
自然エネルギーデザイン学 / Design of natural energy

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 鈴木 杏奈. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 毎年開講するが,日本語と英語で交互に行う.2024年度は英語で実施する..


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

【Purpose】 We need to extract usable energy from the natural world in order to live and produce. On the other hand, the nature is complex and uncertain and cannot be controlled by human beings. In this lecture, we will learn the difficulty and interest of using the nature as a target of technological development, and learn design methodologies for sustainable energy extraction from the nature, focusing on geothermal energy as the main subject. The course also aims to understand the current technologies to utilize natural energy and to explore the ideal relationship between nature, technology, and society.

The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the following
- To be able to use methods for modeling complex systems and evaluating complex systems based on limited data.
- To develop an eye/sense to see natural products as objects of design.
- To be able to broaden one's perspective and develop one's own ideas about technology in society and technology facing natural resources.
- To be able to identify issues related to natural energy and to be able to consider solutions. (Be able to formulate hypotheses.)


1. 序論(自然とは?自然エネルギーとは?)
2. デザインとは?
3. 複雑系のモデル化 ―複雑・不均質構造の定量化―
4. 自然資源(複雑系)のモデリング ー物理モデルー
5. 自然資源(複雑系)のモデリング ー不確実性の定量化・ベイズ推論ー
6. 自然エネルギー利用の設計 −最適化問題−
7. 自然エネルギー利用の設計 −多目的最適化−
8. 社会の中の技術の設計 −社会受容性・合意形成−
9. フィールドワーク 自然エネルギー利用施設の見学(1)
10. フィールドワーク 自然エネルギー利用施設の見学(2)
11. グループワーク(1)
12. グループワーク(2)
13. グループワーク(3)
15. 発表・まとめ


1. Introduction (What is nature? What is natural energy?)
2. What is design?
3. Model of complex systems - Quantifying complex and heterogeneous structures
4. Modeling of natural resources (complex systems) - Physical models
5. Modeling of natural resources (complex systems) - Quantification of uncertainty and Bayesian inference
6. Design of natural energy utilization -Optimization problem-
7. Designing for natural energy utilization -Multi-objective optimization
8. Design of technology in society -Social acceptance and consensus building-
9. Fieldwork: Observation of facilities using natural energy (1)
10. Fieldwork Observation of facilities using natural energy (2)
11. Group work (1)
12. Group work (2)
13. Group work (3)
14. Group work (4)
15. Presentation and summary




Reviewing of the fundamentals described in the course and assignments are requested to be done.




The grading will be performed based on assignments (40%), and presentaiton (60%).



    Google classroom code: at5j3o3

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