
165 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   天体測定学Ⅰ演習 / Making an optical astronomical observation instrument and measurements  
      秋山 正幸  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  


    An observational instrument with optical photo-diode will be made in the course. Understand the principles of photon counting system, and circuit to convert the detected photon analog signal into a digital signal. Make a circuit with amplifier, and evaluate the performance of the instrument with astronomical observation.

  •   天体測定学Ⅰ / Principles of optical and infrared signal measurements in astronomy  
      秋山 正幸  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  











    9) 衛星によるX線や赤外線での観測

    Principles of signal measurements in optical and infrared astronomy are reviewed.

    1) Definition of various observables

    2) Coordinate system in astronomy

    3) Telescope and instruments

    4) Principles of optical and infrared photon detection

    5) Principles of imaging observation

    6) Principles of spectroscopic observation

    7) Principles of data analysis with statistics

    8) Modern astronomy with optical and infrared observations

    9) Observation in X-ray and infrared from space

  •   天体計測学特論Ⅰ / Astronomical observation with electromagnetic waves  
      秋山 正幸  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  



     (1) 電磁波の基本的性質

     (2) 光学系の構成と収差

     (3) 光の回折と干渉

     (4) 可視赤外線の検出器

     (5) 光学素子

     (6) 可視赤外線分光器の構成

     (7) 面分光観測

     (8) 撮像観測の信号と雑音

     (9) 分光観測の信号と雑音

     (10) 赤外線観測の基礎

     (11) X線観測の基礎

    Understand principles of measurements of astronomical signals, and associated uncertainty of the measurements.


    (1) Basic properties of electro magnetic wave

    (2) Optical components and aberrations

    (3) Light diffraction and interference

    (4) Detectors for optical and infrared observations

    (5) Optical elements

    (6) Components in the optical and infrared spectrographs

    (7) Integral field spectroscopy

    (8) Signal and noise in the imaging observations

    (9) Signal and noise in the spectroscopic observations

    (10) Basics in the IR observations

    (11) Basics in the X-ray observations

  •   宇宙空間計測学特論Ⅰ / Fundamentals of visible, infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy, radio and radar observations, and computer simulation for solar system research  
      坂野井 健, 土屋 史紀  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  




    Energy generated in the solar system, such as planetary atmospheres, small bodies, and surrounding plasmas is emitted as the electromagnetic waves in the visible, infrared, ultraviolet and radio ranges. Remote-sensing observations of these waves are useful to understand the physical processes in/around the solar system objects. Tohoku University has produced many results by the remote-sensing of physical processes in the earth, and planetary magnetospheres, such as the measurements of aurora, planetary trace gases, and atmospheric compositions from the ground and space.

    In addition, recent improvements in computer performance and the development of simulation technology bring us quantitative understanding of physical phenomena in the solar system.

    In this lecture, we will learn the basics of optical, infrared, ultra-violet, radio wave and radar measurement techniques and satellites and planetary probe engineering which are essential for the earth and planetary observations. We will also learn computer simulation techniques. These techniques are necessary for further elucidation of the physical phenomena in the solar system.

  •   地球物理学実験Ⅰ / Experiments in Geophysics I  
      杉本 周作  
      後期 水曜日 3講時後半 / 後期 水曜日 4講時後半 / 後期 木曜日 3講時後半 / 後期 木曜日 4講時後半 / 後期 金曜日 3講時後半 / 後期 金曜日 4講時後半  


    The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on training in geophysical experiments and observations. A variety of modern and historical experiments and observations are covered, with emphasis on experimental design, experimental techniques, data acquisition and analysis, scientific communication, and time management.

  •   基礎物理学実験(地物) / Experiments in Geophysics I  
      杉本 周作  
      後期 水曜日 3講時前半 / 後期 水曜日 4講時前半 / 後期 木曜日 3講時前半 / 後期 木曜日 4講時前半 / 後期 金曜日 3講時前半 / 後期 金曜日 4講時前半  


    The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on training in geophysical experiments and observations. A variety of modern and historical experiments and observations are covered, with emphasis on experimental design, experimental techniques, data acquisition and analysis, scientific communication, and time management.

  •   心理学研究実習Ⅱ / Psychological Methodology II  
      阿部 恒之, 荒井 崇史, 坂井 信之, 河地 庸介, 辻本 昌弘, RAEVSKIY ALEXAND  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  

    心理学では現象の解明のために,実験・調査・心理検査,あるいは事例研究など,さまざまな手法を活用する。その基本は現象の観察によるデータの収集と解析である。実験実習に参加することによって心理学実験の基本を学ぶとともに,心理学研究の進め方を習得し,活用できることを目指す。実習テーマは毎回異なる。心理学実験では主として実験的方法を用いたメニューを,心理学研究法では,調査・心理検査など,そのほかの手法についてのメニューを用意している。参加者は原則的に毎回レポート提出が義務付けられている。 なお,以下の授業計画は担当者の都合などによる変更の可能性がある。

    Psychologists use various empirical methods like experimental method, survey method, interview method, psychological test, and case-study method to understand and explain behavior. The fundamentals are the observation of behavior and data collection and analysis. In this course, the students practically acquire the knowledge and skills essential for psychological research (psychological experiments, in particular). The students are required to submit the report for each class.

  •   天体観測 / Astronomical Observation and Data Analysis  
      村山 卓, 板 由房  
      通年 金曜日 4講時  



    実習では合同C棟屋上ドームの51cm 望遠鏡にCCD カメラ及び分光装置を取り付けて行う。




    This course provides a grounding in observations with photometric, imaging, and spectroscopic techniques, and analysis methods of the observed data set in modern astronomy.

    With basic knowledge given in the lecture, students will experience operations of a 51-cm telescope and observational instruments (CCD camera and spectrograph) equipped on Science Complex C building during night-time aiming for practical understanding of telescope structure and mechanisms, and astronomical observing methods.

    The knowledge and skills that students will acquire in this course are essential for observational research in astronomy and even for theoretical studies as well.

     It is strongly recommended that students in the astronomy course take this class.

  •   電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験B(電子医工) / Laboratory B  
      山本 英明, 吉仲 亮, 長﨑 陽, 松田 信幸  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    To help students understand the important scientific principles and concepts in electrical engineering, communication engineering, electronic engineering, and information sciences through detailed fundamental experiments.

    2. Overview

    Students are divided into groups to conduct the experiments. The experiment topics are related to electrical engineering, communication engineering, electronic engineering, and information sciences. The experiments are done once a week and most are completed in one week except for one experiment which will be completed in three weeks. In addition, a presentation session on the experiment results will be held.

    3. Achievement Target

    By analyzing the experiment results and discussing in groups, students should acquire the ability to develop scientific discussions. Furthermore, by conducting the presentation session, students should learn the fundamentals of making a research presentation and explaining the research results effectively.

  •   電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験B(情報) / Laboratory B  
      松田 信幸, 長﨑 陽, 吉仲 亮, 山本 英明  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    To help students understand the important scientific principles and concepts in electrical engineering, communication engineering, electronic engineering, and information sciences through detailed fundamental experiments.

    2. Overview

    Students are divided into groups to conduct the experiments. The experiment topics are related to electrical engineering, communication engineering, electronic engineering, and information sciences. The experiments are done once a week and most are completed in one week except for one experiment which will be completed in three weeks. In addition, a presentation session on the experiment results will be held.

    3. Achievement Target

    By analyzing the experiment results and discussing in groups, students should acquire the ability to develop scientific discussions. Furthermore, by conducting the presentation session, students should learn the fundamentals of making a research presentation and explaining the research results effectively.
