
735 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   先端理化学特論ⅠA / Radioisotopes and positron chemistry  
      木野 康志  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    When unstable particles created by high energy nuclear reaction etc. are incorporated into atomic/molecular systems, exotic chemical reactions which are not seen in ordinary chemical reactions occur. As unstable particles, elementary particles, antiparticles, radioactive isotopes will be considered. A positron is an antiparticle of an electron and has the same physical properties as an electron except for the sign of charge. The positron annihilates when it comes in contact with an electron and emits a few gamma rays. By measuring these gamma rays, it is possible to analyze various chemical substances from atom/molecule to materials using positron as a probe. Natural and artificial radioactive isotopes exist in the environment, causing internal exposure by incorporated them, and elucidation of the movement of radioactive isotopes in the environment is needed. Trends and behavior of radioactive isotope in the environment will be explained.

  •   無機分析化学概論A / Introduction to radiochemistry  
      木野 康志  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  



    Due to the discovery of radiation and nuclei and the development of quantum mechanics accompanying it, the structure of the atom which becomes the basis of chemistry became clear, and microscopic understanding of chemical bonding and chemical reaction became possible. Although the scale of energy and particle size is different for nucleus and atom/molecule, both of them are written in the same quantum mechanical finite multi-body system, and can often be understood with common concepts. In the lecture, the structure of nuclei, disintegration phenomenon, disintegration phenomenon, the influence of radiation on atomic molecules, the origins of elements intertwined with the historical background and recent topics will be explained clearly. The radiochemical experiments using non-sealed radioactive materials to be held in December will be explained

  •   化学A  
      岸本 直樹  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB200  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.

  •   放射化学 / Radiochemistry  
      桐島 陽, 秋山 大輔  

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    The scientific basis of nuclear phenomena is lectured in chemistry for engineering application, material science, and medical science. The types of radioactive decay, its effect on chemical reaction, separation, and analysis of radio-activities are provided in this class. The content of this lecture includes the chemistry field of the national qualification exam for radiation and nuclear reactor operation.

  •   化学A  
      橋本 久子  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.

  •   化学A  
      高石 慎也  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC106  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.

  •   化学A  
      佐藤 雄介  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA401  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.

  •   放射化学  
      船木 善仁  
      前期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期前半 月曜日 5講時 保健学科第5講義室  

    ラジオアイソトープは生命科学研究や医学診断において必須のツールである。本講義において、放射線とラジオアイソトープに関連した化学分野における基礎知識を正確に理解する。また、診療放射線技師国家試験や放射線取扱主任者国家試験に関する講義も行う。 /

    A radioisotope is an indispensable tool in a life science study and a diagnosis. Basic knowledge in the chemical field related to radiation and a radioisotope is understood correctly in this lecture. Also, it's learned about state examinations of medical radiology technicians or radiation protection supervisors.

  •   物理化学概論B(AMC) / General Physical Chemistry B  
      組頭 広志  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  


    The course deals with the introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics and their application to chemical systems.Topics include the formalism and mahtematical tools of quantum mechanics; approximate methods; atomic structure; the chemical bond,valence bond; and molecular orbital theory.

  •   化学A  
      加藤 英樹  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC202  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.
