
計画デザイン論 / Theory of Architectural Programming and Design

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 小野田 泰明, 佃 悠. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ


 建築の「計画」の善し悪しは、形態として直接現れる部分が少ないために、最もそれを表象すると信じられていた「平面」型の分析と理解に従来は講義の主眼がおかれてきた。しかしながら、実践の適応力を向上させ、インターンシップなどの理解をより深めることを目的としている本講では、従来型の静的な平面分析に留まらず、POE(Post Occupancy Evaluation)などの手法を応用して、「計画」をデザインするための方法論を幅広く学ぶことを目指している。具体的な達成目標としては、建築の公共性の理解、社会資本としての評価技術、空間と運営の相互関係の読解力、さらにはその背景にある適切な計画プロセスを構築する能力、などが挙げられる。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

We are going to have this class with Google Class Room.
The class code is 『rtbo4vw』 .
Architectures have a character as social capital whether it is small or large, or built by an individual, a company or a government. It should be an essential element in our society, and sometimes it creates a distinguished landscape in regions. To perform them as social capital, it is necessary to open their own space to the public and to organize a good relationship between spatial composition and human behavior under a thoughtful management. In this lecture, students discuss what kind of elements is important to realize publicness for architecture, how we can design architecture as a valuable social capital. Through these discussing, students would understand how they had better organize a planning process to achieve good architecture.

Because a planning process has no concrete substance, it is difficult to show which the process would be adequate for good architecture. Therefore, a conventional lecture has been focused to analyze the pattern of planning on each building type. However, this lecture aim to improve students’ capabilities for practice with not only conventional static plan analysis but also actual practices, such as POE (Post Occupancy Evaluation). Students learn a wide range of methodologies about architectural planning. Specific achievement goals include a rational understanding of publicness of architecture, its own character as social capital, and also comprehension of the interrelationship between space and management. Through the lecture, they would develop the abilities to organize an appropriate planning process behind good architecture.


本科目を履修する学生は、インターンシップ研修AI, AII などを通じて、都市・建築設計の実務領域における都市計画や建築デザインの基礎を学習しておくことが望ましい。それによって、インターンシップ研修における実務的な建築設計のコンテクストが深く理解され、研修がより効果的なものとなる。


Students are recommended to learn a basic knowledge about urban planning and building design in practical fields in parallel, through internship training AI or AII. Understanding about the context of practical fields by this lecture would enrich an experience of internship training.



第零部 ガイダンス
第一部 建築と公共性
      1. 公共圏の哲学
      2.,3. パブリックとプライバシー(1)~(2)
第二部 施設型:プラン分析、運営システム、パフォーマンス評価
      4.,5. 学校の多面的な役割(1)~(2)
      6. ライフスタイルと美術館
      7. 情報取得と図書館
第三部 住宅:プラン分析、すまいかた、商品経済
      8. 生活は提案可能か
      9. 商品としての住まい
      10.,11. 投資対象/消費対象(1)~(2)
第四部 計画プロセス
      12. 計画プロセスは建築の何を変えるか
      13.,14. 公共圏の再生と建築計画(1)~(2)
      15. まとめ


The lesson plans are revised annually. Please refer to the first guidance class of the year for details.

Part 0 Guidance
Part 1 Architecture and Publicness
1. Public sphere philosophy
2,3. Public and Privacy(1)〜(2)

Part 2 Facility type: plan analysis, operation system, performance evaluation
4,5. Multi-faceted role of school(1)〜(2)
6. Lifestyle and Art Museum
7. Information Acquisition and Library

Part 3 Housing: Plan Analysis, Way of residence, Commodity Economy
8. Can life be proposed?
9. House as a product
10, 11. Investment target / consumption target(1)〜(2)

Part 4 Planning process
12. What does the planning process change in architecture ?
13,14. Regeneration of public sphere and Architectural planning
15. Summary




Students should work individually or in groups to complete the work as instructed by each submission date given in class.




A result is evaluated based on the attitude in the class (participation in presentation and discussion), content of the presentation and the submission portfolio, etc.


  • プレ・デザインの思想, 小野田泰明, TOTO出版 (2013) ISBN/ISSN: 9784887063358 資料種別:参考書

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

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