

前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 川上 洋平 所属:理学研究科. 対象学部/Object: 農②. 開講期/Term: 1セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-物理学. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFN-PHY102J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

物理学概論Ⅰ / Introduction to physics 1

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This lecture is intended to provide a basic concept of physics, such as deriving results from deductive discussions from the laws of physics, through the understanding of mechanics, which describes the motion of bodies.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


The goals of the lecture are
・to learn the basic concepts of the mechanics of bodies,
・to acquire knowledge to solve representative examples of equation of motion, (e.g. falling body, simple harmonic oscillation, motion of rigid body)

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

・学習支援システムとしてGoogle Classroomを利用する予定。
第1回 授業のガイダンス
第2回 運動の記述
第3回 運動方程式、落体の運動
第4回 単振動
第5回 エネルギーと仕事
第6回 ポテンシャルとエネルギー保存則
第7回 束縛運動
第8回 中間まとめと中間試験
第9回 質点系の運動、重心
第10回 回転の運動方程式
第11回 剛体振り子
第12回 剛体の平面運動、斜面を転がる円柱
第13回 運動量と角運動量
第14回 まとめと期末試験
第15回 全体の復習

・In the first half of the semester, we will explain the motion of a mass point.
・In the second half of the semester, we will explain the motion of rigid bodies.
・In each lecture, a mini test will be conducted to check your understanding.
・Google Classroom will be used as a learning support system.
・Online style lecture will not be planned.
1st Lecture guidance
2nd Description of motion
3rd Equation of motion, motion of falling body
4th Simple harmonic oscillation
5th Kinetic energy and work
6th Potential and energy conservation law
7th Constrained motion
8th Mid-term summary and test
9th Motion of mass system, center of mass
10th Motion of rotation
11th Rigid body pendulum
12th Plane motion of a rigid body, cylinder rolling on a slope
13th Momentum and angular momentum
14th Summary and test
15th Review of the lecture

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

We will evaluate based on the mid-term and term-end examinations, mini tests.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


Preparation : to read the textbook for each lecture.
Review : to read the textbook and do calculations by yourself for each lecture.

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


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