
英語学特論Ⅳ / English Linguistics (Advanced Lecture) IV

後期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 中村 太一. セメスター: 2学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LGH-LIN606J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Syntax-Semantics Interface



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This course will address issues on the Syntax-Semantics interface phenomena and aims to provide useful information for future research.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

Students will understand current issues on the Syntax-Semantics interface phenomena, and use the information obtained from this course well for future research.



1. ガイダンス
2. Competition theories of MaxElide effects (4.1–4.2)
3. The locus of A-bar movement (4.3)
4. Empirical problems for competition (1) (4.4.1)
5. Empirical problems for competition (2) (4.4.2)
6. Contrast and MaxElide effects (4.5–4.6)
7. Contrast, ellipsis, and focus (5.1)
8. Reciprocals and verb phrase ellipsis (5.2)
9. Contrast in noun phrase ellipsis (5.3)
10. Tense, times and VPE (5.4)
11. Negation and ellipsis (5.5)
12. Voice mismatches, non-actuality, existentials, and contrast (5.6)
13. Kuno-Levin effects (5.7)
14. Only once more thing (5.8)
15. まとめ

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

This course consists of lectures by the instructor, presentations by the students, and discussions. The course contents and schedule are as follows.

1. Guidance
2. Competition theories of MaxElide effects (4.1–4.2)
3. The locus of A-bar movement (4.3)
4. Empirical problems for competition (1) (4.4.1)
5. Empirical problems for competition (2) (4.4.2)
6. Contrast and MaxElide effects (4.5–4.6)
7. Contrast, ellipsis, and focus (5.1)
8. Reciprocals and verb phrase ellipsis (5.2)
9. Contrast in noun phrase ellipsis (5.3)
10. Tense, times and VPE (5.4)
11. Negation and ellipsis (5.5)
12. Voice mismatches, non-actuality, existentials, and contrast (5.6)
13. Kuno-Levin effects (5.7)
14. Only once more thing (5.8)
15. Summary


授業における発表 (30%), 期末レポート (70%)

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

In-class presentaion (30%), final report (70%)


Stockwell, Richard (2020) Contrast and Verb Phrase Ellipsis: Triviality, Symmetry, and Competition, Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.

参考書/reference book:
原口庄輔・中村捷・金子義明(編)『増補版 チョムスキー理論辞典』研究社


Students are required to read the assigned part of the textbook for each class. They are also required to review each class by summarizing the main points, focusing on their relevance to their own research.

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