
地球惑星物質科学入門 / Introduction to Earth and Planetary Material Sciences

後期 火曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 奥村 聡, 大藤 弘明, 栗林 貴弘, 中嶋 大輔. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SEP-EAS801E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


地球惑星物質科学講座 (McDonough、大藤、栗林、奥村、中嶋)



Course Title

Introduction to Earth and Planetary Material Sciences


本講議は全て英語で行われ、短期留学生プログラムの "Dynamics of the Earth"と共通で開講する。



This class is an introductory geology program to understand fundamental issues of Earth Sciences. The basics of Solar system, Volcanology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry will be taught, and each part will introduce recent topics.




The goal of this class is to obtain wide background knowledge concerning Earth Sciences.



Detail of schedules will be announced at the guidance of this class.

- Guidance
- Evolution history of the Solar System 1 (Lecturer Daisuke Nakashima)
An overview of the current Solar System.
- Evolution history of the Solar System 2 (Lecturer Daisuke Nakashima)
A general picture of the Solar System evolution.

- Introduction to volcanology1 (Associate Professor Satoshi Okumura)
This lecture introduces the dynamics of solid earth and the origin of volcanoes.
- Introduction to volcanology2 (Associate Professor Satoshi Okumura)
we discuss the mechanism of volcanic eruptions based on the physical and chemical properties of magma.

- Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallography 1 (Associate Professor Takahiro KURIBAYASHI)
This lecture introduces the fundamentals of Mineralogy will be lectured: Definition, Crystal Structure and Symmetry etc.
- Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallography 2 (Associate Professor Takahiro KURIBAYASHI)
This lecture introduces the classification of Minerals and how to identify minerals will be lectured.

- Mineral evolution 1 (Professor Hiroaki OHFUJI)
This lecture introduces the diversity of mineral species throughout the 4.6 billion year history of the Earth (Era of planetary accretion and crust-mantle reworking).
- Mineral evolution 2 (Professor Hiroaki OHFUJI)
This lecture introduces the diversity of mineral species throughout the 4.6 billion year history of the Earth (Era of biologically mediated mineralogy).

- The Solar System: Sun and planets (Professor William McDonough)
Physics and chemistry of solar system objects: Greeks-Copernicus-today
- The Earth System: core-mantle-crust (Professor William McDonough)
Physics and chemistry of the Earth

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Details of schedules will be announced at the guidance of this class.

- Guidance
- Evolution history of the Solar System 1 (Lecturer Daisuke Nakashima)
An overview of the current Solar System.
- Evolution history of the Solar System 2 (Lecturer Daisuke Nakashima)
A general picture of the Solar System evolution.

- Introduction to volcanology1 (Associate Professor Satoshi Okumura)
This lecture introduces the dynamics of solid earth and the origin of volcanoes.
- Introduction to volcanology2 (Associate Professor Satoshi Okumura)
we discuss the mechanism of volcanic eruptions based on the physical and chemical properties of magma.

- Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallography 1 (Associate Professor Takahiro KURIBAYASHI)
This lecture introduces the fundamentals of Mineralogy will be lectured: Definition, Crystal Structure and Symmetry etc.
- Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallography 2 (Associate Professor Takahiro KURIBAYASHI)
This lecture introduces the classification of Minerals and how to identify minerals will be lectured.

- Mineral evolution 1 (Professor Hiroaki OHFUJI)
This lecture introduces the diversity of mineral species throughout the 4.6 billion year history of the Earth (Era of planetary accretion and crust-mantle reworking).
- Mineral evolution 2 (Professor Hiroaki OHFUJI)
This lecture introduces the diversity of mineral species throughout the 4.6 billion year history of the Earth (Era of biologically mediated mineralogy).

- The Solar System: Sun and planets (Professor William McDonough)
Physics and chemistry of solar system objects: Greeks-Copernicus-today
- The Earth System: core-mantle-crust (Professor William McDonough)
Physics and chemistry of the Earth




Attendance and brief reports or exams.



Books required/referenced

Each speaker will indicate during class.



Preparation and review

Each speaker will indicate during class.




The class schedule will be announced later, and lecture styles are face-to-face and online.

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