
建築設計D / Architectural Design D

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 市川 紘司, 植田 啓太, 藤野 高志. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TCA-ABD312J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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In order to acquire urban and architectural design ability, in addition to the theoretical and analytical knowledge acquired in the other courses, it is necessary to deeply understand the realities of architectural design through concrete design actions for real cities and buildings. In this studio, we will work on specific issues individually or in groups both on and off campus, under the guidance of professors and professional architects. In particular, in order to respond to the increasingly complex situation of the building industry in the 21st century, the target will include overseas fields. By giving actual sites and clients, and also practitioners instructing students, students will learn practically how to create design while managing complicated project conditions.




・Basically, students must have completed Architectural Design BⅠ/ BⅡ and Architectural Design CⅠ/CⅡ.
・If the number of students is large, there is a possibility of limiting the number of people. Judgment of the courses will be made based on the overall grade ranking of the architectural design courses so far.


第01回 : ガイダンス(課題説明)
第02回 : エスキス01(リサーチ)
第03回 : エスキス02(リサーチ)
第04回 : 中間講評(リサーチ)
第05回 : エスキス03(提案構想)
第06回 : エスキス04(提案構想)
第07回 : エスキス05(提案構想)
第08回 : 中間講評2(リサーチ+提案構想)
第09回 : エスキス06(基本設計)
第10回 : エスキス07(基本設計)
第11回 : エスキス08(基本設計)
第12回 : 中間講評3(基本設計)
第13回 : エスキス09(詳細設計)
第14回 : エスキス10(最終講評会の模擬練習)
第15回 : 最終講評 (配置図、平面図、立面図、断面図、イメージ、建築全体模型を提出すること)


01 Introduction
02 Studio Session 01 [research]
03 Studio Session 02 [research]
04 Lecture and review [research]
05 Studio Session 03 [conceptual proposal]
06 Studio Session 04 [conceptual proposal]
07 Studio Session 05 [conceptual proposal]
08 Mid term review 1 [research and conceptual proposal]
09 Studio Session 06 [conceptual design]
10 Studio Session 07 [conceptual design]
11 Studio Session 08 [conceptual design]
12 Mid term review 3 [conceptual deign]
13 Studio Session 09 [detailed design]
14 Studio Session 10 [pre-review before final review]
15 Final review [site plan, floor plan, elevation, section, images, models]




It is important to acquire preliminary knowledge by checking magazines and books related to architectural design as much as possible.




Comprehensive evaluation based on attendance and submitted works.


    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

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