
電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験B(情報) / Laboratory B

単位数: 1. 担当教員: 松田 信幸, 長﨑 陽, 吉仲 亮, 山本 英明. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TEI-EIP302J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

1. Objective
To help students understand the important scientific principles and concepts in electrical engineering, communication engineering, electronic engineering, and information sciences through detailed fundamental experiments.

2. Overview
Students are divided into groups to conduct the experiments. The experiment topics are related to electrical engineering, communication engineering, electronic engineering, and information sciences. The experiments are done once a week and most are completed in one week except for one experiment which will be completed in three weeks. In addition, a presentation session on the experiment results will be held.

3. Achievement Target
By analyzing the experiment results and discussing in groups, students should acquire the ability to develop scientific discussions. Furthermore, by conducting the presentation session, students should learn the fundamentals of making a research presentation and explaining the research results effectively.




- Students are required to attend and complete experiments in all assigned times. Absence will not be accepted.
- Students must read the experiment guidelines and submit an experiment plan before doing all experiments.
- After all experiments, students must submit a report.


下記の10テーマのうち,コースごとに定められた5テーマを実施する.また,実験の発表会が設けられており,割り当てられた実験テーマについて発表を行う.さらに,下記課題とは別に自由課題「電子回路の製作」と「FPGA ボード利用」が用意されており,空き時間を利用して受講することができる.

B-1 組込みプログラミング (3週テーマ)
B-2 直流回転機
B-3 IC演算増幅器
B-4 絶縁破壊現象
B-5 超音波の発生と超音波計測
B-6 半導体
B-7 光ファイバ
B-8 レーザ光の基礎特性
B-9 液晶デバイス
B-10 システム制御


Among the following 10 topics, students will complete 5 specific topics according to their courses. In addition, there is a presentation session where each student must present the results in his/her assigned experiment topic. Also, there are two optional topics, “Electronic Circuit Assembly” and “FPGA Boards Usage”, which are not included in the list below. Students may use free time to conduct these two topics.

B-1 Embedded Programming (3-week topic)
B-2 Direct Current Rotating Electrical Machine
B-3 IC Operational Amplifier
B-4 Dielectric Breakdown Phenomenon
B-5 Optical FiberGenerating and Measuring Ultrasonic Waves
B-6 Semiconductor
B-7 Optical Fiber
B-8 Basic Laser Properties
B-9 Liquid Crystal Devices
B-10 System Control




- Students must read the experiment guidelines and submit an experiment plan before doing all experiments.
- After all experiments, students must submit a report.




After completing experiments, each student must submit his/her report individually. Each student’s grade is mainly decided based on his/her experimental observation in the report and the interview with the instructor. Grades are also decided based on the attitude toward experiments and the presentations in the presentation session.


  • 電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験B 実験指針, 東北大学工学部電気・情報系 (2023)
 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認