
1053 件ヒット (0.032秒):

  •   金属物理学特論 / Lecture on the electronic and magnetic properties in molecular materials  
      佐々木 孝彦, 井口 敏, 野島 勉  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  

    π電子系として知られる分子性物質は,d電子系,f電子系である無機化合物と並んで固体電子物性の標準的な研究対象として認識されている.その基礎として,しばしば100 個を超える原子が単位胞に存在する結晶構造の複雑さとは裏腹に,出発点となる電子構造が簡単な強束縛近似で表され単純である.一方で,強相関電子系としての強い電子間相互作用や電子-格子相互作用の効果が合わさることで多様な電子物性や磁気的性質が出現する.本授業では,分子が構成要素となった固体である分子性物質,とくに電気伝導性を示す分子性導体を既習の固体電子論のモデル物質として取り上げ,その電子物性と関連する磁性現象について学び,理解を深める.さらにいくつかの研究トピックスを紹介し,その物理的な意味と重要性を学ぶ.


    This course covers the electronic and magnetic properties with strongly correlated nature in the molecular materials. A series of molecular conductors is regarded as one of the strongly correlated electrons system. This course provides an overview of the electronic and magnetic properties observed in molecular materials as a model system in the text book of the solid state physics. Based on the general consideration studied in the first half of the course, several research topics on the intriguing electronic and magnetic phenomena which are actively studied at present are explained for understanding the physical meaning and importance in the condensed matter physics.

    Note that this course in 2024 includes overlaps with Advanced Magnetic Physics -Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Molecular Materials-, which will be offered in 2023, so students taking Advanced Magnetic Physics in 2023 should be aware of this.

  •   有機電子材料化学 / Chemistry of Organic Electronics  
      芥川 智行  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ





    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Intrinsic properties of organic p-system are firstly understood, and explain the electrical conducting and magnetic properties based on the crystal structure and electronic structure of molecular-assemblies. Further physical properties including the ferroelectricity will be explained and understand the future organic electronic devices based on the advanced molecular designs.

       Basic physical properties of organic solids will be learned, and a relationship between molecular designs and solid state physical properties will be principally understood. The load map from molecular designs to molecular assembly designs starting from chemical structures will be considered at the functionality of organic system. Future electronic devices such as molecular devices will be one of the interesting principle for device designs.

  •   強相関電子物理学特論 / Lecture on strongly correlated electron systems  
      池本 夕佳, 藤森 伸一, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    We revisit the basics of electronic states of condensed matters and learn the experimental techniques such as photoemission spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation sources. Hot topics for organic transistors, heavy-fermion systems, and organic conductors will be discussed. Various interesting phenomena arising from s, p, d and f electron systems as well as the physics behind them will be introduced.

  •   原子分子物理学 / Atomic and Molecular Physics  
      岩井 伸一郎  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  












    The basic principles of light-matter interactions not only for atomic/molecular systems but also for solid materials will be discussed.

    In the former part, optical properties of atomic/molecular systems in terms of elementary electrodynamics, statistical physics , and quantum mechanics. Main subjects are shown below;

    ・Why is quantum mechanics necessary ?

    ・Electronic wavefunction and colors of matter

    ・Tight-binding theory (in solid state physics) and molecular orbital(in quantum chemistry)

    ・Electronic many body effect

    ・Spin-orbit interaction

    Then, in the latter part, advanced laser technologies such as extremely ultrashort laser pulse, frequency comb. terahertz wave etc... and their application to material science will be introduced.

