
機械設計学Ⅱ(IMAC) / Machine Design II

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 福島 誉史. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE354E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

This class will be done in person.

The class cord is ngncbtz

In this lecture, the fundamentals of machine design will be instructed such as: the accuracy, strength, reliability, function and performance of typical mechanical elements.
Machine design is intellectual work towards finding a method to achieve the purpose of design, and confirm its function. For this reason, designs must be considered its from all various factors in wide views, including the fabrication, assembling of mechanical structures and the evaluation of mechanical elements etc.


The Google Classroom class code of this class is ngncbtz

1. Introduction: the necessity of design
2. Fundamental of mechanical design I: reliability, redundancy design, the guideline of strength design, static strength/fatigue strength/allowable stress
3. Fundamental of mechanical design II: reliable design, design accuracy, tolerance, fitting, and surface roughness
4. Machine Material
5. Processing and Tool
6. Screw and fastener elements I
7. Screw and fastener elements II
8. Shaft and flange coupling I
9. Shaft and flange coupling II
10. Bearing I
11. Bearing II
12. Gear pump I
13. Gear pump II
14. Human and Machine
15. Summary




Preparation: Students should read a related part of the textbook before the lecture and clarify the points which you do not understand well.
Review: You should read the textbook again and reorganize your lecture notes to fully understand what you have learned. Do homework
when it is assigned.


Evaluation is performed comprehensively based on exam..


  • Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, Richard G Budynas and Keith Nisbett , McGraw-Hill (2011) ISBN/ISSN: 978–0–07–352928–8 資料種別:Reference book


After class

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