
考古学特論Ⅲ / Archaeology(Advanced Lecture)III

後期 木曜日 4講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 菅野 智則. セメスター: 2学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LJS-HIS621J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Archeology of the prehistory culture



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

The purpose of this class is to understand the prehistoric culture (Jomon culture) in the so-called "Jomon Period," the prehistoric period of the Japanese archipelago. Archaeological research on the Jomon culture has so far focused mainly on artifacts such as pottery and stone tools. However, in order to understand the Jomon culture, it is necessary to study it from a wide variety of perspectives. For example, the study of plant and animal remains can reveal aspects of the Jomon culture, such as their diet and surrounding environment, and the study of pit dwelling sites, tombs, and other facilities can reveal as residential patterns and social structure. In addition to archaeology, various other fields of research, such as studies of the natural environment, are also important in understanding the Jomon culture.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

(1) Understand the history of research on Jomon culture to date. (2) Understand the various perspectives and research methods used in the study of Jomon culture. (3) Learn the fundamentals for understanding not only Jomon culture but also prehistoric culture in general.



Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

First lecture: The purpose and objectives of this class will be explained. In addition, how to read papers will be explained.
Second and third lectures: Research methods of Jomon culture. Basic research methods will be explained. The most basic research methods, such as the typology of Jomon pottery, will be reviewed.
Sessions 4-7: The history of Jomon period research. Divided into three stages: Jomon cultural research before and after World War II, the development of Jomon period research through new discoveries since the 1980s, and new developments in recent years, the content of each period of research will be explained, and students will gain an understanding of the changes in research perspectives and methods.
Session 8: The "Jomon Period" framework will be explained. This is a summary of the lecture on the history of research on the Jomon period, and an explanation of the appropriateness of the concept of the Jomon period.
Sessions 9 to 14: The Jomon period will be divided into three periods: the Founding Period (Incipient and Initial Period), the Development Period (Early and Middle Period), and the Transition Period (Late and Final Period).
Session 15: The differences in subsistence activities between the Jomon culture and the prehistoric cultures of the Northwest Coast of North America will be explained by comparing case studies of shell mounds and wetland sites. The lecture will then conclude with a comparison of the two cultures and the explanation of future research direction.


(O)レポート〔60%〕・ (O)出席〔40%〕

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

(O)Reports〔60%〕・ (O)Class Attendance〔40%〕






メールアドレス tomonori.kanno.d4@tohoku.ac.jp

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