
267 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   放射線腫瘍学/Radiation Oncology  
      武田 賢  
      2024年10月~2024年12月/From 2024/Oct to 2024/Dec  
      毎週金曜日 08:50~10:20/Every Friday 8:50-10:20  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   放射線腫瘍学/Radiation Oncology  
      武田 賢  
      2024年10月~2024年12月/From 2024/Oct to 2024/Dec  
      毎週金曜日 08:50~10:20/Every Friday 8:50-10:20  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   放射線腫瘍学/Radiation Oncology  
      武田 賢  
      2024年10月~2024年12月/From 2024/Oct to 2024/Dec  
      毎週金曜日 08:50~10:20/Every Friday 8:50-10:20  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   放射線腫瘍学  
      武田 賢  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 保健学科大講義室  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   放射線治療技術学  
      武田 賢, 高城 久道  
      前期 木曜日 1講時 / 前期 木曜日 2講時  


    /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of patients and the associated underlying diseases are increasing the number of cases where surgery and treatment with drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. Aim of this lecture is to understand the significance and the latest technology of radiotherapy to cure cancer, and acquire knowledge of radiotherapy equipment, irradiation technique, dose distribution measurement method, and dose distribution calculation method.

  •   放射線治療物理学/Radiotherapy Physics  
      武田 賢  
      2024年4月 ~ 2024年7月/From 2024/Apr to 2024/Jul  
      毎週木曜日 08:50~12:00/Every Thursday 8:50-12:00  


    /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of patients and the associated underlying diseases are increasing the number of cases where surgery and treatment with drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. Aim of this lecture is to understand the significance and the latest technology of radiotherapy to cure cancer, and acquire knowledge of radiotherapy equipment, irradiation technique, dose distribution measurement method, and dose distribution calculation method.

  •   放射線治療物理学/Radiotherapy Physics  
      武田 賢  
      2024年4月 ~ 2024年7月/From 2024/Apr to 2024/Jul  
      毎週木曜日 08:50~12:00/Every Thursday 8:50-12:00  


    /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of patients and the associated underlying diseases are increasing the number of cases where surgery and treatment with drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. Aim of this lecture is to understand the significance and the latest technology of radiotherapy to cure cancer, and acquire knowledge of radiotherapy equipment, irradiation technique, dose distribution measurement method, and dose distribution calculation method.

  •   放射線治療物理学/Radiotherapy Physics  
      武田 賢  
      2024年4月 ~ 2024年7月/From 2024/Apr to 2024/Jul  
      毎週木曜日 08:50~12:00/Every Thursday 8:50-12:00  


    /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of patients and the associated underlying diseases are increasing the number of cases where surgery and treatment with drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. Aim of this lecture is to understand the significance and the latest technology of radiotherapy to cure cancer, and acquire knowledge of radiotherapy equipment, irradiation technique, dose distribution measurement method, and dose distribution calculation method.

  •   がん看護学セミナーⅡ (Oncology Nursing Seminar Ⅱ)  
      宮下 光令  
      令和5年10月1日(火)~令和5年12月17日(火) From Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Tuesday, December 17  
      毎週火曜日 14:40~16:10 第5-6回、第10-11回、第14-15回は14:40~17:50 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~16:10 Lecture 5-6・10-11・14-15 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~17:50  

    1) がん患者・家族の受診・診断、病名・予後告知、治療選択、集学的治療、再発・転移時、終末期の患者・家族に関する身体・心理・社会的側面についてアセスメントを行い、人間関係の諸理論を活用し、患者・家族の意思決定を支える看護について探究する。

    2) がん看護専門看護師の役割・活動である教育、相談、調整者としての能力を開発し、家族・重要他者・医療者のストレスマネジメント及び倫理的問題を探究する。

    1) Assess the physical, psychological and social aspects of cancer patients and their families during consultation and diagnosis, disease and prognosis announcement, treatment selection, multidisciplinary treatment, recurrence and metastasis, and at the end of life, and utilise various theories of human relationships to explore nursing care to support patient and family decision-making.

    2) Develop the competencies of the oncology nurse specialist nurse's roles and activities as educator, consultant and coordinator, and explore stress management and ethical issues for families, significant others and healthcare professionals.

  •   がん診療トレーニング/Oncology Training  
      今谷 晃  

    本科目は,Ⅰがん放射線治療トレーニング,Ⅱがん化学療法トレーニングから構成されている。がんの治療はチーム医療であり,専門職としての技術や能力の他に腫瘍学全般の知識が必要である。本科目では,放射線,抗がん剤の各治療法ならびに画像診断の基礎および臨床を習得する。/Treatment for Cancer is one of the most important team medicine with an advanced professional skill. This course consists of two practices of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy to understand diagnostic imaging and multidisciplinary therapy for cancer.
