
固体物性工学 / Solid State Physics

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 吹留 博一. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語。但し、授業プリント、配布資料、板書などは英語で行う。.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ


授業にはGoogle Classroomを利用する。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

Solid-state physics (SSP) in the 20th century was dedicated to analyze structures and functions of natural substances. Now in this 21st century, the goal of SSP has shifted to designing and synthesizing new materials, from the atomic level, to try to demonstrate required functions. Designing and synthesizing things to realize desired functionality is nothing but engineering; SSP-based engineering should be the mainstream in SSP in this century.
Being focused on engineering, this class will proceed in a from-engineering-to-physics manner, not from-physics-to-applications manner as they do in the faculty of science. Another reason to take this order is to save time. Engineers usually do not have enough time to master all the essentials in SSP before going to specific topics. What is important here is to have right images on basic concepts in SSP to use them as a tool to understand emerging technologies and elaborate them. Conceptual understanding comes first before mathematical rigor.
The class will focus on several topics specially selected in terms of importance in today’s electronics and electrical engineering, but is open to those that form the physical basis of the research theme of the students. Students are required to be strongly motivated in attending the class. While the class will proceed using a printed synopsis written in English, the language itself is in Japanese. Students are required to master the minimum basis of the undergraduate solid-state physics described in the text books listed below.

Google classroom will be used .
Presentations by students may be done realtime by using Google meet or Zoom, or on-demand, The detail has not be decided yet. In the middle of May, the details wil be informed.




Students are recommended to complete the Solid State Physics (or equivallent) cource during the undergraduate.


1 序論
2 物質の電気伝導
3 メソスコピック系の電気伝導とランダウワーの式
4 アモルファス半導体とアンダーソン局在
5 グラフェンの電子構造―タイトバインディング法―
6 グラフェン電子構造と角度分解光電子分光
7 グラフェンの電気伝導
8 グラフェンの光学物性
9 磁場中での電子の量子論(ランダウ準位)
10 量子ホール効果
11 巨大磁気抵抗
12 スピントロニクスと強磁性
13 先端分光および顕微鏡
14 トポロジカル絶縁体


1 Introduction
2 Electrical conduction in materials
3 Electrical conduction in mesoscopic systems and Landauer's formula
4 Amorphous semiconductors and Anderson localization
5 Electronic structure in graphene: tight-binding method
6 Electronic structure in graphene and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
7 Electrical conduction in graphene
8 Optical properties of graphene
9 Quantum theory of eletron under magnetic field
10 Quantum Hall effect
11 Giant magnetoresistance
12 Spintronics and ferromagnetism
13 Advabced spectroscopies and microscopies
14 Topologica insulators




Students are required not only to submit class assignments but also to review each class using handouts. If there remain any parts they cannot understand, they should ask questions in the next class.




Students are evaluated on completion of assignments, and in class presentations.


  • 基礎固体物性, 齋藤理一郎, 朝倉書店 (2009) ISBN/ISSN: 9784254137767 資料種別:教科書
  • Introduction to Solid State Physics, Charles Kittel, Wiley ISBN/ISSN: 9780471415268 資料種別:参考書
  • Solid State Physics, Giuseppe Grosso and Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini, Academic Press (2003) ISBN/ISSN: 012304460X 資料種別:参考書




火曜日午後3時以降 通研一号館N棟311号室が望ましい。アポイントを行うこと。


Anytime after 3 pm on Tuesdday is fine. Make an appointment in advance.

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