
1441 件ヒット (0.033秒):

  •   物理学A  
      須藤 彰三  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA301  


    Mechanics deals with the equilibrium of an object when forces are balanced and the motion of an object when forces are exerted. The basis of the mechanics is Newton's three laws of motion. This law can be used to predict very accurately various phenomena, from individual particles and celestial bodies to even the most complex interactions. It is also the basis for studying other subject of physics. The purpose of this lecture is to learn the mechanics with a view to applying it to life systems. A demonstration will be given for each subject so that students can understand it visually and intuitively.

  •   物理学概論Ⅰ  
      須藤 彰三  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB103  


    Mechanics deals with the equilibrium of an object when forces are balanced and the motion of an object when forces are exerted. The basis of the mechanics is Newton's three laws of motion. This law can be used to predict very accurately various phenomena, from individual particles and celestial bodies to even the most complex interactions. It is also the basis for studying other subject of physics. The purpose of this lecture is to learn the mechanics with a view to applying it to life systems. A demonstration will be given for each subject so that students can understand it visually and intuitively.

  •   物理学A  
      小野 円佳  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB202  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      村島 基之  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB102  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      加藤 俊顕  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB203  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      髙橋 幸生  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB203  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      松枝 宏明  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB102  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      遊佐 訓孝、飛田 健次  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB103  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学概論Ⅰ  
      市川 裕大  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC106  


    This lecture is intended to provide a basic concept of physics, such as deriving results from deductive discussions from the laws of physics, through the understanding of mechanics, which describes the motion of bodies.

  •   物理学概論Ⅰ  
      川上 洋平  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    This lecture is intended to provide a basic concept of physics, such as deriving results from deductive discussions from the laws of physics, through the understanding of mechanics, which describes the motion of bodies.
