
2903 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   (IMAC-U)情報科学基礎Ⅱ / (IMAC-U)Fundamentals of Information Science II  
      佐藤 雅之  

    This class is given by using Google Classroom (class code: nzdrhyv)

    Aims: Students will acquire basic knowledge about algorithms and data structures.

    Descriptions: Evaluation methods and programming techniques for making good programs are discussed.

    Goal: On completing the course, students will have the ability to design and make good programs.

  •   情報科学基礎Ⅱ / Fundamentals of Information Science II  
      滝沢 寛之  

    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標等


    [Class code: ijn2esu]

    Aims: Students will acquire basic knowledge about algorithms and data structures.

    Descriptions: Evaluation methods and programming techniques for making good programs are discussed.

    Goal: On completing the course, students will have the ability to design and making good programs.

    [Class code: ijn2esu]

  •   (IMAC-U) コンピュータ実習Ⅰ / (IMAC-U)Computer Seminar i  
      大西 直文, 庄司 衛太  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標等


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    The purpose of this course is to obtain basic computing skills such as information processing and information exchange via internet for engineers and scientists through some exercises.

    2. Contents

    This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to fundamental computer science including operating system, text editing, general-purpose programming language, and computer graphics. Students will learn about algorithms and problem solving through development of a specific software.

    3. Goal

    Students will be able to obtain fundamental knowledge of a general-purpose programing language and algorithm design.

  •   アルゴリズムとデータ構造 / Algorithms and Data Structures  
      住井 英二郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページ



    授業にはGoogle Classroomを利用







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Will use Google Classroom

    1. Purpose

    To learn basic knowledge for analysis and design of algorithms.

    2. Summary

    Give general computation models, and explain the theory of complexity as a basis of algorithm analysis.

    Show basic data structures (such as lists, search trees, and stacks) in detail, and describe basic techniques for algorithm design such as the divide-and-conquer method through specific examples such as sorting and searching.

    3. Goals

    To understand basic algorithms and data structures, and learn basics of algorithm design techniques.

    Deepen the understanding via exercises (including programming) in class.

  •   (IMAC-U)情報科学基礎Ⅰ / (IMAC-U) Fundamentals of Information Science I  
      小林 広明  

    This class will be managed by Google classroom, whose class code is xnt2pve, and given in-person in Room 213 of Mechanical Engineering building. Sometime, this class will be also delivered in a real-time on-line fashion. Please check the google classroom before attending the class on every Monday and Thursday, at 1:00pm (until 2:30).

    1.Class subject(目的)

    As the learning goal, students have acquired the knowledge of circuit design and organization of modern computer systems.

    2.Object and summary of class(概要)

    After the quick review of computer systems development in the history, the course gives the mathematical foundation for computer system design. Based on the mathematical foundation, the design methodology of basic circuits such as combinational circuits and sequential circuits is given. And then, the course describes how a computer system is constructed by using several basic combinational and sequential circuits, and discusses its functionality to carry out arithmetic and logic operations. In addition, the format of a machine language to direct operations to the computer system and its interpretation to generates control signals will be presented.

    3.Goal of study(達成目標等)

    In this course, students should be able to:

    (1) know the concept of today's computers based on the history of computers development,

    (2) learn data representation for computers and the mathematical foundation of computer arithmetic, and

    (3) understand the concrete structure and functionality of modern computer systems through their basic components of arithmetic unit, memory and control unit as building blocks in terms of hardware and software.

  •   アルゴリズムとデータ構造 / Algorithms and Data Structures  
      周 暁, 酒井 正夫  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    The purpose is to learn the basic knowledge for analysis and design of algorithms.

    2. Summary

    Give some usual computational models and explain the computational theory of basic analysis of algorithms.

    Show some basic data structures (list, searching tree, stack, etc.) in detail, and some specific examples of "sort", "search", etc. as the theme.

    Introduce some techniques of the basic algorithm design such as divide-and-conquer method.

    3. Goals

    To understand the basic algorithms and data structures, learn algorithm design techniques.

    It is better to understand by doing the exercises (including programming) in the lecture.

  •   (IMAC-U) 情報処理演習 / (IMAC-U)Practice of information Processing  
      廣田 真  

    Google Classroom Code: f724i3w









    Google Classroom Code: f724i3w

    1. Class subject

    The purpose of this course is to acquire basic programming skills for information processing

    2. Object and summary of class

    Lectures on basic grammar of C language and design of basic algorithms.Practices on writing, compiling and executing programs under the Unix environment.

    3. Goal of study

    Students are expected to be able to:

    - Understand the basic grammar of the C programming language.

    - Develop a simple program and execute it in the Unix environment.

  •   コンピュータ実習Ⅰ / Computer Seminar I  
      大西 直文, 庄司 衛太  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標等


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    The purpose of this course is to obtain basic computing skills such as information processing and information exchange via internet for engineers and scientists through some exercises.

    2. Contents

    This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to fundamental computer science including operating system, text editing, general-purpose programming language, and computer graphics. Students will learn about algorithms and problem solving through development of a specific software.

    3. Goal

    Students will be able to obtain fundamental knowledge of a general-purpose programing language and algorithm design.

  •   コンピュータ実習Ⅰ / Computer Seminar I  
      大西 直文, 庄司 衛太  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標等


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    The purpose of this course is to obtain basic computing skills such as information processing and information exchange via internet for engineers and scientists through some exercises.

    2. Contents

    This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to fundamental computer science including operating system, text editing, general-purpose programming language, and computer graphics. Students will learn about algorithms and problem solving through development of a specific software.

    3. Goal

    Students will be able to obtain fundamental knowledge of a general-purpose programing language and algorithm design.

  •   情報処理演習(6-10組偶数) / Practice of Information Processing  
      鬼沢 直哉, 坂本 修一  

    授業に関する最新情報は Google Classroom で確認してください.










    ・ C言語の文法を理解し、簡単なプログラムを作成できる。

    ・ UNIX (Linux) 環境下でのプログラムの作成から実行までの操作ができる。

    Please check Google Classroom for updates of lecture plan.

    Class code: bnhu274

    Lecture Code : TB62024

    The primary objective of this course is to learn basic knowledge of computer programing and algorithms through practice.

    The original C language will be used for instructions and practice, because it served as a basis of various other computer languages that were developed later.

    Through this course, students are expected to learn (1) the basic syntax and way of programming in the C language, and (2) the way to compile and run the program on the UNIX (Linux) operating system.
