
工学英語Ⅱ / English in Technology II

単位数: 2. 担当教員: PICHIERRI FABIO, WELLING THOMAS A. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TAL-ENG302E. 開講言語: English.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


- 基本的な科学技術英語を理解する
- 研究で使用される技術英語を使った読み書き
- 科学技術に関する話題や自分の意見を英語で発表し、簡単なディスカッションを行う


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

The objective of this course is to develop skills in English communication, which is required for scientists and engineers to perform at an international level. Students study together and learn English presentation skills, as well as general English communication, writing, and listening. General science terms and vocabulary are heavily emphasized in the first weeks of the course. Students then use these terms in speaking, writing, and listening exercises on scientific topics. Special attention will be given to improving international presentation skills. The class will be entirely in English and highly interactive.

After this class you can:
- hear and write the main English words used in technology.
- understand simple technical English.
- present technology-related topics and your opinion in English, and have a simple discussion.




Some instructions on useful software/websites/equipment are given in English. The productivity in research of students who learned these tools can improve. Anyone who is interested in the wide world beyond Japan is very welcome. B4 students who just joined laboratories, especially those who do not have to take Graduate Entrance Examinations, are highly encouraged to attend. International students are also very much welcome to attend.


1. Introduction
2. Numbers, units, and equations
3. Techniques, software, and searching for information
4. Periodic Table, Chemicals & Materials
5. Experiments/lab equipment
6. Discussing results
7. Presenting I
8. Presenting II
9. Presentations mid-term
10. Writing abstracts
11. Kenshu in English
12. Research introduction
13. Exposure to English
14. Communication at International conferences
15. Recent topics discussion
16. Final oral presentations


1. Introduction
2. Numbers, units, and equations
3. Techniques, software, and searching for information
4. Periodic Table, Chemicals & Materials
5. Experiments/lab equipment
6. Discussing results
7. Presenting I
8. Presenting II
9. Presentations mid-term
10. Writing abstracts
11. Kenshu in English
12. Research introduction
13. Exposure to English
14. Communication at International conferences
15. Recent topics discussion
16. Final oral presentations


講義では、最新の科学トピックについてのプレゼンテーションを 5 回程度行います。さらに、ディスカッションで使用できるように科学的な単語やフレーズを学習します。


Students are expected to prepare and search current scientific topics and make presentations 5+ times during the course. Additionally, students are expected to study scientific words and phrases so they can be used in discussion in the next classes.


正式な定期試験はありません。出席率は60%のエフォートで評価されます。残りの40% は、講義中のプレゼンテーションでのパフォーマンスで評価されます。


There are no formal tests. Students are graded in each class according to participation (60%). The other 40% used for evaluation concerns the performance in several presentations during the course.





    by appointment.


    The purpose of this class is to have fun learning topics in science and chemistry and to improve your productivity and presentation skills in many different ways. Your English will improve when you start using it during the class.


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