
環境プロセス化学 / Environmental Process Chemistry

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 吉岡 敏明, 熊谷 将吾. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TCH-INE301J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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1. 目的
2. 概要
3. 達成目標等


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https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

1. Purpose
In the chemical industry, inorganic chemical reactions are the basis for making various materials. On the other hand, various and large amounts of waste and environmental pollutants are generated with human activities. The purpose of this class is to learn about the process of recycling and treating environmentally hazardous substances from the viewpoint of resource and material manufacturing processes.
2. Overview
This section introduces energy resources, non-metal resources, and metal resources that support human activities. In addition, lectures will be given on the basic processes and principles of the inorganic chemical industry, metal smelting, cement industry, and environment-related technologies that utilize the above resources.
3. Achievement target, etc.
・ Understand the importance of comprehensive and effective use of resources.
・ Explain why the optimization of the chemical industry should consider environmental impacts, resources and recycling in addition to manufacturing costs.
・ Be able to explain the configuration and principle of typical inorganic chemistry-related processes.




Chemical processing is a discipline that requires the comprehensive ability of the chemistry field. Therefore, not only the material balance based on the stoichiometric knowledge of the chemical reaction, but also the separation operation and chemical engineering dealing with heat and mass transfer theory, which is indispensable for producing energy and various material products as an industry, are required. It is also important to understand industrial and economic activities related to resources, energy and the environment. Therefore, in addition to studying "basic inorganic chemistry", "analytical chemistry", "basic physical chemistry", and "chemical engineering basics" well, related magazines and newspapers on the current status and prospects of the chemical industry, environmental issues, etc. Try to acquire accurate and up-to-date information in media such as, and try to learn the skills as a leading engineer and researcher.


1. 地球環境問題と化学関連産業
2. エネルギーの資源と新技術
3. 無機化合物に関する工業・環境化学を理解する基礎知識としての熱力学(1)(溶液)
4. 無機化合物に関する工業・環境化学を理解する基礎知識としての熱力学(2)(気体,固体)
5. 金属の資源・製錬・リサイクル(1)(基礎技術:分解,浸出,分離,還元)
6. 金属の資源・製錬・リサイクル(2)(プロセス:鉄,銅,アルミニウム,貴金属他)
7. 燃焼と燃焼生成物処理
8. 窒素化合物に関する工業・環境化学(1)(アンモニア,尿素,硝酸等の製造と特性)
9. 窒素化合物に関する工業・環境化学(2)(排煙脱硝,廃水処理)
10. 硫黄化合物に関する工業・環境化学(1)(硫黄化合物の製造と特性)
11. 硫黄化合物に関する工業・環境化学(2)(排煙脱硫)
12. 塩素及びアルカリ金属化合物に関する工業・環境化学
13. リン,フッ素等の化合物に関する工業・環境化学
14. セメント工業と資源・リサイクル
15. 廃棄物処理と資源・リサイクル


1. Global Environmental Issues and Chemical Related Industries
2. Energy resources and new technologies
3. Thermodynamics as basic knowledge to understand industrial and environmental chemistry related to inorganic compounds (1) (liquid)
4. Thermodynamics as basic knowledge to understand industrial and environmental chemistry related to inorganic compounds (2) (gas, solid)
5. Metal resources, smelting and recycling (1) (Basic technology: decomposition, leaching, separation, reduction)
6. Metal resources, smelting and recycling (2) (process: iron, copper, aluminum, precious metals, etc.)
7. Combustion and treatment of combustion products
8. Industrial and environmental chemistry related to nitrogen compounds (1) (production and properties of ammonia, urea, nitric acid, etc.)
9. Industrial and environmental chemistry related to nitrogen compounds (2) (Flue gas denitration, wastewater treatment)
10. Industrial and Environmental Chemistry on Sulfur Compounds (1) (Sulfur Compound Production and Properties)
11. Industrial and environmental chemistry related to sulfur compounds (2) (flue gas desulfurization)
12. Industrial and environmental chemistry related to chlorine and alkali metal compounds
13. Industrial and environmental chemistry related to compounds such as phosphorus and fluorine
14. Cement industry and resources and recycling
15. Waste treatment and resources / recycling


雑誌,新聞,テレビ, インターネットなどで、講義した内容に関する、正確で最新な情報を獲得すること


Students are required to earn accurate and latest information on lectures via magazines, newspapers, TVs, the Internet, etc..




Comprehensive evaluation based on reports, assignments, regular exams, etc.


  • 無機工業化学, 太田健一郎他 著, 朝倉書店 ISBN/ISSN: 9784254255812


相談受付月日 : 金曜日 16:00-18:00
場所 : 教授室
相談内容等 : 事前にアポイントを取ること。


Date: Friday 16:00-18:00
Laboratory office
Appointment required

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