
1175 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   フィールドサイエンスⅠ / Field Science I  
      掛川 武  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details. We use 2 or 3 weekends during October to December. We will visit geothermal areas in Iwate and Akita Prefectures. In addition, we will visit oil fields in Akita prefecture. We stay at Japanese style Ryokan and costs will be charged to each.

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

  •   フィールドサイエンスⅡ / Field Science I  
      掛川 武  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

  •   野外調査演習(測量学を含む) / Methodology of field survey  
      掛川 武, 石田 章純, 奥村 聡, 後藤 章夫, 長瀬 敏郎, 宮本 毅  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 / 前期 月曜日 2講時 / 前期 月曜日 3講時 / 前期 月曜日 4講時  


    This is practice course of geological survey.

    This is the field training cause for undergraduate students.

  •   先端地球惑星科学Ⅰ / Advanced Earth Science I  
      掛川 武  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

  •   先端地球惑星科学Ⅱ / Advanced Earth Science I  
      掛川 武  
      後期集中 その他 連講  

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

  •   ローテーション実習 Rotation training  
      5月~10月(4 月入学者) From May to October (Those who enrolled April.) 11 月~翌年3月( 10 月入学者) From Nobember to March (Those who enrolled October.)  
      各指導教授の指示による。 As directed by each supervisor /  

    学生に幅広い知識と研究をさせるため、基礎、臨床の垣根を越えて短期的に研究指導を受けさせる。 In order to provide students with a wide range of knowledge and research, we provide them with short-term research guidance across basic and clinical fields.

  •   History of Economic Thought  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 第2小講義室  

    Google Classroom Code: 3nhwcp6

    Introduction to Economics:

    If you are interested in the story behind Micro and Macro Economics you are learning, or if you have faced challenges in coming to grips with some of the conceptual foundations of modern Economic theory, you may find this course beneficial. Past students have told me that the course improved their understanding of current economic theory by tracing its historical evolution. They have shared that the course served as a complement and guide to their Micro and Macro Economics studies.

    The discipline of Economics has a complex history marked by contradictions. On one hand, it is a history of disagreement and changes, but on the other, it is a persistent effort to address crucial questions facing society. This interplay of discontinuity and continuity has shaped Economics into the theory we study today. By tracing the evolution of the science, we can gain a deeper understanding of its essence and how it has developed into its current form.

  •   経済学史特殊講義  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 第2小講義室  

    Google Classroom Code: 3nhwcp6

    Introduction to Economics:

    If you are interested in the story behind Micro and Macro Economics you are learning, or if you have faced challenges in coming to grips with some of the conceptual foundations of modern Economic theory, you may find this course beneficial. Past students have told me that the course improved their understanding of current economic theory by tracing its historical evolution. They have shared that the course served as a complement and guide to their Micro and Macro Economics studies.

    The discipline of Economics has a complex history marked by contradictions. On one hand, it is a history of disagreement and changes, but on the other, it is a persistent effort to address crucial questions facing society. This interplay of discontinuity and continuity has shaped Economics into the theory we study today. By tracing the evolution of the science, we can gain a deeper understanding of its essence and how it has developed into its current form.

  •   航空宇宙機学(IMAC) / Introduction to Aerospace Engineering  
      小林 広明, 大西 直文, 河合 宗司, 滝沢 寛之, 野々村 拓, 槙原 幹十朗, 山本 悟  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    In this course, various topics on aerospace engineering will be presented as the basic knowledge that students of the aerospace course must acquire to fulfill the requirements for graduation from the undergraduate aerospace engineering program. Introductory lectures on the research fields conducted by each faculty member of the course will be given.

    This course is aimed at those who want to master basic knowledge on aerospace engineering, including aircraft design, aerodynamics (experimental and computational), structure and material, propulsion, space exploration, space robotics, information science and technology, and so on.

    Title: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (IMAC-U)

  •   バイオ産業実践科目  
      佐藤 修正  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    企業における研究開発、立案、産業化などについて学ぶと同時に、BioJapan など国際会議での企画、バイオ関連企業でのインターンシップを実施する。

    /In this course, students learn about research and development, planning and industrialization in the bio-industry company, and have practical experiences in attending special exhibitions in international conferences such as BIO-Japan and/or internship at Bio-related company.
