

前期 水曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 情報基礎科学専攻、システム情報科学専攻、人間社会情報科学専攻、応用情報科学専攻. 学期/Term: 前期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 講義は日本語で行う。 Lectures will be given in Japanese..



授業題目/Class Subject

情報メディア教育論/Information Media Education




This course deals with new learning in the information society using information media from the perspective of theory and practice in the field of educational technology. Through group activities in each class, students explore the impact of the evolution of information technology and artificial intelligence on education. Students engage in hands-on design of new learning tools and teaching methods, and learn about evaluation methods, including learning analytics methods related to educational big data, from an informatics perspective in addition to an educational perspective. The research expertise of the students in information media education and other related areas is not required.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

(1) 情報技術の進展による生活様式の変化、求められる能力の変化について説明できる。/To be able to explain changes in lifestyles and required abilities due to the advancement of information technology.
(2) メディアの変化がもたらす教育方法や情報リテラシーの変容とその育成のあり方について提案できる。/To be able to propose the transformation of educational methods and information literacy brought by changes in the media and how they should be developed.
(3) ラーニングアナリティクスの研究手法について説明できる/ To be able to explain the research methods of learning analytics.
(4) 教育的視点及び情報学的視点に立って教育・学習支援システムについて設計し提案できる/ To be able to design and propose teaching and learning support systems from an educational and informatics perspective.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

The class will be conducted using Google Classroom. The format of the class will be basically face-to-face, but will be determined according to the situation of the COVID-19 and the students' situation, and instructions will be given in the Classroom as appropriate. Students who wish to take this class should send an e-mail to toru.nagahama.a7@@@tohoku.ac.jp in advance. The content may be changed depending on status of participants.

第1回 オリエンテーション/ 1: Orientation
第2回 教育工学の研究対象と近接領域/ 2. Research fields of Educational Technology
第3回 未来の社会に生きる学習者が今のうちに身に付けるべき能力とは何か/ 3. What skills should students of the future society acquire now
第4回 教育におけるメディア活用(1)/ 4.Media Use in Education (1)
第5回 教育におけるメディア活用(2)/ 5.Media Use in Education (2)
第6回 教育メディアの提案(1)/ 6.Proposal for Educational Media (1)
第7回 教育メディアの提案(2)/ 7.Proposal for Educational Media (2)
第8回  教育データ分析と視覚化(1)/ 8.Educational data analysis and visualization (1)
第9回  教育データ分析と視覚化(2)/ 9.Educational data analysis and visualization (2)
第10回  ラーニングアナリティクス(1)/ 10. Learning analytics (1)
第11回  ラーニングアナリティクス(2)/ 11. Learning analytics (2)
第12回  ラーニングアナリティクス(3)/ 12. Learning analytics (3)
第13回  教育・学習支援システム設計と発表(1)/ 13. Presentation of teaching and learning support systems (1)
第14回  教育・学習支援システム設計と発表(2)/ 14. Presentation of teaching and learning support systems (2)
第15回  まとめ/ 15. Review

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Resume and reflection assignments will be required each class. Students will be asked to give a presentation on their final results at the end of the semester.Evaluation will be based on the sum of these scores.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references




    Students are required to read or watch the assignments in advance. Students are required to write a report after the class. Plus, students are required to prepare for presentations at the end of the semester outside of class hours.




    Accept questions by email

    その他/In addition

    Students should take the class with a computer that has the Internet connection.
    The outline of the lecture will be explained in detail at the orientation.
    Each student will be required to submit a reflection paper after each lecture.
    At the end of the semester, students will be asked to do a group presentation.
    Group work will be conducted in class, including discussion and collaborative editing tools with other students.

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