feedback, pole assignment, observer, and optimal regulator.

  •   制御工学基礎 / Fundamentals of Control Engineering  
      青木 大, 菊池 洋平, 三宅 厚志  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    この科目はGoogle classroomを使って講義に関する情報を発信します。


    クラスコードは、x7y7qgp です。

    DC Mailアカウントを用いて、Google Classroomにアクセスし、クラスコードを入力して下さい。


    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This course uses Google Classroom to provide lecture information.

    The information includes necessary contents about textbook(s)/document(s), the style of lecture and so on.

    The class code is x7y7qgp.

    Please use your DC Mail account to access Google Classroom and enter the class code.

    In some cases, a part of the lecture may be given online.

    1. Objectives

    Students will learn the fundamental methods of control engineering, which is a discipline to understand the response to electrical or mechanical input for mechanical systems, such as thermal fluid devices, aircrafts, and robots, to evaluate the stability of the systems, and to design the systems with the desired behavior.

    2. Outline

    This course provides the overview of the Laplace transform, which is an important tool of automatic control theory, and the basic form of the transfer function to represent the characteristics of the automatic control system by using the Laplace transform.

    Next, This course provides explanation on the frequency transfer function and various graphical representation to analyze the frequency characteristics of the system.

    In addition, This course provides stability analysis methods and design methods of feedback control systems.

    3. Goals

    (1) To acquire the knowledge and understanding of the Laplace transform

    (2) To understand system responses to periodic changes of input (Frequency response)

    (3) To understand the principals of stability in system responses

    (4) To understand system responses to rapid changes of input (Transient response)

    (5) To understand compensation methods to prevent from becoming unstable, and to acquire the design methods of control systems.

  •   システム制御工学A / Control Systems Engineering A  
      張山 昌論  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    1.目 的 


    2.概 要 








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    To learn the basic theory of analysis and design of feedback control.


    First, the concept of feedback and the configuration of feedback control systems are introduced. Next, the basic items such as differential equation expression, transfer function, frequency transfer function, and stability of systems are learnt. Finally, the concrete methods and procedures for feedback control systems are acquired.


    The followings should be understood, and the analysis and design for feedback control systems should be attained in concrete examples.

    (1) Differential equation expression and transfer function of linear systems

    (2) Methods for stability discrimination of feedback systems

    (3) Relationship among transient response, frequency characteristics and steady state error.

    (4) Design methods with frequency response.

  •   制御工学Ⅱ / Control Engineering II  
      村田 智  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Following classical control theory (Control Engineering I), learn about modern control theory.

    2. Overview

    In this lecture, we will study an approach called the state space method, which is a method to control multivariable linear dynamic systems. The main subject of modern control theory is how to analyze the characteristics of a system represented by the state equation and how to design a control system to achieve desired characteristics. After learning the representation method of a multivariable dynamic system with a state equation, we introduce basic concepts of multivariable systems, such as stability, controllability, and observability. We also learn specific control strategies based on concepts such as pole assignment by state feedback, state estimation by an observer, and optimal control by an optimal regulator.

    3. Goal

    To be able to express a given dynamic system by a state equation and determine its controllability and observability. To be able to design control systems with desired characteristics by using a method such as state feedback, pole assignment, observer, and optimal regulator.

  •   計算機学 / Fundamentals of Computer  
      大林 武  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



     コンピュータが0-1 の世界であるということが何を意味しているかについての理解を深め,コンピュータの設計者あるいは利用者として持っているべき基礎的知識の修得を目的とする。





    本講義ではGoogle Classroomを利用する。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Students deeply understand what meant by the fact that a computer deals with the world of 0 and 1. Fundamental knowledge of computer is earned as a computer designer and user.

    2. Overview

    Students learn logic functions as a foundation of logic design, logic equations and their simplification, and Boolean algebra. In addition, based on knowledge concerning a model computer and execution mechanisms of computer software, students deeply learn foundations of algorithm design such as data structure and computational complexity.

    3. Objectives

    Students learn about:

    Synthesis of logic equations based on the specification of information processing to be realized.

    Simplification of logic equations and construction of logic circuits.

    Diverse properties of logic functions.

    Execution mechanisms of computer software.

  •   データエンジニアリング  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

