
文化人類学基礎講読 / Cultural Anthropology (Introductory Reading)

前期 火曜日 3講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 越智 郁乃. セメスター: 3. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-CUA202J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Native Tours : The Anthropology of Travel and Tourism


この授業では、Ervec Chambersによるトラベルとツーリズムの文化人類学に関する英語著作の講読を通して、近代ツーリズムの発展やそれがもたらす自然や社会への影響について人類学的に理解することを目的とする。この授業は、学術的な英文の読解力向上を目指す。受講生は、教材テキストを毎回4-5ページ程度予習して授業に臨み、順番に訳文を発表する。

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This course is designed to improve your reading skills in academic English. Students are required to prepare Japanese translations of English texts (4-5 pages per class) and take turns presenting their translations in class. The text to be used is a 2000 book by Erve Chambers, a tourism anthropologist, on the development of modern tourism and its impact on nature and society. Students are expected to appreciate anthropological ways of understanding identity construction.


(1) 英文読解力を養う。
(2) ツーリズムの発展に関する歴史、エコツーリズムの事例から人類学的なものの見方を学ぶ。

Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

(1) Improve English comprehension skills
(2) Learn anthropological perspectives through a case study of tourism history and eco-tourism.


1 From Travel to Tourism
Travel in Historical Perspective
The Advent of Modern Tourism
The Tourist as Subject
Case Study: Touring the American Southwest
2 Tourism, Society, and the Political Economy
Tourism and Economic Development
The Distribution of Economic Costs and Benefits
Tourism as Work
Tourism Policies and Plans
Transnational Dimensions of Tourism
The Politics of Representation
Social Consequences of Tourism
Tourism and Gender
Case Study: Tirol and Rural Tourism
3 Nature, Tourism, and the Environment
Environmental Impacts of Tourism
Tourism to Natural Places
People as Nature
Case Study: Ecotourism in Belize
4 Tourism and Culture
Tradition, Authenticity, and Modernity
Tourism and Ethnicity

毎回、 4-5ページ分の訳文を準備して授業に臨み、授業での討論を踏まえて、自分の訳文を修正する。その他、人名や専門用語、民族名などについては、英語辞書だけでなく、各種事典を使って、最適の訳語を見つける癖をつけて欲しい。英語を「使って」専門を学ぶという態度を身につけましょう。

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1. Introduction to the course
2-15. Text translations

1 From Travel to Tourism
Travel in Historical Perspective
The Advent of Modern Tourism
The Tourist as Subject
Case Study: Touring the American Southwest
2 Tourism, Society, and the Political Economy
Tourism and Economic Development
The Distribution of Economic Costs and Benefits
Tourism as Work
Tourism Policies and Plans
Transnational Dimensions of Tourism
The Politics of Representation
Social Consequences of Tourism
Tourism and Gender
Case Study: Tirol and Rural Tourism
3 Nature, Tourism, and the Environment
Environmental Impacts of Tourism
Tourism to Natural Places
People as Nature
Case Study: Ecotourism in Belize
4 Tourism and Culture
Tradition, Authenticity, and Modernity
Tourism and Ethnicity

Preparation of translations, presentation, and participation in class discussion.
Learn how to "use" English to study the academic discipline of anthropology.



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Oral presentations in class (40%)
Attendance and discussion in class(60%)





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