

前期集中 その他 連講 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 劉 靖. 履修年度: 2024.

授業題目/Class subject

Comparative Education Research

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

(1) Introduce the Field: Provide a comprehensive introduction to the fields of comparative education, focusing on its fundamental nature, main theories, and diverse methodologies.
(2) Develop Critical Thinking: Enhance students' ability to critically analyze educational systems, policies, and practices from a comparative perspective.
(3) Equip with Practical Skills: Foster practical skills in designing, conducting, and analyzing comparative education research, emphasizing both qualitative and quantitative methods.
(4) Promote Inter-cultural Understanding: Cultivate an understanding of the diversity and complexity of education systems worldwide, encouraging a global perspective on educational issues and solutions.
(5) Encourage Research Design: Guide students through the process of conceptualizing and developing their own comparative education research projects, culminating in a presentation of their research design.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

(1) Understand Comparative Education: Articulate the purpose, logic, and strategies of comparative education, including its history and contemporary challenges.
(2) Apply Theories and Methods: Employ comparative education theories and methods to analyze educational issues, drawing on case studies and empirical research.
(3) Design Research: Develop a comprehensive research design for a comparative education study, integrating appropriate theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches.
(4) Critically Analyze Cases: Perform critical analyses of educational systems, policies, and practices, using both primary and secondary sources.
(5) Present Research Designs: Effectively communicate their research project design, incorporating feedback to refine their approach.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

The course consists of three themes in fifteen 90-minute sessions delivered in three days.

Theme 1 /Day 1:
Foundations of Comparative Education
1. How does the historical development of comparative education influence its current state and practices?

2-3 What criteria make the Bereday Award-winning papers exemplary in the field of comparative education?

4.If you could meet any historical figure in comparative education, who would it be and what would you ask them?

5.How do theories from other disciplines enrich comparative education research?& Based on what you've learned, where do you see the field of comparative education heading in the next decade?

6.What challenges do we face when classifying educational systems internationally, and how does this affect comparative research?

7-8 How do differences in educational transitions between countries reflect broader societal values and structures?

9 Reflecting on Bereday's four-stage method, what are the limitations and strengths of this approach in today's global education landscape?

10-11 What are key considerations in designing comparative education research, especially when involving diverse cultures?

12-13 How does your proposed research design address the complexities of comparative education?

14 How can feedback from others enhance the quality and impact of your comparative education research project?

15 Conclusion

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Class participation 40% + end-course project 60%

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • Comparative and International Education, David Phillips and Michele Schweisfurth, Bloomsbury (2015)
  • Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods, Mark Bray, Bob Adamson, and Mark Mason, Springer (2014)
  • Comparative Method in Education, George Z. F Bereday, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1964)

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

Off-class tutorial can be arranged by student requirement, but not compulsory

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