

前期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 福嶋 慶三. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-PUP627J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class Subject

環境政策論Ⅱ / Environmental Public Policy Ⅱ

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This class aims to provide students with a wide overview of the latest theory and practice of environmental policy in participative and interactive manner. First of all, basic concepts of each issue will be briefly presented by a lecturer in their historical and practical context of environmental policies. Then, 1) students are expected to make a short presentation about their choosing a question of topics, 2) students will experience the exercise of political negotiation games about climate change and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in the class. After that, a lecturer and students will have discussions in each theme. Students can grow deeper understanding on environmental policies through this practical class; and then, they can get a good provision of their future study and job (including job hunting; government/ local government, company, NGO etc).

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

Students are required to get basic understanding in each topic of environmental policies.
Then, students are expected to understand the necessity for consensus building among stakeholders in order to make and practice environmental policies in addition to the theories of environmental policies. Also, students are expected to get acquired how to practices of making environmental policies for their future study and job.

授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画

the lecture focuses on wide range environmental policies and students learn the theories and practices of environmental policies. Hot issues, especially, such as climate change and SDGs will be delivered from some points of views and through practical policy games.
※The schedule; From 1st to 4th class will be had on Saturday afternoon. From 5th to 8th class will be on Sunday morning and afternoon (Continue sessions from Saturday to Sunday). After 1 or 2 weeks, as same, from 9th to 11th class will be had on Saturday and from 12th to 15th class will be had on Sunday (Continue sessions from Saturday to Sunday)..

第1回 授業の全体像と進め方及び各回の概要説明、次回以降の学生の発表論点と担当を決める

Introduction (to decide which topic as you want to have a presentations) and History, approach

第2回 環境政策の歴史、日本の公害問題、地球温暖化
Methods andPollution, ” Minamata” – diseases, and Asbestos, Climate Change

第3回 SDGs

第4回 化学物質管理政策
Chemical Management Policy

第5回 廃棄物・ごみ政策
Waste Management

第6回 リサイクル政策
Recycle law and policies

第7回 東日本大震災後の対応
After Big earthquake in ToHoku region

第8回 水・大気・土壌
Water, Air, Soil, pollution control

第9回 海洋プラスチック・国際環境協力
Marine litter; plastics, and international environment cooperation

第10回 政府・企業・地方の役割と環境政策、アセスメント政策(国内・アジア諸国)
Environmental Impact assessment (in national and Asian countries)

第11回 自然保護・国立公園保全政策
restoring nature and conservation of national park

第12回 生物多様性
Bio diversity

第13回 学生によるプレゼンテーションと質疑応答①
resentation by student & QA①

第14回 学生によるプレゼンテーションと質疑応答②
Presentation by students & QA②

第15回 講義全体を通した振り返り
Feedback through whole this lecture

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


 Attendance, participation and contribution for the class (60%), Report (40%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references


Printed material for class will be provided for students from lecturer at the first lecture.

以下は、参考書。 References are follows (most of those are written in Japanese).
SDGs時代に知っておくべき 環境問題入門 福嶋慶三ほか 編著
環境政策論 第3版 倉阪秀史 
環境政策論 政策手段と環境マネジメント 森晶寿ほか
政策・合意形成入門 倉坂秀史 
Japan’s Environment Policy(対訳版)谷みどり
地球温暖化は解決できるのか パリ協定から未来へ! 小西雅子 
持続可能な開発目標とは何か 2030年へ向けた変革のアジェンダ 蟹江憲史 編
SDGsとESG時代の生物多様性・自然資本経営 藤田香 
地球環境条約 生成・展開と国内実施 西井正弘 編
Strengthening EIA in Asia IGES

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


 Not especially, but if students have enough time to preparation, please read the above references and check the website on the Ministry of Environment, Japan.

その他/In addition


The class will be delivered in not only academic but also practical and enjoyable manner with discussion and negotiation games for the success of your career after graduation. Thus, please attend and contribute to the class positively. In essential, the lecturer does not have office-hours for students but after the class the lecturer will be available for asking questions from students and talking. Email address of the lecturer for contact will be shown in the first class.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認