
有機バイオ材料化学 / Organic and Bio-Materials Chemistry

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 笠井 均, 岡 弘樹. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語/英語 J/E.


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The purpose of this lecture is to learn the basics related to functional organic materials.
The class will introduce cutting-edge research on organic energy materials and organic biomaterials in detail.
In addition, lectures by guest speakers will be held to deepen understanding of how functional organic materials are researched, developed, and utilized in the real world.




In order to minimize the burden of class, professors strive to provide lectures that allow students to learn only in class.


1.(4/11)ガイダンス・エネルギーに関連した機能性有機材料の最前線① 【岡、オンライン】
3.(4/25)企業での技術開発からアカデミック研究へのキャリアチェンジ 【岡・元 東レ株式会社 技術職 並木 克也、対面・化中】
4.(5/9)商社における科学技術の事業化 【岡・元三菱商事 常務執行役員 小島 信明、対面・化中】
5.(5/16)世界のタイヤ・ゴム産業について 【岡・加藤産商株式会社 社長 加藤 進一、対面・化中】
6.(5/23)有機バイオナノ材料最前線① 【笠井、オンライン】
7.(5/30)有機バイオナノ材料最前線② 【笠井、オンライン】
8.(6/6)有機バイオナノ材料最前線③ 【笠井、オンライン】
9.(6/13)有機無機ハイブリッドの基礎と最近の動向 【岡・京都工芸繊維大学 准教授 井本 裕顕、対面・化中】
10.(6/20)研究者のキャリア形成および自身の研究開発による起業について【岡・株式会社 CoA Nexus CEO 野崎 光太・株式会社Saasport CEO 伊藤 久之、対面・化中】
12.(7/4)有機バイオに係る企業研究所における研究開発【岡・株式会社高研 研究所 課長 窪田 陸、対面・化中】
13.(7/11)家庭用製品への機能性ポリマーの採用事例 【岡・日東紡績株式会社 前総合研究所長 竹内 実、対面・化中】
14.(7/18)細菌同定前処理キットへのポリマーの応用【岡・日東紡績株式会社 前総合研究所長 竹内 実、オンライン】
15.(7/25)イオン性化合物の魅力と未知の可能性【岡・上智大学 教授 藤田 正博、対面・化中】


1. (4/11) The forefront of energy-related functional organic materials ① [Oka, online]
2. (4/18) The forefront of energy-related functional organic materials ② [Oka, online]
3. (4/25) Career change from technology development at a company to academic research [Oka and Katsuya Namiki (former Toray Industries, Inc. engineer) face-to-face]
4. (5/9) Commercialization of science and technology in trading companies [[Oka, and Nobuaki Kojima (former Managing Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Corporation) face-to-face]
5. (5/16) About the global tire and rubber industry [Oka, and Shinichi Kato (Kato Sansho Co., Ltd. President), face-to-face]
6. (5/23) The forefront of organic bio-nano materials ① [Kasai, online]
7. (5/30) The forefront of organic bio-nano materials ② [Kasai, online]
8. (6/6) The forefront of organic bio-nano materials ③ [Kasai, online]
9. (6/13) Basics and recent trends of organic-inorganic hybrids [Oka, and Hiroaki Imoto (Kyoto Institute of Technology Associate Professor) face-to-face]
10. (6/20) About career development as a researcher and starting a business based on your own research and development [Oka, Kota Nozaki (CEO of CoA Nexus Co., Ltd.), and Hisayuki Ito (CEO of Saasport Co., Ltd.), face-to-face]
11. (6/27) The forefront of energy-related functional organic materials ③ [Oka, online]
12. (7/4) Research and development at corporate research institutes related to organic biotechnology [Oka and Riku Kubota (section manager of Kouken Co., Ltd. Research Institute), face-to-face]
13. (7/11) Examples of the use of functional polymers in household products [Oka, and Minoru Takeuchi (former general research institute director of Nittobo Co., Ltd.), face-to-face]
14. (7/18) Application of polymers to bacterial identification pretreatment kit [Oka, and Minoru Takeuchi (former general research institute director of Nittobo Co., Ltd.), face-to-face]
15. (7/25) The charm and unknown possibilities of ionic compounds [Oka, and Masahiro Fujita (Sophia University Professor), face-to-face]




Preparation: Students should read the textbook before the lecture and understand theories of not being clear. This gives you more from the lecture.
Review: Students should read the same part of the handouts again, and solve the problems in the handouts and textbook. 




We will evaluate your grades based on 100% of the attendance including some reports.


  • 『organic chemistry』, Joun E. McMurry, ISBN/ISSN: 9780840054531
  • 『現代有機化学』, ボルハルト・ショアー, ISBN/ISSN: 9784759814729



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