  •   光物性学特論Ⅰ / Nonlinear and ultrafast material science  
      岩井 伸一郎, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    In light-matter interactions, the response of a material to light is independent of light intensity if the light intensity is weak. The color and gloss of materials under the sun can be understood within the framework of such a 'linear response'. However, for light with a high electric field intensity, such as laser light, light-induced polarizations are proportional to more than the second order of the optical electric field. In this lecture, the basic topics of non-linear optical effects such as non-linear absorption and harmonic generation (second harmonic generation, optical rectification) will be studied. Furthermore, recent developments in ultrashort pulsed laser technology leading to attosecond science (Nobel Prize in Physics 2023) have made it possible to apply a strong electric field to materials before the temperature of the matter is increased by the energy of light (or the materials is damaged by heat). These 'non-thermal' high-energy states, made possible by state-of-the-art light technology, are moving materials science research into a new phase. Here, the optical (or terahertz field) control of quantum matter (photoinduced phase transitions, higher harmonic generation and photo-intense electric field effects) in quantum matter (matter dominated by quantum effects of electrons and quantum many-body effects, such as superconductors) will also be presented.

  •   物性物理原論B / Solid State Physics B  
      松枝 宏明  

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    資料掲載など必要に応じてGoogle Classroomを利用するので、確認するようにしてください。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose and Target

     Study the basic knowledge of Bloch theorem to understand the behavior of conduction and valence electrons in periodic potential of metallic and insulating crystals.

    2. Outline

     Electric and thermal properties of free electrons in metals will be given based on the knowledge of quantum mechanics and solid state physics A.Bloch theorem in periodic potentials will be proved and applied to understand the basic properties of band structures and band gaps in various kinds of crystals. The course ends up with the brief introduction of response of conduction electrons to external electric and magnetic fields in wave packet form.

  •   固体相関物理学特論 / Lecture on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems in Condensed Matter Physics  
      木村 憲彰, 水上 雄太  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  


    This course provides a basic understanding of electron correlation in solids, focusing on magnetism. The lecture explains the subject from both localized and itinerant perspectives. Specific material groups such as d-electron and f-electron systems are discussed, with d-electron systems viewed from a localized perspective and f-electron systems from an itinerant perspective. This approach enhances the understanding of these strongly correlated electron systems.

  •   凝縮系物理学特論 / Lecture on Condensed Matter Physics  
      佐藤 宇史  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    We revisit the basics of condensed-matter physics such as crystal structure, free electrons, and energy band structure, and learn electron dynamics of metals, semiconductors, and superconductors. We also study basic principle of key experimental techniques to prove electronic structure, such as photoelectron spectroscopy. Unusual physical properties of topological insulator, high-temperature superconductor, and atomic-layer materials, and their relationship with underlying electronic states will be introduced.

  •   固体物性基礎論 / Elementary Solid State Physics  
      清水 幸弘  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ










    ・ 多電子状態を記述する手法と近似方法を習得する。

    ・ 強結合模型とその物性を理解する。

    ・ 第一原理計算手法の概要とその計算結果から理解できる物性について学ぶ。

    講義は対面形式を基本とし、お知らせなどにGoogle Classroom(クラスコード:wh6yiny)を用いる。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    1. Purpose

     Solid state physics is one of the most important fundamental concepts in condensed matter science. It is also the basis for the development of new materials and their application to devices. In this lecture, we focus on one of the central issues in solid state physics, the solid state electron theory, and aim to understand its fundamentals and the electronic structure calculations by first-principles methods.

    2. Outline

    Lectures on the electronic structure of a large number of electrons in solids will be given.

    Electrons in solids are in many-particle states due to Coulomb interactions among electrons, and exhibit various physical properties such as magnetism and superconductivity.

    In this lecture, we will first learn the methods and approximations to deal with many-particle states. Next, we will learn about the strong coupling model and first-principles calculation methods, and explain the solid-state properties that can be understood from the results of these calculations.

    3. Objectives

    To master the method of describing and approximating multi-electron states.

    To understand the strong coupling model and its physical properties.

    Learn about first-principles calculation methods and the physical properties that can be understood from the results of these calculations.

    Lectures will be given in a face-to-face format and Google Classroom (class code:wh6yiny) will be used for announcements.

  •   構造物性学 / Structural Physics of Materials  
      宮﨑 讓, 林 慶  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Crystallography of 3D crystals and magnetic crystals / surface physics and analyses of surface structures. Topics: Crystal symmetry and space group; rotation groups and their representation matrixes; basis function in a symmetric potential field; magnetic structures and their symmetry operations;
