
3252 件ヒット (0.047秒):

  •   先端生化学特論Ⅰ  
      田中 良和  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course provides explanations of the latest research of biochemistry as well as basic knowledge of biochemistry. Three hours explanation is held in every lecture. The contents cover wide range of biochemistry, e.g., molecular recognition, protein engineering, bioimaging, and molecular probe.

  •   先端生化学特論Ⅱ  
      田中 良和  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course provides explanations of the latest research of biochemistry as well as basic knowledge of biochemistry. Three hours explanation is held in every lecture. The contents cover wide range of biochemistry, e.g., molecular recognition, protein engineering, bioimaging, and molecular probe.

  •   先端細胞生物学特論Ⅰ  
      安部 健太郎  
      通年集中 その他 その他  



     This class provides the basic concepts and principles of life science at cellular and molecular levels. It also introduces forefront researches on cell biology; e.g. relationships among genes, cell functions and phenotypes, pathological aspects of cell behavior, bio-imaging, plant physiology and cell functions, function of neural or immune systems, genomic and cellular aspects of evolution.

  •   先端細胞生物学特論Ⅱ  
      安部 健太郎  
      通年集中 その他 その他  



     This class provides the basic concepts and principles of life science at cellular and molecular levels. It also introduces forefront researches on cell biology; e.g. relationships among genes, cell functions and phenotypes, pathological aspects of cell behavior, bio-imaging, plant physiology and cell functions, function of neural or immune systems, genomic and cellular aspects of evolution.

  •   先端生態学特論Ⅱ  
      彦坂 幸毅  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    In this lecture, not only the basic knowledge of ecology but also the state of the art of researches including environmental science are introduced in a lecture. We will address the most advanced research topics of the influence of environmental changes on ecosystems and all organisms on the earth such as plants, microorganisms, fish, humans etc. The content of the lecture is broadly divided into biodiversity conservation, climate change, environmental pollution, and biological production.

  •   先端生態学特論Ⅰ  
      彦坂 幸毅  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    In this lecture, not only the basic knowledge of ecology but also the state of the art of researches including environmental science are introduced in a lecture. We will address the most advanced research topics of the influence of environmental changes on ecosystems and all organisms on the earth such as plants, microorganisms, fish, humans etc. The content of the lecture is broadly divided into biodiversity conservation, climate change, environmental pollution, and biological production.

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   生体機能化学特論ⅠA / The frontiers of life sciences  
      大橋 一正  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    I. 生理活性物質・生体高分子の構造と機能

    II. 酵素と代謝

    III. 細胞内シグナル伝達と細胞の外環境のセンシング機構

    IV. 細胞分化と細胞機能の獲得のメカニズム

    V. がん・免疫・神経機能の分子基盤


    Field of Biochemistry is extremely versatile and are very interesting. In this course, each professors who specialize in their fields, will introduce their particular field of study from basic to cutting-edge research. The contents of this lecture are as follows.

    I. Structure and function of physiological active substance / biomacromolecule

    II. Enzymes and metabolism

    III. Intracellular signaling and the sensing mechanism of the external environment of the cell

    IV. Mechanism of cell differentiation and the acquisition of specific cell function

    V. Molecular basis of cancer / immunity / neural function

    In order to deal with the COVID-19, either a face-to-face class or an online lecture (an on-demand class) will be selected according to the BCP level of Tohoku University and the social situation.

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   生体機能化学特論ⅡA / The frontiers of life sciences  
      大橋 一正  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    I. 生理活性物質・生体高分子の構造と機能

    II. 酵素と代謝

    III. 細胞内シグナル伝達と細胞の外環境のセンシング機構

    IV. 細胞分化と細胞機能の獲得のメカニズム

    V. がん・免疫・神経機能の分子基盤


    Field of Biochemistry is extremely versatile and are very interesting. In this course, each professors who specialize in their fields, will introduce their particular field of study from basic to cutting-edge research. The contents of this lecture are as follows.

    I. Structure and function of physiological active substance / biomacromolecule

    II. Enzymes and metabolism

    III. Intracellular signaling and the sensing mechanism of the external environment of the cell

    IV. Mechanism of cell differentiation and the acquisition of specific cell function

    V. Molecular basis of cancer / immunity / neural function

    In order to deal with the COVID-19, either a face-to-face class or an online lecture (an on-demand class) will be selected according to the BCP level of Tohoku University and the social situation.
