
3636 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   History of Economic Thought  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 第2小講義室  

    Google Classroom Code: 3nhwcp6

    Introduction to Economics:

    If you are interested in the story behind Micro and Macro Economics you are learning, or if you have faced challenges in coming to grips with some of the conceptual foundations of modern Economic theory, you may find this course beneficial. Past students have told me that the course improved their understanding of current economic theory by tracing its historical evolution. They have shared that the course served as a complement and guide to their Micro and Macro Economics studies.

    The discipline of Economics has a complex history marked by contradictions. On one hand, it is a history of disagreement and changes, but on the other, it is a persistent effort to address crucial questions facing society. This interplay of discontinuity and continuity has shaped Economics into the theory we study today. By tracing the evolution of the science, we can gain a deeper understanding of its essence and how it has developed into its current form.

  •   経済学史特殊講義  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 第2小講義室  

    Google Classroom Code: 3nhwcp6

    Introduction to Economics:

    If you are interested in the story behind Micro and Macro Economics you are learning, or if you have faced challenges in coming to grips with some of the conceptual foundations of modern Economic theory, you may find this course beneficial. Past students have told me that the course improved their understanding of current economic theory by tracing its historical evolution. They have shared that the course served as a complement and guide to their Micro and Macro Economics studies.

    The discipline of Economics has a complex history marked by contradictions. On one hand, it is a history of disagreement and changes, but on the other, it is a persistent effort to address crucial questions facing society. This interplay of discontinuity and continuity has shaped Economics into the theory we study today. By tracing the evolution of the science, we can gain a deeper understanding of its essence and how it has developed into its current form.

  •   現代日本学各論Ⅱ /  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course explores the history of the period from the end of the Second World War to the present in Japan through an examination of 13 important moments. Including disasters, new engagements with the world, political and economic shifts, and other notable events, this class will provide an overview of the postwar from a new perspective, highlighting the lines of both continuity and discontinuity that underlie postwar society and politics, as well as the regional and global connections that have defined Japan's place in the postwar world order.

  •   現代日本学歴史分析特論Ⅰ / Japanese Studies History (Advanced Lecture) I  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course explores the history of the period from the end of the Second World War to the present in Japan through an examination of 13 important moments. Including disasters, new engagements with the world, political and economic shifts, and other notable events, this class will provide an overview of the postwar from a new perspective, highlighting the lines of both continuity and discontinuity that underlie postwar society and politics, as well as the regional and global connections that have defined Japan's place in the postwar world order.

  •   Seminar in Economics b  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 経済学部第5演習室  

    Google Classroom Code: 76sk3xg

    Through Seminar in Economics a and b, we will learn the basics of academic writing in the field of the history of economic thought. In Seminar in Economics b, we will create a short essay of a few paragraphs while learning about the components of a research paper, the arrangement of these components, and the roles of each section.

  •   医療統計学  
      宮下 光令  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 保健学科大講義室  


    Develop the necessary basic skills in medical statistics.

  •   都市デザイン論 / Urban Design  
      窪田 亜矢  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ









    基本的に対面講義だが、オンラインとなる場合はGoogle MeetかZoomを使用する。実施方法、接続先URLはGoogle Classroomで通知する予定。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    ・Course Objectives and Outline

    Learn methodologies for understanding the actual situation through exploration and analysis of the formation process of cities and regions. The basics are to put yourself in the field, but I also want you to read related papers and past research and learn what it means to make an argument. Focusing primarily on the sites following the Great East Japan Earthquake, we place emphasis on considering the relationship between post-disaster and everyday life.

    What is important in the field is to ask questions that you think are worth thinking about. Having that question in mind and continuing to think about it after the lecture will help you in your practice when you are in the field.

    ・Achievement Goal

    Through the discussion in the class, preparations before the event, and reflection after the event, I would like you to think about your own issues and attitudes regarding urban and territorial design.

    In addition, we aim to acquire the ability to write peer-reviewed papers in the fields of architecture and urban engineering.

    It's basically a face-to-face lecture, but if it's online, I will use Google Meet or Zoom. The implementation method and connection URL will be announced by Google Classroom. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email, ayakubota@tohoku.ac.jp

  •   International Politics of East  
      ROTH ANTOINE ARM, 阿南 友亮  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  

    This class aims to provide an overview of the major issues and main dynamics shaping the international politics of East Asia in the early 21st century. It will cover the historical changes in the region’s international order, its main actors and the key relationships between them, as well as important themes in regional politics such as institutions and norms, economic integration and regionalism, security hot-spots, and transnational forces.

    The class will consist of weekly readings, lecture by the professor, and presentations by students followed by class discussions. Students will be expected to follow international news, to participate actively in class by asking questions and giving comments when called on, and to give one presentation offering their own analysis of the readings and the theme for the week. They will also write a short paper relating to their presentation as well as a longer final paper.

  •   Seminar in Economics a  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 経済学部第5演習室  

    Google Classroom Code: 76sk3xg

    Through Seminar in Economics a and b, we will learn the basics of academic writing in the field of the history of economic thought. In Seminar in Economics a, we will cover academic integrity, research topics, and research questions.

  •   経済学史演習(I)b  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 経済学部第5演習室  

    Google Classroom Code: kyxfdt5

    hrough 経済学史演習(I)a and 経済学史演習(I)b, we will learn the basics of academic writing in the field of the history of economic thought. In 経済学史演習(I)b, we will create a short essay of three to four pages while learning about the components of a research paper, the arrangement of these components, and the roles of each section.
