
975 件ヒット (0.031秒):

  •   基礎地学実験(教職) / Fundamental experiments in Earth Science I  
      宮本 毅  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    In this course, fundamental experiments, observations and measurements are carried out to acquire basic skills and knowledge necessary for earth science.Through these experiments and observations, you will deepen understanding of what you learn in earth science lectures.

  •   基礎地学実験 / Fundamental experiments in Earth Science I  
      宮本 毅, 髙栁 栄子  
      前期 金曜日 3講時後半 / 前期 金曜日 4講時後半  


    In this course, fundamental experiments, observations and measurements are carried out to acquire basic skills and knowledge necessary for earth science.Through these experiments and observations, you will deepen understanding of what you learn in earth science lectures.

  •   地学実験 / Fundamental experiments in Earth Science II  
      宮本 毅, 髙栁 栄子  
      前期 金曜日 3講時前半 / 前期 金曜日 4講時前半  


    In this course, fundamental experiments, observations and measurements are carried out to acquire basic skills and knowledge necessary for earth science.Through these experiments and observations, you will deepen understanding of what you learn in earth science lectures.

  •   地球の科学 / Introduction to Department of Earth Science  
      奥村 聡, 浅海 竜司  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  


    The Department of Earth Science consists of two divisions, the Division of GeoEnvronmental Science and the Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science. These two divisions have a total of 13 research groups (Carbonate Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Evolutional Paleontology; Fault and Geodynamics; Geology and Paleoceanography; Geomorphology and Physical Geography; Human Geography; Natural Hazard; Mineralogy and Crystallography; Natural Resources and Environmental Geochemistry; Early Solar System Evolution; Quantum-beam Earth Science and Technology; Volcanology and Geofluids; Petrotectonics; Global Crystal Science). Students can learn basic knowledge that cannot be obtained in high school education and the latest research achievement of each group.

  •   地球惑星物質科学実習Ⅳ / Laboratory course on Earth and Planetary Materials Science IV  
      後藤 章夫, 石田 章純, 坂巻 竜也, 松本 恵  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 / 後期 水曜日 4講時  


    This course deals with the basics of Earth and Planetary materials Science and the techniques of instrumental analyses and high pressure experiments.

  •   宇宙地球化学 / Chemical and material evolution of earth and space  
      中村 智樹, 中嶋 大輔  
      後期後半 火曜日 2講時 / 後期後半 木曜日 2講時  


    Introduction of chemical and material evolution of earth and planets in the solar system.

  •   岩石学実習Ⅱ / Practical course of Polarizing Microscope II  
      宮本 毅, 鈴木 紀毅, 髙嶋 礼詩, 山田 努  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 / 前期 水曜日 4講時  


    This is practical course of petrography after Laboratory course on Earth and Planetary Materials Science I. Through the microscope observations of various rock thin sections, we understand the diversity of rocks on the earth.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 前期 火曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 前期 木曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      後期 金曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 後期 金曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.
