
309 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   肢体不自由学特論Ⅰ Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine I  
      鈴鴨 よしみ  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    The aim of this course is to learn the solution to minimizing disabilities due to stroke, spinal cord injury, aging, and developmental disorders, based upon rehabilitation medicine, neurology, orthopedics, molecular biology, kinesiology, behavioral science, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and welfare engineering.

  •   肢体不自由学概論Ⅰ Introduction to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation I  
      鈴鴨 よしみ  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    The aim of this course is to understand methods to overcome disabilities due to stroke, spinal cord injury, aging, and developmental disorders, based upon rehabilitation medicine, neurology, orthopedics, molecular biology, kinesiology, behavioral science, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and welfare engineering.

  •   肢体不自由学特論Ⅱ Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine Ⅱ  
      鈴鴨 よしみ  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    The aim of this course is to learn the solution to minimizing disabilities due to stroke, spinal cord injury, aging, and developmental disorders, based upon rehabilitation medicine, neurology, orthopedics, molecular biology, kinesiology, behavioral science, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and welfare engineering.

  •   肢体不自由学概論Ⅱ Introduction to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation II  
      鈴鴨 よしみ  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    The aim of this course is to understand methods to overcome disabilities due to stroke, spinal cord injury, aging, and developmental disorders, based upon rehabilitation medicine, neurology, orthopedics, molecular biology, kinesiology, behavioral science, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and welfare engineering.

  •   リハビリテーション学  
      尾﨑 章子, 清水 恵  
      後期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科第1講義室  


    This course aims to understand the philosophy of rehabilitation, disability assessment, classification and structure of disabilities, and methodology of rehabilitation for individuals with various diseases and disabilities. Students will deepen their interest in rehabilitation and develop a perspective of rehabilitation nursing to improve independence in activities of daily living (ADL) and quality of life (QOL), regardless of the course of disability or place of living.

  •   肢体不自由学実習Ⅱ Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine Ⅱ  
      鈴鴨 よしみ  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    The aim of this course is to learn methods of measurements and evaluation system for impairments and disabilities.

  •   肢体不自由学実習Ⅰ Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine I  
      鈴鴨 よしみ  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    The aim of this course is to learn methods of measurements and evaluation system for impairments and disabilities.

  •   神経解剖学 Neuroanatomy  
      鈴木 匡子  
      2024年9月3日~9月25日 Sep 3rd, 2024 to Sep 25th, 2024  
      毎週火・水曜4-6時限 4th~6th period on Tue and Wed  



    Various sensory stimuli from inside and/or outside the human body are transmitted to spinal cord and/or brain (central nervous system, CNS). Input information are calculated in CNS and then changed into the output information to exercise skeletal muscles and control functions of visceral organs. A neuron is a unit for performing arithmetic processing. Neurons make cell populations such as nuclei or layers histologically/anatomically, and those neuronal cell populations create functional networks with each other through local neuronal circuits and fiber connections between cell populations.

     The names of structures in brain and spinal cord and their fiber communication and function are explained in lectures. Observation of structures in brain (three dimensional arrangement of neuronal population, their neuronal fiber connections, blood vessels, and membrane tissues) is carried out in practical training. The aims of this class are acquiring anatomical knowledge about CNS and understanding the structure and function of CNS.

  •   臨床脳科学Ⅰ Clinical Brain Science I  
      鈴木 匡子  
      2024年4月-9月 April - September, 2024  
      詳細は後日通知 Time to be announced  


    Students will study the basic neurophysiology, neuropathology, neuropharmacology, neuroradiology and neurology to understand brain dysfunctions

  •   人体の構造と機能及び疾病  
      本多 奈美  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 総合研究棟306教室  

