
7419 件ヒット (0.016秒):

  •   Advanced Lecture on Plant Scie  
      陶山 佳久, 安藤 杉尋, 伊藤 幸博, 加藤 一幾, 北柴 大泰, 高橋 英樹, 田島 亮介, 鳥山 欽哉, 西田 瑞彦, 深澤 遊, 堀 雅敏, 本間 香貴, 牧野 知之, 山本 雅也  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第5講義室  

    The purpose of this class is to learn advanced plant science for agricultural production.

  •   Advanced Lecture on Plant Scie  
      堀 雅敏, 安藤 杉尋, 伊藤 幸博, 加藤 一幾, 北柴 大泰, 陶山 佳久, 高橋 英樹, 田島 亮介, 鳥山 欽哉, 西田 瑞彦, 深澤 遊, 本間 香貴, 牧野 知之, 山本 雅也  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第5講義室  

    The purpose of this class is to learn advanced plant science for agricultural production.

  •   植物生命科学合同講義  
      堀 雅敏, 北柴 大泰, 金山 喜則, 陶山 佳久, 高橋 英樹, 西田 瑞彦, 本間 香貴, 牧野 知之, 早川 俊彦, 安藤 杉尋, 伊藤 幸博, 加藤 一幾, 小島 創一, 田島 亮介, 長澤 淳彦  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ大講義室  


    In this course, students will learn about plant science for agricultural production.

  •   草地科学特論  
      小倉 振一郎  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室  


    Recently, global environment is in peril. Environmental problems are raising in agricultural fields, and sustainable food production systems are deteriorating. In this course, students learn about actual situation of environmental problems in grasslands, focusing on herbivore animal production. Students also deepen understanding on prospect for sustainable food production from the aspect of ecology, and poisitioning of agricultural ecosystems in term of environmental conservation.

  •   生命と自然  
      片山 知史、他  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC203  

    The aims of this class are to develop an understanding of biological facts and principles, to enhance an interest in and develop an appreciation of the nature and diversity of organisms, to create an awareness of the application of biological knowledge to modern society in personal, social, economic, environmental, industrial, agricultural, medical, waste management and other technological contexts, and to develop in students an ability to make informed evaluations about contemporary issues concerning life and nature.

  •   応用昆虫学特論  
      堀 雅敏, 長澤 淳彦  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 未設定  


    In this course, students will learn about insect chemical ecology and insect photobiology.

  •   Food & Agricult  
      安藤 杉尋, 戸田 雅子  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  

    This class aims to study the basic concepts of food and agricultural immunology and their application for drug-independent cultivation and food production. Each unit professor of the center and collaborative professor in Tohoku University will give the lectures to introduce their specific research relating to immunology field. This lecture is opened using ISTU/DC (Internet School of Tohoku University on the Digital Campus). Students can view the video after registration.

  •   生理・生態学概論  
      盧 尚建, 西谷 豪, 深澤 遊, 戸部 隆太  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ大講義室  



    As a lecture on introductory course of agricultural education, lecture will provide the basis of physiology and ecology. This course will provide the endocrinology, neuron, immune system and metabolism in Animal physiology, dry matter production, nutrition, physiological disorder and related agro-ecosystem in Plant physiology, and the community dynamics and material circulation in "Ecosystem".

  •   Food & Agricult  
      安藤 杉尋, 戸田 雅子  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  

    This class aims to study the basic concepts of food and agricultural immunology and their application for drug-independent cultivation and food production. Each unit professor of the center and collaborative professor in Tohoku University will give the lectures to introduce their specific research relating to immunology field. This lecture is opened using ISTU/DC (Internet School of Tohoku University on the Digital Campus). Students can view the video after registration.

  •   学問論演習  
      鳥山 欽哉、五十嵐 圭介  
      後期前半 月曜日 1講時 その他 / 後期前半 月曜日 2講時 その他  


    In this course, we will conduct exploratory research in the new field of Plant Cellular Agriculture, which involves the industrial cultivation of plant cells for food production. There is a long history in the cultivation of plant cells, with culture media compositions established for various plant species. However, for the purpose of food production, the culture medium needs to be both cost-effective and safe for consumption. Therefore, in this course, we will perform experiments using common foods available in everyday life, aiming to develop new culture medium compositions that can support the cultivation of plant cells.
