
2846 件ヒット (0.028秒):

  •   International Food & Agricultu  
      安藤 杉尋, 戸田 雅子  
      通年集中 その他 連講 未設定  

    To attend the international symposium and discuss issues on each topics in English. In addition, professors in foreign institutions will give the special lectures relating to food and agricultural immunology fields.

  •   Food & Agricult  
      安藤 杉尋, 戸田 雅子  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  

    This class aims to study the basic concepts of food and agricultural immunology and their application for drug-independent cultivation and food production. Each unit professor of the center and collaborative professor in Tohoku University will give the lectures to introduce their specific research relating to immunology field. This lecture is opened using ISTU/DC (Internet School of Tohoku University on the Digital Campus). Students can view the video after registration.

  •   Food & Agricult  
      安藤 杉尋, 戸田 雅子  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  

    This class aims to study the basic concepts of food and agricultural immunology and their application for drug-independent cultivation and food production. Each unit professor of the center and collaborative professor in Tohoku University will give the lectures to introduce their specific research relating to immunology field. This lecture is opened using ISTU/DC (Internet School of Tohoku University on the Digital Campus). Students can view the video after registration.

  •   神経科学ワークショップⅡ Neuroscience Workshop II  
      大隅 典子  
      2024年システムの年度更新作業完了後~2025年1月31日(金)2024 after system-updating~2025.1.31  
      LAN接続可能な場所 Where LAN is available  

    神経科学におけるより進んだトピックを理解する。Understand advanced topic of neuroscience.


    Attending seminar,symposium, lectures designated by instructors is certified as a credit.


    Under special conditions such as pandemic stuation, auditing and reporthing on-demand lectures is certified as a credit.

  •   (IMAC-U)日本の産業と科学技術 / Science, Technology and Industry in Japan  
      渡邉 由美子  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This specialized subject course (one credit) is a multidisciplinary course that has been organized by the faculties of science, engineering, and agriculture since 2016. Except for the first class, each class will feature a lecture by a specialist in his field. The topic of each lecture will be related to the science, technology, and industry, and their relationships in Japan and the globe”. The topics also include issues and efforts in specific fields of industry to implement the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) announced by the United Nations in 2016.

    Students will learn how science, technology, and industry in different fields were integrated and developed, and how they contributed, contribute, and will contribute to our society with different cultures, and in diverse circumstances.

    MEXT scholarship students in FGL courses are expected to apply what they learn from this course in another course titled "Multidisciplinary Internship" which will be given in the spring/summer 2024.

    Goal: The goal of this course is to give students a multidisciplinary perspective and open-minded attitude in a diverse group of people with different cultural and academic backgrounds.

  •   経済と社会  
      石井 圭一  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA200  

    現代日本の食料・農業にかかる諸問題や政策課題について,主として経済学の概念を用いながら,地域経済や国際貿易問題、自然環境との調和の問題を踏まえつつ講義します。/ This course covers on various issues and policies related to food and agriculture in modern Japanese society, using the concept of economics and taking into account the issues of regional economy, international aspect and harmony with the natural environment.

  •   人間脳科学入門  
      中島 平(教育学研究科)、八木 秀文(オープンオンライン教育開発推進センター)、杉浦 元亮(加齢医学研究所)  
      後期集中 その他 連講 オンライン  



  •   データベース / Database  
      三石 大  

    2024年度のGoogle Classroomのクラスコードは kdcvec6 です。

    □ 授業の実施方法

    この授業では、教材配布やレポート提出用の学習支援システムとしてISTU/DCシステムを利用します。Google Classroom は利用しませんので注意して下さい。


    □ 目的


    □ 概要


    □ 達成方法





    * Class format

    This course use ISTU/DC system (not Google Classroom) as a learning management system to deliver materials and to receive home assignments.

    Each lesson will be held in a classroom and deliver videos of recorded lectures on ISTU/DC.If you cannot attend to classroom with some reasons, see the videos. Though, lecture videos are not guaranteed.

    For more details, see announce on the ISTU/DC system.

    * Objectives

    The purpose of this course is to acquire knowledge and skills to design, develop and operate database systems.

    * Summary

    In order to build highly digitalized society over the Internet, it is necessary to put various data into databases and provide them to be used when needed. So, students learn what is the database as an infrastructure for modern society, study theory and practice of database management system including database query language, and acquire knowledge to design, implement and operate information systems using database.

    * How to approach to goals

    - Understand overviews of database, principles of data models, and sorts of databases.

    - Understand fundamental theory of relational data model, relational algebra, and SQL as a database query language based on the relational algebra, and be able to operate database management system.

    - Understand theory of dependency among data, normal form of relation, and how to make model of data in real world, and be able to design appropriate database which avoid anomaly.

    - Understand theory of simultaneous transaction and its risks, and control transactions appropriately.

  •   解明:オーロラの謎  
      中島 平(教育学研究科)、八木 秀文(オープンオンライン教育開発推進センター)、他  
      後期集中 その他 連講 オンライン  


    【概要】地球や木星、土星で見られるオーロラは、どうして光るのでしょうか? 最新の人工衛星と地上望遠鏡の成果を紹介しながら、オーロラの原因である太陽表面の変動とともに、わかりやすく解説します。

  •   進化発生学入門  
      中島 平(教育学研究科)、八木 秀文(オープンオンライン教育開発推進センター)、田村 宏治(生命科学研究科)  
      後期集中 その他 連講 オンライン  


