
公共建築計画論 / Architectural Programming for the Public

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 小野田 泰明, 佃 悠. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語/Japanese.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ

各種連絡、接続先URLの掲示はGoogle Classroomにて行います。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

The concept of a public has been changing from the beginning of the modern era when people seemed to equate a public building with a facility. These days, people would understand publicness as a more dynamic concept, which has been produced through our daily lives. Upon such kind of changes, some talented architects create interesting buildings that have spaces to encourage the people who are in, seek a new way of publicness. In this course, students read some books about the thinking of the public, consider the relationship between the public and space, and discuss some actual situation of public buildings. Through these works, students explore the meaning of the public in modern architecture.
Communication and posting of connection URLs will be done in Google Classroom.




Students taking internship training aim to make the training more effective by learning the background and actual condition of the current public facilities by this course.


① ガイダンス
② 現在の公共施設における計画実態の分析(1)
③ 現在の公共施設における計画実態の分析(2)
④ 現在の公共施設における計画実態の分析(3)
⑤ 現在の公共施設における計画実態の分析(4)
⑥ 現在の公共施設における計画実態の分析(5)
⑦ 現在の公共施設における計画実態の分析(6)
⑧ 建物・施設見学
⑨ 建物・施設見学
⑩ 建物・施設見学
⑪ 発表とディスカッション 1
⑫ 発表とディスカッション 2
⑬ 発表とディスカッション 3
⑭ 発表とディスカッション 4
⑮ まとめ


① Guidance
② Analysis of planning in current public facilities 1
③ Analysis of planning in current public facilities 2
④ Analysis of planning in current public facilities 3
⑤ Analysis of planning in current public facilities 4
⑥ Analysis of planning in current public facilities 5
⑦ Analysis of planning in current public facilities 6
⑧ Case tour
⑨ Case tour
⑩ Case tour
⑪ Presentation and discussion 1
⑫ Presentation and discussion 2
⑬ Presentation and discussion 3
⑭ Presentation and discussion 4
⑮ Summary




Students should work individually or in groups to complete the work as instructed by each submission date given in class.




A result is evaluated based on the attitude in the class (participation in presentation and discussion), content of the presentation and the submission portfolio, etc.


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