
1332 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   工学者のための医学概論 / Outline of Medicine Engineers  
      西條 芳文  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。




    Google Classroomのクラスコード:

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    In this course, history of medicine is introduced. Structure and function of human body, cause, diagnosis and treatment of diseases are explained for engineering students. Medical systems in Japan in comparison with other countries, problems of medicine in 21st century, medical ethics, health and safety, mental health are also educated.

    This is a lecture-centered course but in some classes, students discuss on medical systems or medical ethics.

    Class code of Google Classroom:

  •   臨床検査関係法規  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科第6講義室  


    To understand regulations in laboratory medicine

  •   社会・環境医学 Public Health and Environmental Health Science  
      寳澤 篤  


    Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in various fields of public health and environmental health science.

  •   社会・環境医学 Public Health and Environmental Health Science  
      寳澤 篤  


    Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in various fields of public health and environmental health science.

  •   社会・環境医学 Public Health and Environmental Health Science  
      寳澤 篤  


    Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in various fields of public health and environmental health science.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.
